Recherche étudiant·es ou stagiaires
Immunité innée et Immunooncologie , Cellules myéloïdes , Inflammation , Maladies inflammatoires , Mort cellulaire
- Professeure Titulaire
Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie
531, boulevard des Prairies
Laval (Québec) H7V 1B7
Intérêts de recherche
Notre recherche est axée sur la biologie fondamentale du système immunitaire inné dans les maladies inflammatoires chroniques et le cancer. Mon équipe étudie les cellules myéloïdes et les interactions immunométaboliques et hôte-microbiote dans la physiopathologie de ces maladies. Nous employons des approches ‘omiques’ ainsi que des analyses biochimiques et immunologiques pour caractériser les mécanismes moléculaires engagés. Plus récemment, l’application de séquençage transcriptomique de cellules uniques et de la transcriptomique spatiale nous a permis de cartographier le landscape immunitaire de plusieurs cancers, ex. du carcinome hépatocellulaire dans lequel nous avons identifié une population de cellules myéloïdes immunosuppressives de mauvais pronostique. Notre objectif de recherche est d’exploiter ces connaissances pour développer de nouvelles immunothérapies ciblées.
Projets d’études ou stages offerts
Le Dr Saleh est titulaire d’un doctorat en biochimie de l’Université McGill. Après avoir mené deux stages postdoctoraux aux laboratoires de recherche Merck et à l’Institut d’immunologie de La Jolla, elle a rejoint les rangs de la Faculté de médecine de l’Université McGill en 2005, où elle est devenue professeure titulaire de médecine, boursière William Dawson et directrice du Programme sur l’inflammation et le cancer, sur une durée de 15 ans. Elle a également occupé des postes conjoints au Centre de cancérologie de McGill Goodman et dans les divisions de gastroentérologie et de médecine de soins intensifs du Centre universitaire de santé McGill.
En 2019, le Dr Saleh a déménagé en France pour diriger la recherche en oncoimmunologie à l’Université de Bordeaux, où elle a occupé le poste de « Leader international en oncologie » décerné par la Fondation ARC (Agence de Recherche sur le Cancer) et a été récipiendaire d’une chaire de recherche Sénior de l’Initiative d’Excellence (IDEX).
Le Dr Saleh est reconnu internationalement comme un leader dans la recherche sur l’inflammation et le cancer. Elle a été élue pendant 3 années consécutives comme présidente élue, présidente et conseillère de l’American Society for Microbiology, Immunology Division, et a reçu plusieurs prix nationaux et internationaux, dont le prestigieux Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) Investigator Award (États-Unis), le prix Maud Menten des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC), le prix de nouveau chercheur de la Société canadienne d’immunologie (CSI), entre autres.
Projets de recherche en cours (en recrutement d’étudiant.es)
- Immunometabolic regulation of myeloid cells in the control of glioblastoma
- Exploiting immunity of hepatocellular carcinoma to improve the treatment of patients
- Microbiome-innate immunity metabolic interactions in cancer immunotherapy
- Inflammasome regulatory mechanisms in health and inflammatory diseases
- Characterization and targeting of TREM1+ regulatory myeloid cells in NASH-HCC
- *Giraud, J.#, *Chalopin, D. #, *Ramel, E., Boyer, T., Zouine, A., Derieppe, M., Larmonier, N., Adotevi, O., Le Bail, B., Blanc, J. F., Chiche, L., Nikolski, M. and Saleh, M. TREM1+ regulatory myeloid cells expand in steatohepatitis-HCC and associate with poor prognosis and therapeutic resistance to immune checkpoint blockade. (2022). Biorxiv: doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.11.09.515839).
- Ralph, B. A., Lehoux, M., Ostapska, H., Snarr, B. D., Caffrey-Carr, A. K., Fraser, R., Saleh, M., Obar, J. J., Qureshi, S. T. and Sheppard, D. C. The IL-1 Receptor Is Required to Maintain Neutrophil Viability and Function During Aspergillus fumigatus Airway Infection. (2021). Front Immunol. 12:675294.
- *Tran, A., Scholtes, C., *Songane, M., **Champagne, C., Galarneau, L., Levasseur, M. P., Fodil, N., Dufour, C. R., Giguère, V. and Saleh M. Estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERRα) is a key regulator of intestinal homeostasis and protects against colitis. (2021). Sci Rep. 11(1):15073.
- Scherlinger, M., Guillotin, V., Douchet, I., Vacher, P., Boizard-Moracchini, A., Guegan, J. P., Garreau, A., Merillon, N., Vermorel, A., Ribeiro, E., Machelart, I., Lazaro, E., Couzi, L., Duffau, P., Barnetche, T., Pellegrin, J. L., Viallard, J. F., Saleh, M., Schaeverbeke, T., Legembre, P., Truchetet, M. E., Dumortier, H., Contin-Bordes, C., Sisirak, V., Richez, C. and Blanco, P. Selectins impair regulatory T cell function and contribute to systemic lupus erythematosus pathogenesis. (2021). Sci Transl Med. 13(600): eabi4994.
- Cyr, Y., Lamantia, V., Bissonnette, S., Burnette, M., Besse-Patin, A., Demers, A., Wabitsch, M., Chrétien, M., Mayer, G., Estall, J. L., Saleh, M. and Faraj, M. Lower plasma PCSK9 in normocholesterolemic subjects is associated with upregulated adipose tissue surface-expression of LDLR and CD36 and NLRP3 inflammasome. (2021). Physiol Rep. 9: e14721.
- Schneider, C., Shen, C., Gopal, A. A., *Douglas, T., Forestell, B., Kauffman, K. D., Rogers, D., Artusa, P., Zhang, Q., Jing, H., Freeman, A. H, Barber, D. L., King, I. L., Saleh, M., Wiseman, P. W., Su, H. C, and Mandl, J. N. Migration-induced cell shattering due to DOCK8-deficiency causes a type-2 biased helper T cell response. (2020) Nature Immunology. 21:1528-1539
- *Douglas, T. and Saleh, M. Cross-regulation between LUBAC and caspase-1 modulates cell death and inflammation. (2020) The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 295: 5216-5228
- *Douglas, T. and Saleh, M. Post-translational modification of OTULIN regulates ubiquitin dynamics and cell death. (2019) Cell Reports. 29: 3652–3663
- *Rodrigue-Gervais, I. G., **Doiron, K., **Champagne, C., Mayes, L., Leiva-Torres, G. A., Vanié, P. Jr, *Douglas, T., Vidal, S. M., Alnemri, E. S., Saleh M. The mitochondrial protease HtrA2 restricts the NLRP3 and AIM2 inflammasomes. (2018) Scientific Reports. 8(1): 8446-8457.
- *Dagenais, M., *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., *Douglas, T., **Champagne, C., *Morizot, A., Saleh, M. The Interleukin (IL)-1R1 pathway is a critical negative regulator of PyMT-mediated mammary tumorigenesis and pulmonary metastasis. (2017) Oncoimmunology. 6 (3): e1287247.
- Diamanti, M. A., Gupta, J., Bennecke, M., De Oliveira, T., Ramakrishnan, M., Braczynski, A. K., Richter, B., Beli, P., Hu, Y., Saleh, M., Mittelbronn, M., Dikic, I., Greten, F. R. IKKα controls ATG16L1 degradation to prevent ER stress during inflammation. (2017) J Exp Med. 214 (2): 423-437.
- *Skeldon, A. M., *Morizot, A., *Douglas, T., Santoro, N., Kursawe, R., Kozlitina, J., Caprio, S., Mehal, W. Z., Saleh, M. Caspase-12, but Not Caspase-11, Inhibits Obesity and Insulin Resistance. (2016). The Journal of Immunology. 196 (1): 437-447.
- *Dagenais, M., *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., **Champagne, C., *Skeldon, A., *Morizot, A., Saleh, M. A critical role for cellular inhibitor of protein 2 (cIAP2) in colitis-associated colorectal cancer and intestinal homeostasis mediated by the inflammasome and survival pathways. (2016). Mucosal Immunology. 9 (1): 146-158.
- *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., Arabzadeh, A., *Dagenais, M., *Douglas, T., **Champagne, C., *Morizot, A., *Rodrigue-Gervais, I. G., Breton, V., Colpitts, S. L., Beauchemin, N., Saleh, M. The Nlrp3 Inflammasome Suppresses Colorectal Cancer Metastatic Growth in the Liver by Promoting Natural Killer Cell Tumoricidal Activity. (2015). Immunity. 43 (4): 751-763.
- *Douglas, T., **Champagne, C., *Morizot, A., Lapointe, J. M., Saleh, M. The Inflammatory Caspases-1 and -11 Mediate the Pathogenesis of Dermatitis in Sharpin-Deficient Mice. (2015). The Journal of Immunology. 195 (5): 2365-2373.
- Arabzadeh, A., *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., Breton, V., Haftchenary, S., Yumeen, S., Turbide, C., Saleh, M., McGregor, K., Greenwood, C. M., Akavia, U. D., Blumberg, R. S., Gunning, P. T., Beauchemin, N. Carcinoembryonic Antigen Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 long isoform modulates malignancy of poorly differentiated colon cancer cells. (2015). pii: gutjnl-2014-308781.
- Aries, A., Whitcomb, J., *Shao, W., Komati, H., Saleh, M. and Nemer, M. Caspase-1 cleavage of transcription factor GATA4 and regulation of cardiac cell fate. (2014). Cell Death and Disease. 5: e1566.
- *Leblanc, P. M.#, Doggett, T. A.#, Choi, J., Hancock, M. A., Durocher, Y., Frank, F., Nagar, B., Ferguson, T. A.# and Saleh, M.# An Immunogenic Peptide in the A-box of HMGB1 Reverses Apoptosis-Induced Tolerance Through RAGE. (2014) The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 289: 7777-7786 (# Contributed equally). Selected as “paper of the week”.
- *Rodrigue-Gervais, I. G.#, *Labbé, K.#, Dagenais, M., *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., **Champagne, C., *Morizot, A., *Skeldon, A., Brincks, E. L., Vidal, S. M., Griffith, T. S. and Saleh, M. Cellular inhibitor of apoptosis protein cIAP2 regulates pulmonary tissue necrosis and host survival to influenza A virus infection. (2014) Cell Host and Microbe. 15(1): 23-35. (# Contributed equally).
- Marivin, A., Berthelet, J., Cartier, J., Paul, C., Gemble, S. *Morizot, A., Boireau, W., Saleh, M., Bertoglio, J., Solary, E. and Dubrez, L. cIAP1 regulates TNF-mediated cdc42 activation and filopodia formation. (2014). Oncogene. 33(48): 5534-5545.
- Caignard G, Leiva-Torres GA, Leney-Greene M, Charbonneau B, Dumaine A, Fodil-Cornu N, Pyzik M, Cingolani P, Schwartzentruber J, *Dupaul-Chicoine J, Guo H, Saleh M, Veillette A, Lathrop M, Blanchette M, Majewski J, Pearson A, Vidal SM. (2013). Genome-Wide Mouse Mutagenesis Reveals CD45-Mediated T Cell Function as Critical in Protective Immunity to HSV-1. PLoS Pathog. 9: e1003637
- Meunier, C., Van Der Kraak, L., Turbide, C., Groulx, N., Cingolani, P., Blanchette, M., *Yeretssian, G., Saleh, M., Beauchemin, N. and Gros, P. The Mouse Ccs3 Locus: An Intronic Rearrangement in The Nfkb1 Gene Is Associated with Differential Susceptibility To Carcinogen-Induced Colorectal Cancer. (2013). PLoS One. 8(3): e58733
- Bongfen, S. E., *Rodrigue-Gervais, I. G., Berghout, J., Torre, S., Cingolani, P., Wiltshire, S. A., Leiva-Torres, G. A., Letourneau, L., Sladek, R., Blanchette, M., Lathrop, M., Behr, M. A., Gruenheid, S., Vidal, S. M., Saleh, M., Gros, P. (2012). An N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-induced dominant negative mutation in the JAK3 kinase protects against cerebral malaria. PLoS One. 7 (2): e31012.
- *Labbé, K.#, *McIntire, C. R.#, **Doiron, K., *Leblanc, P. M. and Saleh, M. (2011). Cellular Inhibitors of Apoptosis Proteins cIAP1 and cIAP2 Are Required for Efficient Caspase-1 Activation by the Inflammasome. 35: 897-907. (# Contributed equally).
- Messaed, C., Akoury, E., Djuric, U., Zeng, J., Saleh, M., Gilbert, L., Seoud, M., Qureshi, S., Slim, R. (2011). NLRP7, a nucleotide oligomerization domain-like receptor protein, is required for normal cytokine secretion and co-localizes with Golgi and the microtubule-organizing center. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286: 43313-43323.
- Liu, X., Nugoli, M., Laferrière, J., Saleh, S. M., *Rodrigue-Gervais, I. G., Saleh, M., Park, M., Hallett, M. T., Muller, W. J., Giguère, V (2011). Stromal retinoic acid receptor beta promotes mammary gland tumorigenesis. PNAS. 108: 774-779.
- *Yeretssian, G., Correa, R. G., **Doiron, K., Fitzgerald, P, Dillon, C. P., Green, D. R., Reed, J. C. and Saleh, M. (2011). Non-apoptotic role of BID in inflammation and immunity. Nature. 474 (7349): 96-99.
- Wang, P., Arjona, A., Zhang, Y., Sultana, H., Dai, J., Yang, L., *LeBlanc, P., **Doiron, K., Saleh, M.# and Fikrig# (2010). Caspase-12 controls West Nile virus infection via RIG-I. Nature Immunol. 11 (10): 912-919 (# Contributed equally and are Co-Senior authors).
- *Labbé, K., Miu, J.,# *Yeretssian, G.,# Serghides, L., Tam, M., Finney, C. A., Erdman, L. K., **Goulet, M., Kain, K. C., Stevenson, M. M and Saleh, M. (2010). Caspase-12 dampens the immune response to malaria independently of the inflammasome by targeting NF-kB signaling. The Journal of Immunology. 185 (9): 5495-5502.
- Miu, J., Saleh, M. and Stevenson M. M. (2010). Caspase-12 deficiency enhances pro-inflammatory and regulatory cytokine responses but does not protect against lethal Plasmodium yoelii 17XL infection. Parasite Immunology. 32 (11-12): 773-778.
- *Dupaul-Chicoine, J#., *Yeretssian, G#., **Doiron, K., Bergstrom, K. S. B., *McIntire, C. R., *LeBlanc, P. M., Meunier, C., Turbide, C., Gros, P., Beauchemin, N., Vallance, B. A. and Saleh, M. (2010). Control of intestinal homeostasis, colitis and colitis-associated colorectal cancer by the inflammatory caspases. Immunity. 32 (3): 367-378. (# Contributed equally).
- Fortier, A., **Doiron, K., Saleh, M., Grinstein, S. and Gros P (2009). Restriction of Legionella pneumophila replication in macrophages requires concerted action of the transcriptional regulators Irf1 and Irf8 and nod-like receptors Naip5 and Nlrc4. Infection and Immunity. 77 (11): 4794-805.
- Bertrand, M., **Doiron, K., *Labbe, K., Korneluk, R., Barker, P. and Saleh, M. (2009). Cellular inhibitors of apoptosis cIAP1 and cIAP2 are required for innate immunity signaling by the pattern recognition receptors NOD1 and NOD2. Immunity. 30 (6): 789-801.
- *Yeretssian, G., **Doiron, K., *Shao, W., Leavitt, B., Hayden, M. R., Nicholson, D. W. and Saleh, M. (2009). Gender differences in expression of the human caspase-12 long variant determines susceptibility to Listeria monocytogenes PNAS. 106 (22): 9016-9020.
- *LeBlanc, P., *Yeretssian, G., Rutherford, N., **Doiron, K., *Nadiri, A., Zhu, L., Green, D. R., Gruenheid, S. and Saleh, M. (2008). Caspase-12 modulates NOD signaling and regulates antimicrobial peptide production and mucosal immunity. Cell Host and Microbe. 3 (3): 146-157.
- Roy, S., Sharom, J. R., Houde, C., Loisel, T. P., Vaillancourt, J. P., *Shao, W., Saleh, M. and Nicholson, D. W. (2008). Confinement of Caspase-12 Proteolytic Activity to Autoprocessing. PNAS. 105 (11): 4133-4138.
- Mazroui, R., Clair, E., De Marco, S., Tenenbaum, S. A., Keene, J. D., Saleh, M. and Gallouzi, I. (2008). Cytoplasmic accumulation of HuR and its cleavage by caspase-7 contribute to pp32/PHAP-I-mediated enhancement of apoptosis. Journal of Cell Biology. 180 (1): 113-127.
- *Shao, W., *Yeretssian, G., **Doiron, K., Hussain, S. and Saleh, M. (2007). The caspase-1 digestome identifies the glycolysis pathway as a target during infection and septic shock. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 282 (50): 36321-36329. (Selected in the top 1% of all JBC papers).
Invited reviews and book chapters
- *Lillo, S. and Saleh, M. Inflammasomes in cancer progression and anti-tumor immunity. (2022). Front Cell Dev Biol. 10:839041
- *Ramel, E.#, *Lillo, S.#, Daher, B., *Fioleau, M., Daubon, T. and Saleh, M. The metabolic control of myeloid cells in the tumor microenvironment. (2021) 10: 2960. (# Contributed equally).
- *Tudela, H., Claus, S. P. and Saleh, M. Next Generation Microbiome Research: Identification of Keystone Species in the Metabolic Regulation of Host-Gut Microbiota Interplay. (2021). Front Cell Dev Biol. 9:719072.
- *Giraud, J. and Saleh, M. Host-Microbiota Interactions in Liver Inflammation and Cancer. (2021). Cancers (Basel). 13(17):4342.
- *Giraud, J., *Chalopin, D., Blanc, J.F. and Saleh, M. Hepatocellular Carcinoma Immune Landscape and the Potential of Immunotherapies. (2021). Frontiers in Immunology. 12:655697.
- *Galli G and Saleh M. Immunometabolism of Macrophages in Bacterial Infections. (2021). Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 10: 607650.
- Daubon, T.#, **Hemadou, A.#, Garmendia, I. R. and Saleh, M. Glioblastoma immune landscape and the potential of new immunotherapies. (2020). Frontiers in Immunology. 11:585616 (# Contributed equally).
- *Douglas, T. and Saleh, M. The plot thickens: OTULIN regulation in cell death. (2020) Molecular & Cellular Oncology. 7: 4.
- *Songane, M., *Khair, M., Saleh, M. An updated view on the functions of caspases in inflammation and immunity. (2018). Semin Cell Dev Biol. pii: S1084-9521(17): 3011
- *Dagenais, M. and Saleh, M. Linking cancer-induced Nlrp3 inflammasome activation to efficient NK cell-mediated immunosurveillance. (2016). Oncoimmunology. 5(5):e1129484.
- *Dagenais, M., *Douglas, T., Saleh, M. (2014). Role of programmed necrosis and cell death in intestinal inflammation. Current Opin. Gastro. 30(6): 566-575
- *Barbé, F. *Douglas, T., Saleh, M. (2014). Advances in Nod-like receptors (NLR) biology. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 25(6): 681-697
- *Skeldon, A. M., Faraj, M., Saleh, M. (2014). Caspases and inflammasomes in metabolic inflammation. Immunol Cell Biol. 92: 304-313
- *Zhong, P., *Kinio, A. and Saleh, M. (2013). Functions of NOD-like receptors (NLRs) in human diseases. Frontiers in Immunology. 4: 333-351
- *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., *Dagenais, M., Saleh, M. (2013). Crosstalk between the intestinal microbiota and the innate immune system in intestinal homeostasis and inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 19: 2227-2237.
- *Rodrigue-Gervais IG, Saleh M (2013). Caspases and immunity in a deadly grip. Trends Immunol. 34(2): 41-49
- *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., Saleh, M (2013). Inflammatory Mediators in Tumorigenesis and Metastasis. Book Chapter. Experimental and Clinical Metastasis. Springer science+Business media, LLC 2012.
- *Morizot, A. and Saleh, M. (2012). Non-apoptotic functions of cell death effectors in inflammation and innate immunity. Microbes Infect. 14 (14): 1241-1253.
- *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., Saleh, M (2012). A new path to IL-1β production controlled by caspase-8. Nat Immunol. 13 (3): 211-212.
- *Skeldon, A. and Saleh, M. (2011). The inflammasomes: molecular effectors of host resistance against bacterial, viral, parasitic, and fungal infections. Frontiers in Cellular and infection Microbiology. 2: 15.
- Saleh, M. (2011). The machinery of Nod-like receptors: refining the paths to immunity and cell death. Immunol Rev. 243 (1): 235-246.
- *Dagenais, M. #, *Skeldon, A. #, Saleh, M. (2012). The inflammasome: in memory of Dr. Jurg Tschopp. Cell Death Differ. 19 (1): 5-12. (# Contributed equally).
- Saleh, M. and Elson, C. O. (2011). Experimental inflammatory bowel disease: insights into the host-microbiota dialogue. 34: 293-304.
- Saleh, M. and Trinchieri G. (2011). Innate mechanisms of colitis-associated colorectal cancer. Nature Reviews in Immunology. 11 (1): 9-20
- Skeldon, A. and Saleh, M. (2011). The inflammasomes: molecular effectors of host resistance against bacterial, viral, parasitic, and fungal infections. Frontiers in Cellular and infection Microbiology. 2:15.
- *Dagenais, M.#, *Dupaul-Chicoine, J#. and Saleh, M. (2010). Function of NLRs in immunity and disease. Opin. Invest. Drugs. 11: 1246-1255 (# Contributed equally).
- *Labbé, K. and Saleh, M. (2011). Pyroptosis: A Caspase-1-dependent programmed cell death and a barrier to infection. Book chapter. Inflammasomes: Progress in Inflammation Research.
- *Rodrigue-Gervais, I. G. and Saleh, M. (2010). Genetics of NLR-associated disorders: a lesson in the guiding principals of NLR function/regulation. Viewpoint issue on the inflammasome. European Journal of Immunology. 40 (3): 643-648.
- *LeBlanc, P. and Saleh, M. (2009). Caspases in inflammation and immunity. Book chapter. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS) and Wiley-Blackwell press.
- Saleh, M. (2009). Host-Pathogen Interactions. Book chapter. Cambridge University Press.
- *McIntire, C. R. #, *Yeretssian, G. # and Saleh, M. (2009). Inflammasomes in infection and inflammation. Apoptosis. 14 (4): 522-535. (# Contributed equally).
- *Yeretssian, G., *Labbe, K. and Saleh, M. (2008). Molecular regulation of inflammation and cell death. Cytokine. 43 (3): 380-390.
- *Labbe, K. and Saleh, M. (2008). Cell death in the host response to infection. Cell Death and Differentiation. 15 (9): 1339-1349.
- Saleh, M. and Green D. R. (2007). Caspase-1 inflammasomes: Choosing between death and taxis. Cell Death and Differentiation 14 (9): 1559-1560.
- *Scott, A.M. and Saleh, M. (2007). The inflammatory caspases: Guardians against infections and sepsis. Cell Death and Differentiation 14 (1): 23-31.
- Saleh, M. (2006). Caspase-1 builds a new barrier to infection. Cell 126: 1028-1030.
- *Nadiri, A., Wolinski, M.K., and Saleh, M. (2006). The inflammatory caspases: Key players in the host response to pathogenic invasion and sepsis. Journal of Immunology 177: 4239-4245.
- Spierings, D., McStay, G., Saleh, M., Bender, C., Chipuk, J., Maurer, U., and Green D. R (2005). Connected to death: The (unexpurgated) mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis. Science 310: 66-67
- Saleh, M., McStay, G., Bender, C., Chipuk, J., Maurer, U., Spierings, D., and Green D. R (2005). The mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis: Caspases. Science STKE (Connection map: http://stke.sciencemag.com/cgi/cm/stkecm/CMP_15275).
- Saleh, M., Pagliari, L. J. and Green D. R. (2005). Life support: The a4 phosphatase subunit in cell survival and apoptosis. Trends in cell. Biol. 15 (6): 285-287.