Interaction laser-plasma , Imagerie holographique , Impulsions attosecondes et laser
- Professeur
- Responsable scientifique du Laboratoire pour la production d’impulsions laser énergétiques et isolées dans le régime de l’attoseconde
Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications
1650, boul. Lionel-Boulet
Varennes (Québec) J3X 1P7
Intérêts de recherche
Le professeur Tsuneyuki Ozaki a joint l’INRS en 2003. Il détient une longue expérience dans les domaines de l’interaction laser-plasma à haute intensité, de la spectroscopie des plasmas, des lasers X ainsi que dans le développement de systèmes laser innovateurs.
Son groupe de recherche se concentre sur les thèmes suivants :
(i) La génération d’impulsions attosecondes par l’intermédiaire d’harmoniques d’ordre élevé
(ii) La génération d’impulsions laser dans le domaine des X mous produites au moyen d’une configuration particulière pour le pompage laser.
Le professeur Ozaki s’intéresse également aux applications de ces nouvelles sources cohérentes de rayons X, comme l’imagerie diffractive à haute résolution et l’imagerie holographique d’échantillons reliés à la biologie et à la science des matériaux.
Formation universitaire
- Maîtrise, génie nucléaire, Université de Tokyo, Japon
- Doctorat, physique, Université de Tokyo, Japon
Projets de recherche en cours
- La génération d’harmoniques d’ordre élevé intense et la génération d’impulsions attosecondes de plasma gazeux
- Le rayonnement térahertz intense et leurs applications
- Le développement de nouveaux dispositifs non-envahissants pour le diagnostic précoce de glaucome
- Les professeurs François Vidal et Jean-Claude Kieffer du Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications de l’INRS
- L-3 Communications
- Corp
- Institute for Solid State Physics
- University of Tokyo (Japan)
- NTT Basic Research Laboratory (Japan)
- Center for Optical Science
- University of Michigan (USA)
- M. Peccianti, M. Clerici, A. Pasquazi, L. Caspani, S. P. Ho, F. Buccheri, J. Ali, A. Busacca, T. Ozaki and R. Morandotti, « Exact reconstruction of THz sub-λ sources features in knife-edge measurements », IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 19, 8401211 (2013).
- I. Al-Naib, R. Singh, M. Shalaby, T. Ozaki and R. Morandotti, « Enhanced Q-factor in Optimally Coupled Macrocell THz Metamaterials: Effect of Spatial Arrangement », J. Sel. Top. Quant. Electron. 19, 8400807 (2013).
- C. Dion, K. Singh, T. Ozaki, M.R. Lesk and S. Costantino, « Analysis of Pulsatile Retinal Movements by Spectral-Domain Low-Coherence Interferometry: Influence of Age and Glaucoma on the Pulse Wave », PLoS ONE 8, e54207 (2013).
- S. Haessler, L. B. Elouga Bom, V. Strelkov, M. Perdrix, F. Lepetit, J.-F. Herrgott, B. Carré, T. Ozaki and P. Salières, « Phase distortions of attosecond pulses produced by resonance-enhanced high harmonic generation”, New J. Phys. 15, 013051 (2013).
- K. Singh, C. Dion, A. G. Godin, F. Lorghaba, D. Descovich, M. Wajszilber, T. Ozaki, S. Costantino and M. R. Lesk, « Pulsatile Movement of the Optic Nerve Head and the Peripapillary Retina in Normal Subjects and in Glaucoma », Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 53, 7819-7824 (2012).
- I. Al-Naib, R. Singh, T. Ozaki and R. Morandotti, « Excitation of high Q subradiant resonance mode in a mirrored single gap asymmetric split ring resonator metamaterials », Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 071108 (2012).
- M. Shalaby, M. Peccianti, Y. Ozturk, M. Clerici, I. Al-Naib, L. Razzari, T. Ozaki, A. Mazhorova, M. Skorobogatiy and R. Morandotti, « Terahertz Faraday rotation in a magnetic liquid: high magneto-optical figure of merit and broadband operation in a ferrofluid », Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 241107 (2012).
- G. Sharma, H. Hafez, I. Al-Naib, R. Morandotti, D. Cooke and T. Ozaki, « Terahertz Detection using Spectral-Domain Interferometry », Opt. Lett. 37, 4338-4340 (2012).
- G. Sharma, I. Al-Naib, H. Hafez, R. Morandotti, D. Cooke and T. Ozaki, « Carrier density dependence of the nonlinear absorption of intense THz radiation in GaAs », Opt. Express 20, 18016 (2012).
- Y. Chen, I. A. I. Al-Naib, J. Gu, M. Wang, T. Ozaki, R. Morandotti and W. Zhang, « Membrane metamaterial resonators with a sharp resonance », AIP Advances 2, 022109 (2012).
- S Haessler, L. B. Elouga Bom, O. Gobert, J.-F. Hergott, F. Lepetit, M. Perdrix, B Carré, T. Ozaki and P Salières, « Femtosecond envelope of the high-harmonic emission from ablation plasmas », J. Phys. B 45, 074012 (2012).
- Y. Pertot, S. Chen, L. B. Elouga Bom, S. D. Kahn, T. Ozaki and Z. Chang, « Generation of Continuum High-Order Harmonics from Carbon Plasma using Double Optical Gating », J. Phys. B 45, 074017 (2012).
- M. Suzuki, L. B. Elouga Bom, M. Baba, R. A. Ganeev, H. Kuroda and T. Ozaki, « Dependence of the cutoff in lithium plasma harmonics on the delay between the prepulse and the main pulse », accepted for publication in J. Phys. B 45, 065601 (2012).
- C. A. Popovici, R. A. Ganeev, X. Lavocat-Dubuis, Francois Vidal and T. Ozaki, « Effects of pump laser chirp in high-order harmonics generated from various solid surfaces using femtosecond lasers », J. Phys. B 45, 035601 (2012).
- L. Razzari, A. Toma, M. Shalabi, M. Clerici, R. Proietti Zaccaria, C. Liberale, S. Marras, I. Al-Naib, G. Das, F. De Angelis, M. Peccianti, A. Falqui, T. Ozaki, R. Morandotti, and E. Di Fabrizio, « Extremely large extinction efficiency and field enhancement in terahertz resonant dipole nanoantennas », Opt. Exp. 19, 26088-26094 (2011).
- K. Singh, C. Dion, T. Ozaki, M. Lesk and S. Costantino, “Simultaneous Measurement of Pulsatile Ocular Blood Flow Driven Cornea-Retina Movements and Related Fundus Pulse Amplitude”, Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 52, 8927-8932 (2011).
- R. Singh, I. A. I. Al-Naib, Y. Yang, D. R. Chowdhury, W. Cao, T. Ozaki, R. Morandotti and W. Zhang, « Metamaterial induced transparency in a single Fano resonator array via symmetry breaking », Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 201107 (2011).
- D. Kunik, C. Dion, T. Ozaki, L.A. Levin and S. Costantino, « Laser-based single-axon transection for high-content regeneration studies », PLoS ONE 6, e26832 (2011)
- F. Blanchard, D. Golde, F. H. Su, L. Razzari, G. Sharma, R. Morandotti, T. Ozaki, M. Reid, M. Kira, S. W. Koch and F. A. Hegmann, « Anisotropic ultrafast electron dynamics induced by high-field terahertz pulses in n-doped InGaAs », Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 107401 (2011).
- M. Shalaby, H. Merbold, M. Peccianti, L. Razzari, G. Sharma, T. Ozaki, R. Morandotti, T. Feurer, L. Heyderman, A. Weber, H. Sigg, and B. Patterson, « Concurrent field enhancement and high transmission of THz radiation in nano-slit arrays », Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 041110 (2011).
- R. A. Ganeev, L. B. Elouga Bom and T. Ozaki, « Time-resolved spectroscopy of plasma plumes: a versatile approach for optimization of high-order harmonic generation in laser plasma », Phys. Plasmas 18, 083101 (2011).
- X. Ropagnol, R. Morandotti, T. Ozaki and M. Reid, « Improved Optical-to-THz Conversion Efficiency of Large Area Photoconductive Antennas using a Binary Phase Mask », Opt. Lett. 36, 2662-2664 (2011).
- X. Ropagnol, R. Morandotti, T. Ozaki and M. Reid, « Towards High-Power Terahertz Emitters using Large Aperture ZnSe Photoconductive Antennas », IEEE Photonics J. 3, 174-186 (2011).
- X. Lavocat-Dubuis, F. Vidal, J.-P. Matte, C. Popovici, T. Ozaki and J.-C. Kieffer, « Effects of chirp and pulse shape on high harmonic generation and absorption in overdense plasmas », Laser Part. Beams 29, 95–104 (2011).
- Y. Pertot, L. B. Elouga Bom, V. R. Bhardwaj and T. Ozaki, « Pencil lead as a source for intense broadband high-order harmonics », Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 101104 (2011).
- X. Lavocat-Dubuis, J.-P. Matte, J.-C. Kieffer, T. Ozaki and F. Vidal, « Multiple attosecond pulses generation in relativistically laser-driven overdense plasmas », New J. Phys. 13, 023039 (2011).
- K. Singh, C. Dion, M. R. Lesk, T. Ozaki and S. Costantino, “Spectral-domain phase microscopy with improved sensitivity using two-dimensional detector arrays”, Rev. Sci. Inst. 82, 023706 (2011).
- L. B. Elouga Bom, S. Haessler, M. Perdrix, F. Lepetit, J.-F. Herrgott, B. Carré, T. Ozaki and P. Salières, « Reconstruction of an attosecond pulse train from harmonics generated from chromium plasma » Opt. Exp. 19, 3677-3685 (2011).
- F. Blanchard, G. Sharma, L. Razzari, R. Morandotti, J.-C. Kieffer, T. Ozaki, M. Reid, H. Teidje, H. K. Haugen, F. A. Hegmann, « Generation of intense terahertz radiation via optical methods », IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 17, 5-16 (2011).
- L. B. Elouga Bom, Y. Pertot, V. R. Bhardwaj and T. Ozaki, « Multi-µJ coherent extreme ultraviolet source generated from carbon using the plasma harmonic method », Opt. Exp. 19, 3077-3085 (2011).
- A. Mazhorova, J. F. Gu, A. Dupuis, M. Peccianti, T. Ozaki , R. Morandotti, H. Minamide, M. Tang, Y. Wang, H. Ito and M. Skorobogatiy, « Composite THz materials using aligned metallic and semiconductor microwires, experiments and interpretation », Opt. Exp. 18, 24632 (2010).
- R. A. Ganeev, M. Baba, T. Ozaki and H. Kuroda, » Long- and short-period nanostructure formation on semiconductor surfaces at different ambient conditions », J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 27, 1077-1082 (2010).
- F. Blanchard, G. Sharma, L. Razzari, R. Morandotti, J.-C. Kieffer, T. Ozaki, M. Reid, H. Teidje, H. K. Haugen, F. A. Hegmann, « High Intensity Terahertz Sources at the Advanced Laser Light Source », published online IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. (6 June 2010).
- G. Sharma, L. Razzari, F. Su, F. Blanchard, A. Ayesheshim, T. L. Cocker, L. V. Titova, H.-C. Bandulet, R. Morandotti, J.-C. Kieffer, T. Ozaki, M. Reid, and F. Hegmann, « Time-Resolved Terahertz Spectroscopy of Free-Carrier Nonlinear Dynamics in Semiconductors », IEEE Photonics J. 2, 578-592 (2010).
- R. A. Ganeev, L. B. Elouga Bom, and T. Ozaki, « Generation of higher harmonics of femtosecond radiation in clusters », Optics and Spectroscopy 108, 970-978 (2010)
- K. Singh, C. Dion, S. Costantino, M. Wajsziber, M. R. Lesk and T. Ozaki, « Development of a novel instrument to measure the pulsatile movement of ocular tissues », Exp. Eye Res. 91, 63-68 (2010).
- T. Ozaki, L. B. Elouga Bom, J. Abdul Hadi and R. A. Ganeev, « Evidence of strong contribution from neutral atoms in intense harmonic generation from nanoparticles », Laser Part. Beams 28, 69-74 (2010).
- T. Ozaki, « High-order Harmonic Generation from Laser-Produced Plasma » (invited article), Rev. Laser Eng. 37, 872-878 (2009).
- R. A. Ganeev, L. B. Elouga Bom, J. Abdul Hadi, M. C. H. Wong, J. P. Brichta, V. R. Bhardwaj, P. V. Redkin and T. Ozaki, « High-order harmonic generation in C60-contained plasma », Phys. Rev. A 80, 043808 (2009).
- R. Ganeev, L. B. Elouga Bom, J. Abdul Hadi, and T. Ozaki, « Application of nanoparticle-containing laser plasmas for optical harmonic generation », J. Appl. Phys. 106, 023104 (2009).
- F. H. Su, F. Blanchard, G. Sharma, L. Razzari, A. Ayesheshim, T. L. Cocker, L. V. Titova, T. Ozaki, J.-C. Kieffer, R. Morandotti, M. Reid and F. A. Hegmann, « Terahertz pulse induced intervalley scattering in photoexcited GaAs », Opt. Exp. 17, 9620-9629 (2009).
- R. Ganeev, L. B. Elouga Bom and T. Ozaki, « Deposition of nanoparticles during laser ablation of nanoparticle-containing targets « , Appl. Phys. B 96, 491-498 (2009).
- L. Razzari, F. Su, G. Sharma, F. Blanchard, A. Ayesheshim, H.-C. Bandulet, R. Morandotti, J.-C. Kieffer, T. Ozaki, M. Reid and F. A. Hegmann, « Nonlinear ultrafast modulation of the optical absorption of intense few-cycle terahertz pulses in n-doped semiconductors », Phys. Rev. B 79, 193204 (2009).
- L. B. Elouga Bom, R. Ganeev, J. Abdul Hadi, F. Vidal and T. Ozaki, « Intense multi-µJ energy high-order harmonics generated from neutral atoms of In2O3 nanoparticles », Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 111108 (2009).
- F. Blanchard, G. Sharma, X. Ropagnol, L. Razzari, R, Morandotti and T. Ozaki, « Improved terahertz two-color plasma sources pumped by high intensity laser beam », Opt. Exp. 17, 6044-6052 (2009).
- R. A. Ganeev, L. B. Elouga Bom, J.-C. Kieffer and T. Ozaki, « Comparison of high-order harmonic generation from various cluster- and ion-contained laser plasmas », J. Phys. B 42, 055402 (2009).
- R. A. Ganeev, L. B. Elouga Bom, J. Abdul Hadi, M. C. H. Wong, J. P. Brichta, V. R. Bhardwaj, and T. Ozaki, « High-order harmonic generation from fullerene plasma », Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 013903 (2009).
- H. C. Bandulet, D. Comtois, A. D. Shiner, C. Trallero-Herrero, N. Kajumba, T. Ozaki, D. Villeneuve and P. Corkum, J.-C. Kieffer and F. Légaré, « High harmonic generation with a spatially-filtered optical parametric amplifier », J. Phys. B. 41, 245602 (2008).
- L. B. Elouga Bom, F. Vidal, J.-C. Kieffer and T. Ozaki, « Correlation of plasma ion densities and phase matching with the intensities of strong single high-order harmonics « , J. Phys. B. 41, 215401 (2008).
- L. Jay, K. Singh, A. Brocas, I. Brunette, J.-C. Kieffer and T. Ozaki, « Determination of porcine corneal layers with high spatial resolution by simultaneous second and third harmonic generation microscopy », Opt. Exp. 16, 16284-16293 (2008).
- S. Fourmaux, S. Payeur, A. Alexandrov, C. Serbanescu, F. Martin, T. Ozaki, A. Kudryashov and J. C. Kieffer, « Laser beam wavefront correction for ultra-high intensities with the 200 TW laser system at the Advanced Laser Light Source », Opt. Exp. 16, 11987-11994 (2008).
- T. Ozaki, L. B. Elouga Bom and R. A. Ganeev, « Extending the capabilities of ablation harmonics to shorter wavelengths and higher intensity », Laser Part. Beams 26, 235-240 (2008).
- G. Olivié, D. Giguère, F. Vidal, T. Ozaki, J.-C. Kieffer, O. Nada, and I. Brunette, « Wavelength dependence of femtosecond laser ablation threshold of corneal stroma », Opt. Exp. 16, 4121-4129 (2008).
- R. A. Ganeev, L. B. Elouga Bom, J.-C. Kieffer and T. Ozaki, « Higher harmonic generation in laser plasma upon interaction of femtosecond laser pulses with doubly and singly charged ions under conditions of resonance frequency conversion of laser radiation », Opt. Spectr. 104, 258-268 (2008).
- R. A. Ganeev, L. B. Elouga Bom, P. V. Redkin and T. Ozaki, « Maximizing the yield and cutoff of high-order harmonic generation from plasma plume », J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24, 2770-2778 (2007).
- M. Suzuki, M. Baba, R. A. Ganeev, H. Kuroda and T. Ozaki, « Extension of cutoff in high-harmonic by using doubly charged ions in a laser-ablation plume », J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24, 2847-2852 (2007).
- F. Blanchard, L. Razzari, G. Sharma, H.-C. Bandulet, R. Morandotti, J.-C. Kieffer, T. Ozaki, M. Reid, H. F. Tiedje, H. K. Haugen and F. A. Hegmann, « Generation of 1.5 µJ single-cycle terahertz pulses by optical rectification from a large aperture ZnTe crystal », Opt. Exp. 15, 13212-13220 (2007).
- R. A. Ganeev, L. B. Elouga Bom, P. V. Redkin and T. Ozaki, « Resonance-induced single high-order harmonics in Mn using 400 nm pump laser », Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 131104 (2007).
- M. Suzuki, M. Baba, H. Kuroda, R. A. Ganeev and T. Ozaki, « Observation of single-high harmonic enhancement by quasi-resonance with tellurium ion in a laser-ablation plume at 29.44 nm », J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24, 2686-2689 (2007).
- R. A. Ganeev, L. B. Elouga Bom, J.-C. Kieffer and T. Ozaki, « Observation of 101st harmonic generated from laser-produced Mn plasma », Phys. Rev. A 76, 023831 (2007).
- R. A. Ganeev, L. B. Elouga Bom and T. Ozaki, « Enhancement of the high-order harmonic generation from the gold plume using the time-resolved plasma spectroscopy », J. Appl. Phys. 102, 073105 (2007).
- M. Baba, M. Suzuki, R. A. Ganeev, H. Kuroda, T. Ozaki, T. Hamakubo, K. Masuda, M. Hayashi, T. Sakihama, T. Kodama and T. Kozasa, « Decay time shortening of fluorescence from donor-acceptor pair proteins using ultra fast time resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer spectroscopy », J. Luminescence 127, 355-361 (2007).
- X. He, T. Q. Jia, J. Zhang, M. Suzuki, M. Baba, H. Kuroda, R. Li , Z. Xu and T. Ozaki, « Single attosecond pulse generation in ion by controlling instantaneous ionization using attosecond pulse trains », J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 24, 1922-1926 (2007).
- M. Suzuki, M. Baba, H. Kuroda, R. A. Ganeev and T. Ozaki, « Enhancement of two-color high harmonic by using two compound strong ionic transitions in double-target scheme », Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 261104 (2007)
- R. A. Ganeev, L. B. Elouga Bom, J.-C. Kieffer and T. Ozaki, « Optimum plasma conditions for the efficient high-order harmonic generation in platinum plasma », J. Opt. Soc. B 24, 1319-1323 (2007).
- R. A. Ganeev, L. B. Elouga Bom, J.-C. Kieffer and T. Ozaki, « Systematic investigation of resonance-induced single harmonic enhancement in the extreme ultraviolet range « , Phys. Rev. A 75, 063806 (2007).
- R. Toth, S. Fourmaux, T. Ozaki, M. Servol, J.C. Kieffer, R.E. Kincaid Jr. and A. Krol, « Evaluation of ultrafast laser-based hard x-ray sources for phase-contrast imaging », Phys. Plasmas 14, 053506 (2007).
- D. Giguère, G. Olivié, F. Vidal, S. Toetsch, G. Girard, T. Ozaki, J-C. Kieffer, O. Nadda and I. Brunette, « Laser ablation threshold dependence on pulse duration for fused silica and corneal tissues: experiments and modeling », J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 24, 1562-1568 (2007).
- T. Ozaki, L. B. Elouga Bom, R. Ganeev, J.-C. Kieffer, M. Suzuki and H. Kuroda, « Intense harmonic generation from silver ablation », Laser Part. Beams 25, 321-325 (2007).
- M. Suzuki, M. Baba, R. A. Ganeev, H. Kuroda and T. Ozaki, « Seventy-first harmonic from doubly-charge ions in laser-ablation vanadium plume at 110 eV », Opt. Exp. 15 4112-4117 (2007).
- L. B. Elouga Bom, J.-C. Kieffer, R. A. Ganeev, M. Suzuki, H. Kuroda and T. Ozaki, « Influence of the main pulse and prepulse intensity on high-order harmonic generation in silver plasma ablation », Phys. Rev. A 75, 033804 (2007).
- M. Suzuki, M. Baba, H. Kuroda, R. A. Ganeev and T. Ozaki, « Intense exact resonance enhancement of single-high-harmonic from an antimony ion by using Ti:Sapphire laser at 37 nm », Opt. Exp. 15, 1161-1166 (2007).
- M. Suzuki, M. Baba, R. A. Ganeev, H. Kuroda and T. Ozaki, « Anomalous enhancement of a single high-order harmonic by using a laser-ablation tin plume at 47 nm », Opt. Lett. 31, 3306-3308 (2006).
- R. A. Ganeev, M. Suzuki, M. Baba, H. Kuroda, and T. Ozaki, « Strong Resonance Enhancement of Single Harmonic Generated in Extreme Ultraviolet Range », Opt. Lett. 31, 1699-1701 (2006).
- T. Ozaki, J.-C. Kieffer, R. Toth, S. Fourmaux and H. Bandulet, « Experimental prospects at the Canadian advanced laser light source facility », Laser Particle Beams 24 101-106 (2006).
- M. Baba, M. Suzuki, R. A. Ganeev, H. Kuroda, T. Ozaki, T. Hamakubo, K. Masuda, M. Hayashi, T. Sakihama, T. Kodama and T. Kozasa, « Deformation dynamics of fluorescent donor-acceptor proteins using time resolved ultra fast FRET spectroscopy », J. Jap. Soc. Laser Surgery Med. 26, 315-320 (2006).
- H. Kuroda, R. A. Ganeev, M. Suzuki, M. Baba, J. Zhang, and T. Ozaki, « Highly Advanced Soft X-ray Lasers for Biomedical and Nano-Laser Medicine Applications », Lasers in Medical Science 20, 302 (2006).
- H. Kuroda, M. Baba, M. Suzuki, R. A. Ganeev, T. Ozaki, T. Hamakubo, K. Masuda, M. Hayashi, T. Sakihara, T. Kodama, and T. Kozasa, « Dynamical study of Donor-Acceptor Proteins Deformation Using Time Resolved Ultra Fast Fluorescence Resonant Energy Transfer Spectroscopy », Lasers in Medical Science 20, S24 (2005).
- R. Toth, J. C. Kieffer, S. Fourmaux, T. Ozaki and A. Krol, « In-line phase contrast imaging with a laser-based hard x-ray source », Rev. Sci. Instr. 76, 083701 (2005).
- H. Kuroda, M. Suzuki, R. Ganeev, J. Zhang, M. Baba, T. Ozaki, Z. Y. Wei and H. Zhang, « Advanced 20 TW Ti:S laser system for x-ray laser and coherent XUV generation irradiated by ultra-high intensities », Laser Part. Beams 23, 183-186 (2005).
- R. A. Ganeev, M. Suzuki, M. Baba, H. Kuroda, T. Ozaki, « High-order harmonic generation from boron plasma in the extreme-ultraviolet range », Opt. Lett. 30, 768-770 (2005).
- K. Oguri, T. Nishikawa, T. Ozaki, and H. Nakano, « Sampling measurement of soft x-ray-pulse shapes using femtosecond sequential ionization of Kr+ in an intense laser field”, Opt. Lett. 29, 1279-1281 (2004).
- R.A. Ganeev, T. Kanai, A. Ishizawa, T. Ozaki, and H. Kuroda, « Development and Applications of Compact Hybrid Tabletop Terawatt Chirped-Pulse Amplification Ti:sapphire-Nd:glass Laser for X-Ray Lasing and Harmonic Generation », Appl. Opt. 43, 1396-1403 (2004).
- K. Oguri, T. Ozaki, T. Nishikawa and H. Nakano, « Femtosecond-resolution measurement of soft-x-ray pulse duration using ultrafast population increase of singly charged ions induced by optical-field ionization”, Applied Physics B 78, 157-163 (2004).
- R. A. Ganeev, A. Ishizawa, T. Kanai, H. Kuroda, and T. Ozaki, « Polarization peculiarities of femtosecond laser induced harmonic generation from solid surface plasma”, Optics Commun. 227, 175-182 (2003).
- J. Q. Lin, H. Nakano, T. Nishikawa, T. Ozaki and K. Oguri, « Guiding of high-intensity femtosecond laser pulses in evacuated and gas-filled capillaries”, Opt. Commun. 221, 411-417 (2003).
- T. Ozaki, H. Nakano and H. Kuroda, « Characteristics of longitudinally pumped nickellike molybdenum x-ray lasers generated in waveguides”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 20, 402-408 (2003).
- R. A. Ganeev, T. Kanai, A. Ishizawa, T. Ozaki, and H. Kuroda, « Coherent x-ray (¦Ë=18.9 nm) generation in transient gain amplification in molybdenum plasma”, Optics and Spectroscopy 94, 236-241 (2003).
- R. A. Ganeev, A. Ishizawa, T. Kanai, T. Ozaki, and H. Kuroda, « Harmonic generation of femtosecond radiation from the aluminum surfaces”, Optics and Spectroscopy 94, 242-248 (2003).
- T. Ozaki, R. A. Ganeev, A. Ishizawa, T. Kanai, and H. Kuroda, « Highly directive 18.9 nm nickellike molybdenum x-ray laser operating at 150 mJ pump energy”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 253902 (2002).
- T. Ozaki, K. Yamamoto, and H. Kuroda, « Jetlike structures in the visible emission of preplasma pumped by an obliquely incident picosecond laser”, J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 71, 2963-2968 (2002).
- H. Kuroda, T. Ozaki, A. Ishizawa, R. A. Ganeev, and T. Kanai, « Studies of advanced soft x-ray laser and coherent higher harmonic generation using intense subpicosecond laser produced high density plasma”, J. Lumin. 100, 291-300 (2002).
- T. Ozaki, H. Nakano and H. Kuroda, » Effects of pump propagation and absorption on the gain distribution of longitudinally pumped nickellike molybdenum x-ray lasers “, Phys. Rev. E 66, 047402/1-4 (2002).
- A. Ishizawa, R. A. Ganeev, T. Kanai, H. Kuroda, and T. Ozaki, « Measurements of blueshifts due to the collisionless absorption in harmonic generation from subpicosecond laser produced plasmas”, Phys. Rev. E 66, 026414/1-7 (2002).
- T. Ozaki, H. Nakano and H. Kuroda, “Prepulse-produced plasma waveguide for longitudinally pumped Ni-like Mo x-ray lasers”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 19, 1335-1341 (2002).
- H. Kuroda, T. Ozaki, A. Ishizawa, T. Kanai, K. Yamamoto, R. Li, and J. Zhang, « Coherent short wavelength radiation via picosecond Nd:Glass lasers », Laser Part. Beams 20, 59-65 (2002).
- A. Ishizawa, T. Kanai, T. Ozaki, and H. Kuroda, « Enhancement of high-order harmonic generation efficiency by double pulse lasers”, J. Phy. IV 11, Pr2/369-372 (2001)
- H. Kuroda, K. Yamamoto, T. Ozaki and R. Li, « Pulse duration dependence of opacity effects in Ni-like W transient collisional excitation x-ray lasers”, J. Phy. IV 11, Pr2/87-90 (2001)
- T. Ozaki, K. Yamamoto, and H. Kuroda, « Jetlike visible emission from preplasma pumped by a longitudinal picosecond laser pulse”, J. Phy. IV 11, Pr2/563-566 (2001)
- T. Ozaki, K. Yamamoto, and H. Kuroda, « Propagation of picosecond Nd:Glass laser pulse through molybdenum preplasmas » , J. Phy. IV 11, Pr2/567-570 (2001).
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