Wireless communications
We teach the next generation of researchers to develop scientific, social, and technological innovations.
We find solutions through interdisciplinary research and industry or public and community partnerships.
We play an active role in Québec's economic, social, and cultural development.
Telecommunications is evolving towards increasingly integrated applications and ever more efficient optical and wireless transport infrastructures. The field extends beyond individuals to devices like vehicles and environmental sensors. The use of “smart” mechanisms within various infrastructures promises new research orientations, both on the efficiency of those mechanisms and their use for new forms of communication (multisensory and multimodal).
Research Objectives
Our teams’ research covers many aspects of telecommunication infrastructures. Our researchers are working on the design and production of new components and system architectures using both millimetre waves and terahertz (THz).
They are helping to build tomorrow’s smart grid and innovative human-focused applications. Thanks to a revolutionary approach, our teams can control the shape of the optical pulses used in fibre-optic and wireless technologies.
Research Activities
Their work also focuses on new ways that humans interact with their environment, in order to blur the line between the real and virtual worlds. With the emergence of new sensor and signal processing technologies, humans will be integrating more and more with machines.
Consequently, our research teams are reinventing traditional network infrastructures, all while improving (cyber)security, robustness, and latency capabilities. They are also developing communication technologies to improve speech, image, telepresence, and quality of life.
Faculty are working to improve the perceptual and experiential quality of communication in areas such as automatic speech recognition, computer vision, teleconferencing systems, and anthropomorphic multimedia technology. They are studying cognitive models and models for the emotional states in question.
Wireless communications
Wireless Multimedia Communications
Optical fiber telecommunications
Multimedia communication systems
Antennas and radio frequency systems
Wireless communications
Wireless Multimedia Communications
Telecommunications systems
Wireless communications
6G, Tactile Internet, Extended Reality, and DAO
Computer vision
Nonlinear optics
Speech processing
Wireless communications
Microwave and millimeter wave circuits and systems
Embedded Systems