Recherche étudiant·es ou stagiaires
Plasmas appliqués aux nanotechnologies , Microfabrication , Nanofabrication
- Professeur titulaire
- Responsable scientifique du Laboratoire de micro et nanofabrication (LMN)
514 228-6926
Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications
1650, boulevard Lionel-Boulet
Varennes (Québec) J3X 1P7
Intérêts de recherche
Le professeur Mohamed Chaker dirige un programme de recherche axé sur les priorités suivantes :
(i) poursuivre des études fondamentales de fine pointe dans le domaine des sources plasma, y compris les plasmas produits par laser et les plasmas de haute densité;
(ii) capitaliser sur cette expertise plasma pour réaliser des travaux de recherche originaux et innovants en synthèse de couches minces et de nanomatériaux ainsi que sur le transfert de motifs nanométriques;
(iii) intégrer ces nouveaux matériaux et procédés plasma pour répondre à des besoins spécifiques de l’industrie, en particulier dans le domaine des dispositifs avancés RF et photoniques.
Projets d’études ou stages offerts
Stage postdoctoral
Stage postdoctoral
Formation universitaire
- Ph. D. en physique des plasmas, Université de Montréal, 1985. Sujet de thèse : Interaction d’une onde électromagnétique avec un plasma: instabilité de décroissance, absorption résonnante et sur-ionisation, et excitation d’une onde acoustique ionique par deux ondes électromagnétiques.
Directeur de thèse : professeur V. Glaude - Doctorat de 3e cycle en physique des plasmas, Université d’Orsay, France 1981. Sujet de thèse : Étude d’une décharge à onde de surface
Directeur de thèse : Dr. P. Leprince - DEA en physique des plasmas, Université Paris VI, France 1979
- B. Sc. en physique, Université Paris VI, France
Expérience professionnelle
- 1993 – xxx : professeur catégorie IV, Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications de l’INRS
- 2002/6-2005/8 : Directeur du Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications de l’INRS
- 1999-2002 : Directeur d’INRS-Énergie et Matériaux
- 1992-1998 : Coordonnateur du groupe Plasmas-Matériaux, INRS-Énergie et Matériaux
- 1991-1992 : Professeur invité, Laboratoire L2M/CNRS, Bagneux, France
- 1990-1994 : Professeur invité, Ultrafast Science Laboratory, Université du Michigan
- 1990-1994 : Professeur catégorie III, INRS-Énergie et Matériaux
- 1989-1990 : Professeur catégorie II, INRS-Énergie
- 1988-1989 : Associé de recherche, INRS-Énergie
- 1986-1987 : Boursier postdoctoral du CRSNG, INRS-Énergie
- 1982-1985 : Assistant de recherche, Université de Montréal
- 1976-1979 : Responsable de groupe, Laboratoires photographiques Pigeon, Paris, France
Domaines de recherche
- Physique des plasmas
- Micro et nanofabrication par plasma
- Synthèse de couches minces et de nanomatériaux
- Gravure par plasma à l’échelle nanométrique
- Dispositifs RF et photoniques
Projets de recherche en cours
Subventions et contrats en cours (fonctionnement)
- Chaire de recherche du Canada en plasmas appliqués aux technologies de micro- et de nanofabrication – Projet financé par Chaires de recherche du Canada (CRC)
- Capteurs inertiels monolithiques à base de matériaux piézoélectriques – Projet financé par : CRSNG-RDC/NanoQuébec/Alsense Electronic Sensors Inc.
- High resolution customized chirped phase grating mask – Projet financé par : CRSNG-RDC/NanoQuébec/OE Land Inc.
- Millimeter-Wave Electro-Optical waveguide modulators based on Calcium-Barium-Niobate thin-film – Projet financé par le CRSNG-Statégique
- Oxydes fonctionnels nanostructurés pour des applications innovantes dans les domaines photovoltaïque, des capteurs et dispositifs électroniques – Projet financé par le MDEIE-Programme de soutien à la recherche
- Soutien à l’infrastructure en nanostructures et en femtoscience – Projet financé par NanoQuébec/Infrastructure québécoise en nanotechnologie
- Nanocomposites multiferroïques pour le développement d’antennes miniaturisées accordables – Projet financé par NanoQuébec-projets internationaux
- Development of functional, nanostructured coatings on wood surfaces using cold atmospheric-pressure plasmas – Projet financé par le CRSNG-Stratégique
- Investigation of advanced plasma sources for materials processing and for device fabrication – Projet financé par le CRSNG-Découverte
Titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en plasmas appliqués aux technologies de micro et de nanofabrication de mars 2017 à février 2024
Groupes et réseaux
- Directeur du laboratoire INF
- Co-directeur du LITAP
- Membre de Plasma-Québec
- Membre du CREER
Diplômé(e)s et anciens stagiaires postdoctoraux
- Vinchon, P. (01/2013-12/2014), « Masque de phase à base de réseau de Bragg à pas variable de haute résolution »
- Mirhaj, M. (09/2013-08/2017), « Cas inertiels à base des matériaux ferroélectriquepteurs »
- Kabir, H. (01/2013-12/2016), « Contrôle et utilisation optimale des domaines Ferro électrique dans des cellules photovoltaïques, microscopiques à électrodes verticales »
- Brunet, P. (09/2012-08/2016), « Transport des nanoparticules dans une décharge à barrière diélectrique (DBD) »
- Emond, N. (05/2012-04/2016), « Fabrication et caractérisation de couches minces de dioxyde de vanadium (VO2) pour des applications dans les domaines spectraux terahertz, infrarouge proche et micro-ondes »
- Bossard, M. (01/2011-12/2014), « Élaboration de moules antiadhésifs pour des applications de nano-impression assistée par ultraviolets »
- Torriss, B. (01/2010-12/2013), « Étude de couches minces RNiO3 (R = Sm, Nd0.45Sm0.55) : Propriétés électriques et optiques »
- Vigne, S. (09/2010-08/2014), « Conception, microfabrication et caractérisation d’un modulateur électro-optique à base de couches minces de CaxBa1-xNb2O6 (CBN) »
- Ismail, M. (01/2008-11/2014), « Étude des propriétés diélectriques et structurales de couches minces épitaxiées de Titanate de Barium et de Strontium (BST) pour le domaine des télécommunications »
Doctorat – codirection
- Fesharaki, F. (09/2010- ), « Modulateur électro-optique à ondes progressives sur un SIW substrat pour applications MMW et THZ », directeur de recherche : professeur K. Wu
- Rincon, R. (01/2014-01/2015), « Étude spectroscopique d’une décharge à barrière diélectrique »
- Kafrouni, W. (05/2013-04/2015), « Synthèse et gravure de matériaux piézoélectriques en couches minces : Cas du GaPO4 et ZnO »
- Hossain, N. (01/2013-01/2015), « Modulateur électro-optiques à base de couches minces de CaxBa1-xNb2O6 (CBN) »
- Sama, Y. N. (01/2013-01/2015), « Nanocomposites multiferroïques pour le développement d’antennes miniaturisées »
- Matos, J. (10/2012-10/2014), « Dépôt des couches minces nanocomposites par décharge à barrière diélectrique »
- Laverdière, J. (09/2012-09/2014), « Étude des matériaux multiferroïques pour l’application des cellules solaires »
- Hendaoui, A. (07/2011-07/2014), « Synthèse et caractérisation de couches minces de VO2 et de VO2-dopé pour les applications dans le domaine de l’aérospatial »
Postdoctorat – codirection
- Delachat, F. (02/2013-02/2015), « Élaboration de membranes ultraminces nanostructures pour la lithographie EUV », directrice de recherche : professeure J. Margot
- Xu, Z. (02/2013-02/2015), « Catalyse améliorée par plasmons », directrice de recherche : professeure D. Ma
Activités scientifiques
Participation à des comités et instances externes (2003-2013)
- 2013- … : Membre du comité CRSNG-Bourses postdoctorales Banting
- 2013 : Membre d’un comité de l’Agence d’Évaluation pour la Recherche et l’Éducation Supérieure (AERES), France
- 2012- … : Membre du bureau éditorial du journal Microelectronic Engineering – Elsevier
- 2011-… : Président du comité scientifique du laboratoire d’excellence SEAM (science and engineering for advanced materials and devices) – PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité
- 2011-… : Codirecteur du Laboratoire International des Technologies et Applications des Plasmas (LITAP 2)
- 2010 : Membre du comité international du programme ANR-Labex
- 2010- … : Membre du comité d’évaluation du CREATE (Senseurs photoniques, McGill)
- 2009- … : Membre du comité des utilisateurs de la Molecular Foundry – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- 2009- … : Président du Comité des affaires scientifiques de NanoQuébec
- 2009- … : Membre du Conseil d’administration et du CE de NanoQuébec
- 2008 : Président du NSERC DAS Selection Committee
- 2008 – … : Membre du CA du réseau stratégique CREER
- 2006-2008 : Membre of the strategic research cluster Committee of Science Foundation Ireland
- 2005-2008 : Conseiller en appel du CRSNG
- 2005-2008 : Membre du Comité scientifique de NanoQuébec
- 2006-2007 : Membre du NSERC DAS Selection Committee
- 2007 : Membre du comité de pré-sélection du programme ARM du CRSNG
- 2003-2013 : Évaluateur des demandes de subventions du CRSNG (fonctionnement, stratégiques et université/industrie), duFQRNT, CFI, CRC, IRAP, Darpa (USA), ANR (France), SFI (Ireland)
- 2002-2005 : Membre et président du comité de subventions à la découverte du CRSNG
- 2002 : Membre du Comité FCAR-Équipe (2002)
- 2002-2005 : Membre du CA de Valotech
- 2001-2005 : Membre du CA de RCM2
- 2002-2004 : Initiateur de PROMPT-Québec et président de son comité scientifique
Publications (2003-2013)
Ces dernières années, mes contributions à la recherche incluent des publications dans des revues avec comité de lecture (environ 10 par année), des comptes rendus de conférence et des communications à des conférences (sur une base d’au moins 12 par année). Un grand nombre de publications sont cosignées par mes étudiants (identifiés par *), stagiaires postdoctoraux et attachés de recherche (identifiés par +).
Articles publiés dans des revues avec arbitrage
- [P.233] Oko DN, Zhang J*, Garbarino S, Chaker M, Ma D, Tavares AC, Guay D (2014/02), “Formic Acid Electro-oxidation at PtAu alloyed Nanoparticles synthesized by Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquids”, Journal of Power Sources, 248, 273-28
- [P.232] Zhao H*, Liang H, Gonfa, BA, Chaker M, Ozaki T, Tijssen P, Vidal F, Ma D (2014), “Investigating Photoinduced Charge Transfer in Double- and Single-Emission PbS@CdS Core@shell Quantum Dots”, Nanoscale, 6, 215-225
- [P.231] Munoz J, Margot J, Chaker M (2013/10), “Argon metastable and resonant densities in a low-pressure Ar-N2 inductively coupled plasma”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46, 455205-1-8
- [P.230] Zhang J*, Chen G, Guay D, Chaker M and Ma D (2013/10), “Highly active PtAu alloy nanoparticle catalyst for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol”, Nanoscale DOI: 10.1039/C3NR04715F, 1-6, (Article in press)
- [P.229] Vigne S*, Delprat S+, Chaker M, Margot J (2013/09), “Investigation of nickel as hard mask for patterning multicomponent oxide materials in chlorine plasmas”, Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 103303-1-5
- [P.228] Hendaoui A +, Émond N*, Dorval S*, Chaker M (2013/8), “VO2-based smart coatings with improved emittance-switching properties for an energy-efficient near room- temperature thermal control of spacecrafts”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 117, 494-498
- [P.227] Hendaoui A+, Emond N*, Dorval S*, Chaker M, Haddad E (2013/7), “Enhancement of the positive emittance-switching performance of thermochromic VO2 thin films deposited on Al substrate for an efficient passive thermal control of spacecrafts”, Current Applied Physics, 13(5), 875-879
- [P.226] Vigne S*, Munoz J, Delprat S+, Margot J, Chaker M (2013/5), “Plasma etching dynamics of Cax Ba1-x Nb2O6 (CBN) material”, Microelectronic Engineering, 110, 265-269
- [P.225] Li S, Zhang J*, Kibria MG, Mi Z, Chaker M, Ma D, Nechache R, Rosei F (2013/5), “Remarkable enhanced photocatalytic activity of laser ablated Au nanoparticle decorated BiFeO3 nanowires under visible-light”, Chemical Communications, 49(52), 5856-5858
- [P.224] Rifai K, Vidal F, Chaker M, Sabsabi M (2013/3), “Resonant laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (RLIBS) analysis of traces through selective of aluminium alloys”, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 28(3), 388-395
- [P.223] Zhang J*, Chen G, Chaker M, Rosei F, Ma D (2013/3), “Gold nanoparticle decoratedceria nanotubes with significantly high catalytic activity for the reduction on nitrophenol and mechanism study”, Applied Catalysis, B(132-133), 107-115
- [P.222] Anh Do P, Hendaoui A+, Mortazy E+, Chaker M, Haché A (2013/2), “Vanadium dioxide spatial light modulator for applications beyond 1200 nm”, Optics Communications, 288, 23-26
- [P.221] Hendaoui A+, Emond N*, Chaker M, Haddad E (2013/2), “Highly tunable-emitance radiator based on semiconductor-metal transition of VO2 thin films”, Applied Physics Letters, 102(061107), 1-4
- [P.220] Nazarpour S+, Chaker M, (2012/10), “Selvedge layer in the interface of Pd thin film with YSZ substrate”, Surface & Coatings Technology, 211, 176-9
- [P.219] Zhang J*, Han D, Zhang H, Chaker M, Zhao Y, Ma D (2012/09), “In situ recyclable gold nanoparticles using CO2-switchable polymers for catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol”, Chemical Communications, 48, 11510–11512 back cover
- [P.218] Torriss B*, Chaker M, Margot J (2012/8), “Electrical and Fourier transform infrared properties of epitaxial SmNiO3 tensile strained thin film”, Applied Physics Letters, 101(091908), 1-3
- [P.217] Nazarpour S+, Lopez-Gandara C, Ramos FM, Zamani C, Cirera A, Chaker M (2012/8), “High temperature phase stability and chemical analysis of the highly doped yttria stabilized zirconia with alumina”, Ceramics International, 38(6), 4813-4818
- [P.216] Al-Naib I, Singh R, Rockstuhl C, Lederer F, Delprat S+, Rocheleau D, Chaker M, Ozaki T, Morandotti R (2012/8), “Excitation of a high-Q subradiant resonance mode in mirrored single-gap asymmetric split ring resonator terahertz metamaterials”, Applied Physics Letters, 101(071108), 1-4
- [P.215] Zhang J*, Oko DN, Garbarino S, Imbeault R, Chaker M, Tavares AC, Guay D, Ma D (2012/6), “Preparation of PtAu alloy colloids by laser ablation in solution and their characterization”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(24), 13413-1342
- [P.214] Nazarpour S+, Chaker M (2012/5), “Fabrication of porous Pt-Pd electrodes using solid state interdiffusion”, Thin Solid Films, 520, 4812-4815
- [P.213] Djoumessi EE*, Oh J*, Delprat S+, Chaker M, Wu K (2012/4), “Thin-film barium strontium titanate varactor tunable dual-band quadrature hybrid coupler”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 54(4), 858-867
- [P.212] Gavi H, Ngom BD+, Beye AC, Strydom AM, Srinivasu VV, Chaker M, Manyala N (2012/3), “Low-field microwave absorption in pulse laser deposited FeSi thin film”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 324, 1172-1176
- [P.211] Riabinina D+, Chaker M, Margot J (2012/3), “Dependence of gold nanoparticles production on pulse duration by laser ablation in liquid media”, Nanotechnology, 23 (135603), 1-4
- [P.210] Nazarpour S+, Chaker M (2012/2), “Fractal analysis of Palladium hillocks generated due to oxide formation”, Surface & Coatings Technology, 206, 2991-2997
- [P.209] Zhang J*, Riabinina D+, Chaker M, Ma D (2012/2), “Effect of surface oxidation on the interaction of 1-methylaminopyrene with gold nanoparticles”, Langmuir, 28, 2858-2865
- [P.208] Mortazy E+, Chaker M, Wu K (2012/2), “Integration of optical waveguide array and multilayer substrate integrated waveguide for electrooptical modulator”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 60, 293-300
- [P.207] Rifai K, Laville S, Vidal F, Sabsabi M, Chaker M (2012/2), “Quantitative analysis of metallic traces in water-based liquids by UV-IR double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy”, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 27, 276-283
- [P.206] Riabinina D +, Zhang J*, Chaker M, Margot J, Ma D (2012/01), “Size Control of Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized by Laser Ablation in Liquid Media”, 2012, ISRN Nanotechnology Article ID 297863, 5 pages
- [P.205] Goueguel C*, Laville S, Vidal F, Chaker M, Sabsabi M (2011/12), “Resonant laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for analysis of lead traces in copper alloys”, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 26, 2452-2460
- [P.204] Benkahoul M+, Chaker M, Margot J, Haddad E, Kruzelecky R, Wong B, Jamroz W, Poinas P (2011/12), “Thermochromic VO2 film deposited on Al with tunable thermal emissivity for space applications”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95, 3504-3508
- [P.203] Zhao H*, Chaker M, Ma D (2011/11), “Effect of CdS shell thickness on the optical properties of water-soluble, amphiphilic polymer-encapsulated PbS/CdS core/shell quantum dots”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21, 17483-17491
- [P.202] Mortazy E+, Hassani A, Légaré F, Wu K, Chaker M (2011/8), “Multilayer porous waveguide for microwave low-loss applications”, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 3, 459-463
- [P.201] Soltani M+, Chaker M, Margot J (2011/8), “Electrically tunable sign of capacitance in planar W-doped vanadium dioxide micro-switches”, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 12(0450002), 1-6
- [P.200] Poirier JS*, Berubé PM, Munoz J, Margot J, Stafford L, Chaker M (2011/6), “On the validity of neutral gas temperature by N2 rovibrational spectroscopy in low- pressure inductively coupled plasmas”, Plasma Sources Science & Technology, 20(035016), 1-8
- [P.199] Delprat SL+, Oh J*, Xu F, Li L, Djoumessi EE*, Ismail M*, Chaker M, Wu K (2011/6), “Fully distributed tunable bandpass filter based on Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin-film slow- wave structure”, International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology, 2011(468074), 1-9
- [P.198] Duchesne D, Rutkowska KA, Volatier M, Légaré F, Delprat S+, Chaker M, Modotto D, Locatelli A, De Angelis C, Sorel M, Christodoulides DN, Salamo G, Ares R, Aimez V, Morandotti R (2011/6), “Second harmonic generation in AlGaAs photonic wires using low power continuous wave light”, Optics Express, 19, 12408-12417
- [P.197] Ngom BD+, Chaker M, Manyala N, Lo B, Maaza M, Beye AC (2011/5), “Temperature- dependent growth mode of W-doped ZnO nanostructures”, Applied Surface Science, 257, 6226-6232
- [P.196] Mortazy E +, Zhang X, Chaker M, Wu K (2011/5), “Mode coupling between substrate integrated waveguide and coplanar waveguide for traveling-wave electrooptical modulator”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 59, 1258-1264
- [P.195] Zhao H*, Chaker M, Wu N, Ma D (2011/5), “Towards controlled synthesis and better understanding of highly luminescent PbS/CdS core/shell quantum dots”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21, 8898-8904, Highlighted by RSC Publishing
- [P.194] Mortazy E+, Stateikina I+, Tehranchi A, Delprat S+, Chaker M, Wu K (2011/3), “Low-loss CaxBa1- xNb2O6 ridge waveguide for electro-optic devices”, Microelectronic Engineering, 88, 218-221
- [P.193] Zhao H*, Wang D, Chaker M, Ma D (2011/2), “Effect of different types of surface ligands on the structure and optical property of water-soluble PbS quantum dots encapsulated by amphiphilic polymers”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 1620-1626
- [P.192] Zhang J*, Riabinina D+, Chaker M, Ma D (2011/1), “Significant stability enhancement of gold colloids via nanosecond laser irradiation”, Advanced Science Letters, 4, 59-64
- [P.191] Riabinina D+, Zhang J*, Chaker M, Margot J, Ma D, Tijssen P (2011/1), “Control of plasmon resonance of gold nanoparticles via excimer laser irradiation”, Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 102, 153-160
- [P.190] Oh J, Delprat S+, Ismail M*, Chaker M, Djoumessi EE*, Wu K (2010/11), “Improvement of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 Thin Films Microwave Properties using Codoping with Mg-W and Al- W”, Integrated Ferroelectrics: An International Journal, 112, 24-32
- [P.189] Stateikina I+, Mortazy E+, Delprat S+, Wu K, Chaker M (2010/11), “Fabrication of a silicon- based CaxBa1-xNb2O6 ridge waveguide for electro-optical phase modulation”, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 25(115005), 1-5
- [P.188] Zhao H*, Chaker M, Ma D (2010/11), “Self-selective recovery of photoluminescence in amphiphilic polymer encapsulated PbS quantum dots”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12, 14754-14761
- [P.187] Vidal F, Laville S, Goueguel C*, Loudyi H, Rifai K, Chaker M, Sabsabi M (2010/11), “A simple model of laser-induced fluorescence under arbitrary optical thickness conditions at the excitation wavelength”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 111, 2528- 2533
- [P.186] Zhao H*, Zhang T+, Chaker M, Ma D (2010/8), “Ligand and precursor effects on the synthesis and optical properties of PbS quantum dots”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10, 4897-4905
- [P.185] Riabinina D+, Irissou E, Le Drogoff B+, Chaker M, Guay D (2010/8), “Influence of pressure on the Pt nanoparticle growth modes during pulsed laser ablation”, Journal of Applied Physics, 108(034322), 1-6
- [P.184] Hamel C, Garbarino S, Irissou E, Laplante F, Chaker M, Guay D (2010/8), “Influence of the velocity of Pt ablated species on the structural and electrocatalytic properties of Pt thin films”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35, 8486-8493
- [P.183] Mortazy E+, Stateikina I+, Tehranchi A, Delprat S+, Chaker M, Wu K (2010/7), “Calcium barium niobate ridge waveguide on silicon substrate”, Optical Engineering, 49(074601), 1-3
- [P.182] Zhang T+, Zhao H*, Riabinina D+, Chaker M, Ma D (2010/6), “Concentration-dependent photoinduced photoluminescence enhancement in colloidal PbS quantum dot solution”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114, 10153-10159
- [P.181] Saussac J*, Margot J, Stafford L, Chaker M (2010/3), “Simulation of redeposition during platinum etching in argon plasmas”, Journal of Applied Physics, 107(063306), 1-5
- [P.180] Goueguel C*, Laville S, Vidal F, Sabsabi M, Chaker M (2010/3), “Investigation of Resonance Enhanced Laser-Induced Breakdown spectroscopy for analysis of aluminum alloys”, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 25, 635-644
- [P.179] Garbarino S, Pereira A, Hamel C, Irissou E, Chaker M, Guay D (2010/2), “Effect of size on the electrochemical stability of Pt nanoparticles deposited on gold substrate”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114, 2980-2988
- [P.178] Zhao H*, Wang D, Zhang T+, Chaker M, Ma D (2010/2), “Two-step synthesis of high- quality water-soluble near-infrared emitting quantum dots via amphiphilic polymers”, Chemical Communications, 46, 5301-5303
- [P.177] Irissou E, Laplante F, Garbarino S, Chaker M, Guay D (2010/1), “Structural and electrochemical characterization of metastable PtAu bulk and surface alloys prepared by crossed-beam pulsed laser deposition”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114, 2192- 2199
- [P.176] Bérubé PM, Poirier JS*, Margot J, Stafford L, Ndione PF*, Chaker M, Morandotti R (2009/9), “Correlation between surface chemistry and ion energy dependence of the etch yield in multicomponent oxides etching”, Journal of Applied Physics, 106(063302), 1-5
- [P.175] Ndione PF*, Ferrera M, Duchesne D, Razzari L, Gaidi M+, Chaker M, Morandotti R (2009/8), “Hybrid integration of Ca0.28Ba0.72Nb2O6 thin film electro-optic waveguides with silica/silicon substrates”, Optics Express, 17, 15128-15133
- [P.174] Dunn K*, Derr J+, Johnston T, Chaker M, Rosei F (2009/8), “Multiexponential photoluminescence decay of blinking nanocrystals ensembles”, Physical Review B, 80(0353330), 1-9 selected for publication in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science
- [P.173] Loudyi H, Rifaï K, Laville S, Vidal F, Chaker M, Sabsabi M (2009/8), “Improving laser- induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) performance for iron and lead determination in aqueous solutions with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF)”, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 24, 1421-1428
- [P.172] Laville S, Goueguel C*, Loudyi H, Vidal F, Chaker M, Sabsabi M (2009/4), “Laser induced fluorescence of lead atoms in a laser induced plasma: an experimental analytical optimization study”, Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy, 64, 347-353
- [P.171] Zhao H*, Chaker M, Ma D (2009/4), “Bimodal photoluminescence during the growth of PbS quantum dots”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, 6497-6504
- [P.170] Derr J+, Dunn K*, Riabinina D+, Martin F., Chaker M., Rosei F. (2009/2), “Quantum confinement regime in silicon nanocrystals”, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 41, 668-670
- [P.169] Djoumessi EE*, Chaker M, Wu K. (2009/2), “Varactor- tuned quarter-wavelength dual-bandpass filter”, IET Microwave Antennas & Propagation 3, 117-124
- [P.168] Saussac J*, Margot J, Chaker M, (2009/1), “Profile evolution simulator for sputtering and ion-enhanced chemical etching”, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 27, 130-138 selected for publication in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
- [P.167] Bommersbach P, Chaker M, Mohamedi M, and Guay D (2008/9), “Physico-Chemical and Electrochemical Properties of Platinum−Tin Nanoparticles Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Ablation for Ethanol Oxidation”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 14672–14681
- [P.166] Soltani M+, Chaker M, Haddad E, Kruzelecky R, Margot J, Laou P, Paradis S (2008/6), “Fabrication of stationary micro-optical shutter based on semiconductor-to-metallic phase transition of W-doped VO2 active layer driven by an external voltage”, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 26, 763-767
- [P.165] Xu Feng, Li N, Wu Ke, Delprat S+, Chaker M (2008/5), “Parameter extraction of interdigital slow-wave coplanar waveguide circuits using finite difference frequency domain algorithm”, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 18, 250-259
- [P.164] Pereira A+, Grojo D, Chaker M, Delaporte P, Guay D, Sentis M (2008/5), “Laser-Fabricated Porous Alumina Membranes for the Preparation of Metal Nanodot Arrays”, Small, 4, 572-576
- [P.163] Ndione PF*, Gaidi M+, Durand C+, Chaker M, Morandotti R, Rioux G+ (2008/2), “Structural and optical properties of epitaxial CaxBa1−xNb2O6 thin films grown on MgO by pulsed laser deposition”, Journal of Applied Physics 103, 033510-1-5
- [P.162] Helsten R, Razzari L, Ferrera M, Ndione PF*, Gaidi M+, Durand C+, Chaker M, Morandotti R (2007/12),”Pockels response in calcium barium niobate thin films”, Applied Physics Letters, 91, 261101
- [P.161] Li N, Xu Feng, Wu Ke, Delprat S+, Ho J*, Chaker M (2007/11), “Slow- wave line coupler with interdigital capacitor loading”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 55, 2427-2432
- [P.160] Kim K, Yun T, Lee J, Chaker M, Wu Ke (2007/09) “Tunable (BaSr)TiO3 interdigital capacitors onto Si wafer for reconfigurable radio”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 49, 2144-2148
- [P.159] Delprat S+, Durand C+, Oh J*, Chaker M, Wu Ke (2007/08), “Correlation between the latticeparameter and the dielectric tunability in nonepitaxial Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin films”, Applied Physics Letters 91, 063513-1-3
- [P.158] Soltani M+, Chaker M, Haddad E, Kruzelecky R, Margot J (2007/07), “Micro-optical switch device based on semiconductor-to-metallic phase transition characteristics of W-doped VO2 smart coatings”, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 25, 971-975
- [P.157] Kim KB, Yun TS, Lee JC, Chaker M, Park CS, Wu Ke (2007/07), “Integration of microwave phase shifter with BST varactor onto TiO2/Si wafer”, Electronics Letters, 43, 757-759
- [P.156] Riabinina D+, Durand C+, Rosei F, Chaker M (2007/05), “Luminescent silicon nanostructures synthesized by laser ablation”, Physica Status Solidi A 204, 1623–1638 Feature article
- [P.155] Stafford L*, Margot J, Delprat S+, Chaker M, Pearton SJ (2007/04), “Influence of redeposition on the plasma etching dynamics”, Journal of Applied Physics 101, 083303-1-6
- [P.154] Stafford L*, Langlois O*, Margot J, Gaidi M+, Chaker M (2007/03), “Influence of the positive ion composition on the ion-assisted chemical etch yield of SrTiO3 films in Ar/SF6 plasmas”, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A. 25, 425-431
- [P.153] Gaidi M+, Chaker M, NDione PF*, Morandotti R, Bessais B (2007/03) “Microstructural and optical properties of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin film deposited by pulsed laser deposition for low loss waveguide applications”, Journal of Applied Physics 101, 063107-1-7
- [P.152] Pereira A+, Laplante F, Chaker M, Guay D (2007/02) “Functionally modified macroporous membrane prepared by using pulsed laser deposition”, Advanced Functional Materials 17, 443-450
- P.151] Riabinina D*, Chaker M, Rosei F (2006), “Correlation between plasma dynamics and porosity of Ge films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 131501-1-3
- [P.150] Lecherbourg L, Fourmaux S, Kieffer JC, Chaker M (2006), “X-UV sources for absorption spectroscopy in the femtosecond system”, Journal de Physique IV, 138, 63-72
- [P.149] Djoumessi E*, Marsan E, Caloz C, Chaker M, Wu Ke (2006), “Varactor tuned dual band hybrid coupler”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Lett., 16, 603-605
- [P.148] Soltani M+, Chaker M, Jiang XX, Nikanpour D, Margot J (2006), “Thermochromic La1-xSrxMnO3 (x=0.1, 0.175, and 0.3) smart coatings grown by reactive pulsed laser deposition”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 24, 1518-1523
- [P.147] Riabinina D*, Durand C+, Margot J, Chaker M, Botton G, Rosei F (2006) “Nucleation and growth of Si nanocrystals in an amorphous SiO2 matrix”, Phys. Rev. B 74, 75334-1-7
- [P.146] Irissou E*, Vidal F, Johnston TW, Chaker M, Guay D, Ryabinin AN (2006), “Influence of an inert background gas on bimetallic cross-beam pulsed laser deposition”, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 34904
- [P.145] Jiang X, Soltani M+, Haddad E, Kruzelecky RV, Nikampour D, Chaker M (2006), “Effects of atomic oxygen on the thermochromic characteristics of VO2 coatings”, J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 43, 497-500
- [P.144] Riabinina D*, Durand C+, Chaker M, Rowell N, Rosei F (2006), “A novel approach to the synthesis of photoluminescent germanium nanoparticles by reactive laser ablation”, Nanotechnology 17, 2152-2155
- [P.143] Soltani M+, Chaker M, Haddad E, Kruzelesky RV (2006) “Thermochromic vanadium dioxide smart coatings grown on Kapton substrates by reactive pulsed laser deposition”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A24, 612-617
- [P.142] Riabinina D*, Durand C+, Chaker M, Rosei F (2006) “Photoluminescent silicon nanocrystals synthesized by reactive laser ablation”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 88, 7, 073105, selected for publication in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
- [P.141] Soltani M+, Chaker M, Haddad E, Kruzelesky RV (2006) “1 × 2 optical switch devices based on semiconductor-to-metallic phase transition characteristics of VO2 smart coatings”, Meas. Sci. Technol., 17, 1052-1056
- [P.140] Amassian A, Gaidi M+, Chaker M, Martinu L (2006) “Optical depth profiling of strontium titanate and electro-optic lanthanum-modified lead zirconium titanate multilayer structures for active waveguide applications”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A24, 55-64
- [P.139] Riabinina D*, Rosei F, Chaker M (2006), “Structural properties of Ge nanostructured films synthesized by laser ablation”, J. Exp. Nanoscience, 1, 83-89
- [P.138] Barthélemy O*, Margot J, Chaker M, Sabsabi M, Vidal F, Johnston T W, Laville S*, Le Drogoff B*, (2005) “Influence of the laser parameters on the space and time characteristics of an aluminum laser-induced plasma”, Spectrochim. Acta B, 60 (7-8), 905-914
- [P.137] Langlois O*, Stafford L*, Margot J, Chaker M (2005) “Ion mass dependence of the etch yield in reactive plasmas”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 87, 131503/1-3
- [P.136] Stafford L*, Margot J, Vidal F, Chaker M, Giroux K, Poirier JS*, Quintal-Léonard A*, Saussac J*, (2005) “Kinetics driving chlorine high-density plasmas”, J. Appl. Phys., 98, 063301/1-11
- [P.135] Tabbal M, Christidis T, Isber S, Mérel P, El Khakani MA, Chaker M, Amassian A, Martinu L, (2005), “Correlation between the sp2-phase nanostructure and the physical properties of unhydrogenated carbon nitride”, J. Appl. Phys., 98 (4), 044310/1-8
- [P.134] Stafford L*, Margot J, Chaker M, Pearton SJ (2005), “Energy dependence of ion-assisted chemical etch rates in reactive plasmas”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 87 (7), 071502/01-03
- [P.133] Barthélemy O*, Margot J, Laville S*, Vidal F, Chaker M, LeDrogoff B*, Johnston TW, Sabsabi M, (2005), “Investigation of the state of local thermodynamic equilibrium of a laser-produced aluminum plasma”, Appl. Spec., 59 (4), 529- 536
- [P.132] Gaidi M+, Stafford L*, Margot J, Chaker M, Morandotti R, Kulishov M (2005), “Microfabricated SrTiO3 ridge waveguides”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 86 (22), 221106/01- 03
- [P.131] Ouaddari M*, Delprat S*, Vidal F, Chaker M, Wu K (2005), “Microwave characterization of ferroelectric thin-film materials”, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques 53 (4), 1390-1397
- [P.130] Barthélemy O*, Margot J, Chaker M (2005), “Characterization of the Expansion of an Aluminum Laser-Induced Plasma in Ambient Air by Fast Photography”, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 33 (2), 476-477
- [P.129] Le Drogoff B*, Vidal F, Chaker M, Johnston TW, Laville S*, Barthélemy O*, Margot J, Sabsabi M (2005), “Laser ablated volume and depth as a function of the pulse duration in aluminum targets”, Applied Optics , 44 (2), 278-281
- [P.128] Gaidi M+, Stafford L*, Amassian A, Chaker M, Margot J, Martinu M, Kulishov M (2005), “Influence of the microstructural properties of SrTiO3 thin films on their optical characteristics”, J. Mat. Res. 20 (1), 68-74
- [P.127] Irissou E*, Denis MC, Chaker M, Guay D (2005) “ Gold oxide thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition in an O2 atmosphere”, Thin Solid Films 472, 49-5
- [P.126] Dolbec R, Irissou E*, Chaker M, Guay D, Rosei F, El Khakani MA (2004), “Growth dynamics of pulsed laser deposited Pt nanoparticles on highly oriented pyrolitic graphite substrates”, Phys. Review B, 70 (20), 1-4
- [P.125] Soltani M+, Chaker M, Haddad E, Kruzelecky RV, Nikanpour D, Margot J (2004), “Effects of Ti-W co-doping on the optical and electrical switching of vanadium dioxide thin films grown by a reactive pulsed laser deposition”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 1958-1960
- [P.124] Laville S*, Vidal F, Johnston TW, Chaker M, Le Drogoff B*, Barthélemy O*, Margot J and Sabsabi M (2004), “Modeling of laser-induced plasmas for various pulse duration and laser fluences”, Phys. Plasmas 11, 2182-2190
- [P.123] Kulishov M, Daxhelet X, Gaidi M+, Chaker M (2004), “Transmission spectrum reconfiguration in a long-period gratings electrically induced in Pockels type media with the help of periodical electrode structure”, Journal of Lightwave Technology , 22, 923-933
- [P.122] Gaidi M+, Amassian A, Chaker M, Martinu L and Kulishov M (2004), “PLZT pulsed laser deposition: optical and electrical characterization”, Appl. Surf. Sci, 226, 347-354
- [P.121] Soltani M+, Chaker M, Haddad E, Kruzelecky R, Nikanpour D, (2004) “Optical switching of Vanadium dioxide thin films deposited by reactive Pulsed Laser Deposition”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 22, 859- 864
- [P.120] Stafford L*, Gaidi M+, Chaker M, Langlois O*, Margot J, Schiettekatte F, Wei P (2004), “Dependence of the sputter-etching characteristics of strontium-titane-oxide thin films on their structural properties”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 84, 14, 2500-02
- [P.119] Le Drogoff B*, Margot J, Vidal F, Laville S*, Chaker M, Sabsabi M, Johnston TW, Barthélemy O* (2004), “Influence of the Laser Pulse Duration on Laser-Produced Plasma Properties”, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 13, 223-230
- [P.118] Tabbal M, Mérel P*, Chaker M (2004), “Effect of process parameters on the mechanical properties of carbon nitride thin films synthesized by plasma assisted pulsed laser deposition”, Appl. Phys. A, 70, 1365-1367
- [P.117] Tabbal M, Christidis T, Isber S, El Khakani M.A, Mérel P*, Chaker M (2004), “Graphitic nanoclustering in pulsed laser deposited diamond-like carbon and carbon nitride thin films”, Thin Solid Films, 453-454, 234-238
- [P.116] Irissou E*, Le Drogoff B*, Chaker M, Trudeau M, Guay D (2004), “Nanostructured gold thin films by means of Pulsed Laser Deposition”, J. Mat. Res., 19, 950-958
- [P.115] Le Drogoff B*, Chaker M, Margot J, Sabsabi M, Barthélemy O*, Johnston TW, Laville S* and Vidal F+ (2004), “Influence of the laser pulse duration on spectrochemical analysis of solids by LIPS”, Appl. Spec., 58, 122-129
- [P.114] Irissou E*, Le Drogoff B*, Chaker M, Guay D (2003), “Influence of the expansion dynamics of laser-produced gold plasmas on thin film structure grown in various atmospheres”, J. Appl. Phys., 94, 4796-4802
- [P.113] Mérel P*, Tabbal M, Chaker M (2003), “Phase segregation in pulsed laser deposition carbon nitride thin films”, Diamond and Related Materials, 12, 1075-1078
- [P.112] Stafford L*, Margot J, Langlois O*, Chaker M (2003), “Barium-strontium titanate etching in chlorinated discharges”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 21, 1247-1252
- [P.111] Delprat S*, Ouaddari M*, Vidal F+, Chaker M, Wu K (2003), “Thin film BST-0.5 on alumina: dielectric response with voltage and frequency”, IEEE Microwave and wireless components Lett., 13, 211-213
- [P.110] Stafford L*, Margot J, Chaker M, Pauna O (2003), “Characterization of neutral, positive, and negative species in a chlorine high-density surface-wave plasma”, J. Appl. Phys., 90, 1907-1913
- Laverdière J+, Nechache R, Harnagea C, Rosei F, Chaker M (2013/10), “Characterization on Bi2FeCrO6 nanostructures for photovoltaic application”, Materials Science & Technology 2013, Canada, QC, Montreal, October 27-31, 2013, Abstract
- Hendaoui A+, Émond N *, Dorval S *, Chaker M, Haddad E (2013/10), “Highly tunable-emittance VO2-based smart coatings for a passive thermal control of small satellites”, Materials Science & Technology 2013, Montreal, October 27-31, Abstract
- Margot J, Chaker M (2013/10), « Challenges in etching of multicomponent oxides and other difficult-to-etch materials », 60th AVS Symposium, Long Beach, California, October 27-November 1, Abstract, Invited
- Émond N*, Hendaoui A+, Chaker M (2013/10), “Optimization of VO2 metal-to-insulator transition properties for THz applications”, Materials Science & Technology 2013, Montréal, October 27-31, Abstract
- Vigne S*, Muñoz J, Delprat S+, Ndione PF *, Margot J, Chaker M (2013/10), “Synthesis and patterning of Calcium and Barium Niobate thin films for electro-optic applications”, Materials Science & Technology 2013, Montreal, October 27-31, 2013, Abstract
- Vigne S*, Muñoz J, Delprat S+, Margot J, Chaker M (2013/08), “Improved etching profiles and selectivity of CaxBa1- xNb2O6 using a hard mask”, 21st International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, 4 pages, Cairns, Australia, August 4-9, Paper
- Muñoz J, Margot J, Chaker M (2013/07), “Argon metastable densities in low pressure Ar-N2 inductively coupled plasmas: experimental determination and simplified theoretical calculations”, 31st ICPIG, Granada, Spain, July 14-19, Paper
- Chaker M, Delprat S+, Ismail M*, Oh JH*, Djoumessi EE*, Wu K, Xu F, Li L (2013/6) « Barium strontium titanate thin films for tunable microwave device applications » Abstract, Springer, 401 Collaborative Conference on 3D & Materials Research (CC3DMR), Jeju, Republic of Korea, June 24-28, Abstract, Invited
- Vidal F,Goueguel C*,Rifai K,Lussier S,Chaker M,Laville S,Sabsabi M (2013/6), LIBS (laser-induced breaksown spectroscopy) “Résonant appliqué à l’analyse des traces dans les alliages métalliques”, Spectr’atom 2013, Mont-Tremblant, Canada, 25-28 juin, Abstract
- Zhao H*,Wang D,Chaker M, and MaD(2013/05) “Towards Synthesis of High-quality Near-infrared Emitting PbS and PbS/CdS Quantum Dots and their Application as Solar Cells”,96th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition in Quebec, May 26-30, Abstract
- Nii Oko D, Garbarino S, Zhang J*, Ma D, Chaker M, Tavares AC, Guay D(2013/05) “Small molecules electro-oxidation PtAu alloyed nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation on single target in aqueous solution”,96th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition in Quebec, May 26-30, Abstract
- Zhang J *, Chen G, Chaker M, Han D, Zhang H, Zhao Y, Ma D (2013/05), “Development of Novel Catalyst using Au Nanoparticles Fabricated by Laser Ablation in Liquid”, 96th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Quebec, May 26-30, Abstract
- Chaker M (2013/04), “Exploiting the metal to insulator transition in VO2 for new applications in near and/or middle infrared range” Abstract MRS Spring Meeting 2013, San Francisco, California, April 1-5, Abstract, Invited
- Siwick BJ, Chatelain RP, Morrison VR, Hendaoui A+, Chaker M (2013/02) “Structural Dynamics in Vanadium Dioxide and Graphite Studied with Radio-Frequency Compressed Ultrafast Electron Diffraction”, The 3rd Banff Meeting on Structural Dynamics Ultrafast Dynamics with X-Rays and Electrons, Banff, Alberta, February 17-20, Abstract
- Chaker M, Vigne S*, Mortazy E+(2013/01), “Calcium-barium-niobate thin films synthesis and etching for the development of electro-optical waveguide modulators”, 37th international Conference and exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, Florida, January 27-February 1, Abstract, Invited
- Nii Oko D, Garbaarino S, Zhang J*, Ma D, Chaker M, Tavares AC, Guay D (2012/11) “Formic acid Electro-oxidation on PtAu Alloys prepared by Laser Ablation of Single Target in Aqueous Solution”, International Synposium on electrocatalysis: New Concepts and Approaches, Maragogi, Alagoas, Brazil, November 4-7, Abstract
- Margot J, Chaker M (2012/10), “Physics and chemistry of complex oxide etching and redeposition control”, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, GEC.SR2.1 65th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Austin, Texas, October 22-26, Abstract, Invited
- Vigne S*, Muñoz J, Delprat S+, Margot J, Chaker M (2012/09), “Study of different plasma etching chemistries of the novel CaxBa1-xNb2O6 electro-optic material”, 38th International Micro & Nano Engineering Conference, Toulouse, France, September 16-20, Abstract
- Haddad E, Hendaoui A+, Chaker M, Benkahoul M+, Kruzelecky R, Jamroz W, Poinas P (2012/09), “Large Tuneability IR Emittance Thermal Control Coating for Space Applications”, 12th International Symposium in Materials in the Space Environment, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, September 24-28, Abstract
- Chaker M (2012/09), « Pulsed laser deposition of advanced materials » Abstract XXXIII CBRAVIC, Sao José dos Campos, Brazil, September 30-October 3, Abstract, Invited
- Rifai K, Laville S, Vidal F, Sabsabi M, Chaker M (2012/09), “Resonant LIBS(RLIBS) Analysis of traces elements through selective excitation of the matrix”, LIBS 2012, Luxor, Egypt, September 29-October 4, Abstract
- MuñozJ, Margot J, Chaker M (2012/07), « Absorption spectroscopy measurements of argon metastable and resonant atomic densities in a low pressure Ar/N2 ICP », ESCAMPIG 2012, Online proceeding at http://escampig2012.ist.utl.pt/Proceedings/index.htm, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, July 10-14, Paper
- Mortazy E+, Chaker M (2012/06), “Novel Thin-Film Optical Devices”, Photonics North 2012, Montreal, June 6-8, Abstract
- Chaker M (2011/12/11), “Pulsed-laser thin films for photonic applications and near-infrared qantum dots for imaging”, 6th International Conference of the Africa MRS, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, December 11-16, Abstract, Invited
- Nazarpour S+, Mortazy E+, Hendaoui A+, Chaker M (2011/11), “Modification of Electrical Conductivity of Transparent Conductive Oxide through Implantation of Mg+ Ions,” Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference, TNT, Tenerife, Spain, November 24-28, Abstract
- Zhao H*, Ka I, Chaker M, El Khakani MA, Ma D (2011/10), « Development of high-quality near- infrared quantum dots for sensor applications », the 220th ECS Meeting & Electrochemical Energy Summit, United States, Massachusetts, Boston, October 9 -14, Abstract
- Goueguel C*, Laville S, Lussier SA, Vidal F, Chaker M, Sabsabi M (2011/09), Quantitative analysis of lead traces in copper alloys using Resonant LIBS (RLIBS). EMSLIBS 2011, Izmir, Turkey, 11-15 September, Abstract
- Bossard M*, Le Drogoff B+, Zelsmann M, Delprat S+, Chaker M, Boussey J (2011/09), Nano-patterned Fluorinated Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) thin films used as UV- NanoImprint Lithography templates, Micro- and Nano-Engineering, Berlin, Germany, September 19-23, Abstrac
- Mortazy E+, Tehranchi A, Le Drogoff B+, Azana J, Chaker M (2011/07), “Chirped Bragg Grating in Silicon Based Rib Waveguide,” 7th International Workshop on Fibre Optics and Passive Components, WFOPC, Montreal, July 13-15, Abstract
- Haddad E, Benkhahoul M+, Kruzelecky R, Wong B, Jamroz W, Soltani M+, Hendaoui A+, Chaker M, Poinas P (2011/07), “Monitoring Thermo-optical Properties of Multilayer Tuneable Emittance Coatings, for Smart Thermal Control in Space Applications”, 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems, Portland, Oregon, July 17-21, Paper
- Zhao H*, Chaker M, Ma D (2011/06), « Rational design and synthesis of near infrared nanostructures for biomedical applications », the 94th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Canada, Quebec, Montreal, June 5-9, Abstract
- Ismail M*, Delprat S+, Oh J*, Chaker M (2011/06), “Influence of the crystallographic orientation of BST thin film on microwave dielectric properties”, 6th Symposium on functional coatings and surface engineering (FCSE-2011), Montreal, Canada, June 5-8, Abstract
- Spitsina S, Stateikina I+, Chaker M, Kahrizi M (2011/05), “Studies on self-assembled zno nanorods/nanowires grown on silicon substrates by electrochemical deposition”, Advances In Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2011, pp. Pages: 24-28, 3rd International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, Shanghai, May 22-26, Paper
- Mortazy E+, Vigne S*, Nazarpour S+, Chaker M (2011/05), “Highly Transparent and Conductive Nanometric Indium Tin Oxide for Pulse Shaping Applications”, pp. 1-2, IEEE Information Photonics, Ottawa, May 18-20, Paper
- Duchesne D, Rutkowska KA, Volatier M, Légaré F, Delprat S +, Chaker M, Modotto D, Locatelli A, De Angelis C, Sorel M, Christodoulides D, Salamo GJ, Ares R, Aimez V, Morandotti R (2011/05), “Continuous-wave Second Harmonic Generation in Sub-micron AlGaAs Waveguides”, Quantum Electronics and Laser Source Conference (QELS), Online proceeding at http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/QELS.2011.QMI1, Baltimore, Maryland, May 1, Paper
- Zhao H*, Chaker M, Ka I, El Khakani MA, Ma D (2010/12), « Designing and tailoring nanostructures for biomedical and energy applications », the Pacifichem 2010 Congress, United States, Hawaii, Honolulu, December 15-20, Abstract
- Bérubé PM, Margot J, Delprat S+, Chaker M, Stafford L (2010/10), “Angular distribution of sputtered platinum particles during argon plasma etching”, 63rd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference/7th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Paris, France, October 4-8, Abstract
- Rifai K, Laville S, Sabsabi M, Vidal F, Chaker M (2010/09), “Double pulse Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy on liquids: Plasma diagnostics and analytical figures of merit”, LIBS 2010, Memphis, Tennessee, USA, September 13-17, Abstract
- Goueguel C*, Laville S, Vidal F, Sabsabi M, Chaker M (2010/09), “Investigation of Resonance-enhanced Laser–induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (RELIBS) for the analysis of aluminum alloys”, 6th International Conference on Laser–induced Breakdown Spectroscopy LIBS 2010,Memphis, Tennessee, USA, September 13-17, Abstract
- Laville S, Goueguel CL*, Rifai K, Vidal F, Sabsabi M, Chaker M (2010/09), “Enhanced Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy by selective wavelength excitation”, LIBS 2010, Memphis, Tennessee, USA, September 13-17, Abstract
- Riabinina D+, Zhang J*, Chaker M, Ma D (2010/08), “Stability of Laser-Irradiated Gold Nanoparticles”, Proceedings of International Conference on Nanotechnology 2010: Fundamentals and Applications, paper No. 464; Ottawa, August 4−6, Paper
- Zhang J*, Riabinina D+, Chaker M, Ma D (2010/08), “Influence of Sodium Citrate Concentration on Morphology Transformation of Gold Nanoparticles during Laser Irradiation”, Proceedings of International Conference on Nanotechnology 2010: Fundamentals and Applications, paper No. 471, Ottawa, August 4−6, Paper
- Margot J, Chaker M (2010/07), “Correlation between surface chemistry and ion energy dependence of the etch yield in multicomponent oxides etching”, Plasma Technology Seminars, Berkeley, California, July 15-16, Abstract, Invited
- Duchesne D, Rutkowska KA, Volatier M, Légaré F, Delprat S+, Chaker M, Modotto D, Locatelli A, De Angelis C, Sorel M, Christodoulides D, Salamo GJ, Ares R, Aimez V, Morandotti R (2010/06), « Continuous-wave Second Harmonic Generation in Sub-micron AlGaAs Waveguides, » Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 21-24, Paper
- Nikolova L, Riabinina D+, Kadari B, MacLeod J, Chaker M, Rosei F (2010/04), “Synthesis and characterization of group IV nanocrystals”, Proceedings ECS Transactions, Volume 28, pp. 15-31, 217th ECS Meeting, Vancouver, April 25 – April 30, 2010, Paper, Invited
- Ismail M*, Delprat S+, Oh J*, Wu K, Chaker M (2010/04), “Influence of pulsed laser deposition energy density on (Ba, Sr) TiO3 dielectric properties”, Materials Research Society MRS 2010 spring meeting, San Fransisco, USA, April 5-10, Abstract
- Goueguel C*, Laville S, Vidal F, Sabsabi M, Chaker M (2010/03), “Investigation of Resonance–enhanced Laser–induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (RELIBS) for the analysis of aluminum alloys”, PITTCON Conference and Expo 2010, Orlando, Florida, February 28–March 5, Abstract
- Zhao H*, Chaker M, Ma D (2010/03), “Towards a synthesis of high-quality biocompatible near-infrared quantum dots via amphiphilic polymers”, the 239th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, California, USA, March 21-25, Abstract
- Djoumessi EE*, Tatu SO, Bosisio RG, Chaker M, Wu K (2009/12), “Varactor-tuned multi-band six-port front-end for wireless applications”, Asia Pacific-Microwave-Conference, pp. 5-9, Singapore, December 7-10, Paper
- Zhao H*, Chaker M, Ma D. (2009/12) “Toward Development of High-quality Water-soluble PbS Quantum Dots”,Materials Research Society Fall Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, November 30-December 5, Abstract
- Poirier JS*, Margot J, Stafford L, Bérubé PM, Chaker M (2009/11), “Influence of Argon Metastables on the Rotational Temperature of Nitrogen in Inductively Coupled Ar/N2 Plasmas”, AVS 56th International Symposium, San Jose, California, November 8-13, Abstract
- Bérubé PM, Poirier JS*, Margot J, Stafford L, Ndione PF*, Chaker M, Morandotti R (2009/11), “Correlation between Surface Chemistry and Ion Energy Dependence of the Etch Yield in Multicomponent Oxides Etching”, AVS 56th International Symposium, San Jose, California, November 8-13, Abstract
- Soltani M+, Chaker M, Haddad E, Kruzelecky RV, Margot J (2009/10), “Stationary hadamard shutter based on semiconductor-to-metallic phase transition of thermochromic w-doped VO2 arrays”, Proceedings p. 315-324, Cansmart 2009, Smart Materials and Structures, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 22-23, Paper
- Poirier JS*, Bérubé PM, Margot J, Chaker M, Stafford L (2009/07), “Neutral gas temperature measurements in inductively coupled argon plasmas”, 29th ICPIG, on line proceedings, 4 pages, Cancún, México, July 12-17, Paper
- Bérubé PM, Poirier JS*, Margot J, Stafford L, Ndione PF*, Chaker M, Morandotti R (2009/07), “Investigation of etching chemistry dependence on energy threshold in multicomponent oxides”, 19th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, on line proceeding, 4 pages, Bochum, Germany, July 26-31, Paper
- Rifai K, Laville S, Loudyi H, Sabsabi M, Chaker M, Vidal F (2009/07), “Analysis of trace elements in liquids using LIBS combined with Laser-Induced Fluorescence”, North American Symposium on LIBS 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 13-15, Abstract
- Goueguel CL*, Laville S, Loudyi H, Chaker M, Sabsabi M, Vidal F (2009/07), “Investigation of Resonance-Enhanced Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for the analysis of aluminum alloys”, North American Symposium on LIBS 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 13-15, Abstract
- Riabinina D+, Margot J, Zhang J*, Chaker M, Ma D, Tijssen P (2009/06), “Oxidation effect of Au nanoparticles under laser irradiation”, CAP Congress, Moncton, June 7-10, Abstract
- Saussac J*, Margot J, Chaker M (2009/06), “Profile evolution and redeposition during platinum sputtering with a low-pressure, high-density argon plasma”, 17th International Colloquium on Plasma Processes, Marseille, France, June 22-26, Abstract
- Riabinina D+, Zhang J*, Chaker M, Ma D, Tijssen P (2009/05) “Biofunctionalization of laser-ablated gold nanoparticles”, 2009 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo., p. 205‑208, Houston, Texas, May 3-7, Paper
- Stateikina I+, Delprat S+, Chaker M (2009/05), “Pulsed Laser Deposition of CaxBa1-xNb2O6 thin film on nano-patterned silicon Substrate”, Nanotech 2009, Houston, Texas, May 3-7, Abstract
- Stateikina I+, Delprat S+, Chaker M (2009/05), “Nano-pattern on silicon substrate for Pulsed Laser Deposition of CaxBa1-xNb2O6 thin film”, 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference, Hamilton, May 30-June 3rd, Abstract
- Djoumessi EE*, Chaker M, Wu K (2009/01) “Varactor-tuned dual-mode bandpass filter for wireless applications”, RWS 2009 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Proceedings, p 646-649, San Diego, California, January 18-20, Paper
- Soltani M+, Chaker M, Haddad E, Kruzelecky R, Jamroz W, Margot J, Laou P, Paradis S (2008/10), “Electrically Controllable Stationary Hadamard Shutter Exploiting the Semiconductor-To-Metallic Phase Transition of W-doped VO2 Arrays”, 55th American Vacuum Society International Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, October 19-24, Abstract
- Saussac J*, Margot J, Chaker M (2008/10), “Investigation of Micro-Trenching, Bowing and Charge Accumulation on Mask using a Dry Etching Simulator Designed for Low-Pressure High-Density Plasma”, 55th American Vacuum Society Int. Symp., Boston, Massachusetts, October 19-24, Abstract
- Garbarino S, Pereira A+, Hamel C, Chaker M, Guay D (2008/10), “Influence of the size on electrochemical stability of Pt nanoclusters”, 214th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, USA, October 12-17, Abstract
- Chaker M (2008/10), “Dépôt de couches minces et de nanoparticules par ablation laser”, Thin films – Energy, Paris, France, October 21-22, Abstract, Invited
- Margot J, Stafford L, Poirier JS*, Bérubé PM, Chaker M (2008/10), “Modeling Etching Plasmas: Needs and Challenges in Atomic and Molecular Data”, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1125, p 166-75, ICAMDATA, Beijing, China, October 28-31, Paper, Invited
- Laville S, Rifai K, Loudyi H, Chaker M, Sabsabi M, Vidal F, Goueguel C*(2008/09), “Analysis of trace elements in liquids using LIBS combined with Laser-Induced Fluorescence”, LIBS 2008, 5th International Conference on Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy and Applications, Berlin, Germany, September 22-26, Abstract
- Loudyi H, Goueguel C*, Rifai K, Laville S, Sabsabi M, Chaker M, Vidal F (2008/08), “Enhancing the sensitivity of the Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy technique: Spectrally-selective excitation of specific elements in a laser-produced plasma”, ICASS 2008, 54th International Conference on Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, Ste-Anne de Bellevue, August 3-6, Abstract
- Bommersbach P, Chaker M, Mohamedi M, Guay D (2008/07), “EQCM studies of ethanol oxidation on Pt and Pt-Sn nanoparticles for direct ethanol fuel cells”, 8th International symposium on New Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Systems, Montreal, Canada, July 24-27, Abstract
- Morandotti R, Razzari L, Helsten R, Ferrera M, Ndione PF*, Gaidi M+, Chaker M, Zaezjev M (2008/06), “Novel Thin Film Technology for Hybrid Optoelectronics, Integration”, 5th Symposium on the Functional Coatings and Surface Engineering – FCSE-, Montreal, June 1-4, Abstract
- Goueguel C*, Laville S, Loudyi H, Chaker M, Sabsabi M, Vidal F (2008/06), “Detection of lead in brass by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy combined with Laser-Induced Fluorescence”, Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7099, art. no. 709927, Photonics North 2008, Montreal, June 2-4, Paper
- Ndione PF*, Chaker M, Morandotti R (2008/06),“Phase transition studies using Raman spectroscopy in ferroelectric CaxBa1-xNb2O6 thin films”, 5th Symposium on the Functional Coatings and Surface Engineering – FCSE, Montreal, June 1-4, Abstract
- Laville S, Goueguel C*, Loudyi H, Chaker M, Sabsabi M, Vidal F (2008/06), “Investigation of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy combined with Laser-Induced Fluorescence”, International Conference on Application of Photonic Technology, Photonics North 2008, Montreal, June 2-4, Abstract
- Vidal F, Chaker M, Goueguel C*, Laville S, Loudyi H, Rifai K, Sabsabi M (2008/06), “Enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy by second-pulse selective wavelength excitation”, 1st International Conference on Laser Plasma Applications in Materials Science (LAPAMS’08), AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1047, 25-35, Algiers, June 23-26, 2008, Paper, Invited
- Guay D, Laplante F, Irissou E*, Chaker M (2007/10), “Oxygen reduction on mixed Pt-Au nanoparticles and Pt overlayer on Au substrate”, 212th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Washington, DC, USA, October 7-12, Abstract
- Ferrera M, Razzari L, Helsten R, Ndione PF*, Chaker M, Morandotti R (2007/10), “Electro-optic performances of novel calcium barium niobate thin films”, International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, p 439-41, Salvador, Brazil, October 29-November 1, Paper
- Soltani M+, Chaker M, Haddad E, Kruzelecky R, Margot J, Laou P, Paradis S (2007/10), “Fabrication of Stationary Micro-Optical Shutter Based on Semiconductor-To-Metallic Phase Transition of W-doped VO2 Active Layer Driven by an External Voltage”, 54th American Vacuum Society International Symposium, Seattle, Washington, October 14-19, Abstract
- Saussac J*, Margot J, Chaker M (2007/10), “Study of Micro-Trenching and Bowing with a Dry Etching Profile Simulator in a High-Density, Low-Pressure Plasma”, 54th American Vacuum Society International Symposium, Seattle, Washington, October 14-19, Abstract
- Soltani M+, Chaker M, Jiang XX, Nikanpour D (2007/10), “Thermochromic La1-xSrxMnO3 (x = 0.1, 0.175 and 0.3) Smart Coatings as Passive Smart Radiator Device for spacecraft”, Proceedings 10 pages, 10th Cansmart Meeting, International Workshop on Smart Materials and Structures”, Montreal, October 10-11, Paper
- Laville S, Gouegel C*, Loudyi H, Chaker M, Sabsabi M, Vidal F (2007/10), “Investigation of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy combined with laser-induced fluorescence”, NASLIBS 2007, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 8-10, Abstract
- Pereira A, Laplante F+, Chaker M, Guay D (2007/10), “Functionnally modified macroporous membranes prepared by using pulsed laser deposition”, 9th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Tenerife, Spain, September 24-28, Abstract
- Kruzelecky R, Wong B, Zou J, Mohammad N, Jamroz W, Soltani M+, Chaker M, Haddad E, Laou P and Paradis S (2007/06), « Hadamard spectrometer for passive LWIR standoff surveillance », Proc. SPIE 6796, 67962I (2007), Photonics North 2007, Ottawa, June 3-7, Paper
- Loudyi H, Laville S, Goueguel C*, Chaker M, Sabsabi M, Vidal F (2007/09), “Investigation of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy combined with Laser-Induced Fluorescence”, EMSLIBS2007, 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Paris, France, September 10-13, Abstract
- Haddad E, Kruzelecky RV, Wong B, Jamroz W, Soltani M+, Chaker M, Poinas P (2007/07), “Optimization of Tuneable Emittance Smart Coatings for Thermal Control in Small Satellites”, Proceedings of SAE (2007), Paper No. 2007-01-3126, Chicago, Illinois, July 9, Paper
- Ferrera M, Helsten R, Razzari L, Ndione PF*, Gaidi M+, Chaker M, Morandotti R (2007/07), “Evaluation of the electro-optic response of novel calcium barium niobate thin films”, Proceedings p 479-80, International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics, URSI ISSSE 2007, Montreal, July 30-August 2, Paper
- Razzari L, Helsten R, Ferrera M, Ndione PF*, Gaidi M*, Durand C+, Chaker M, Park Y, Azana J, Morandotti R (2007/05), “Highly electro-optical calcium barium niobate thin films”, Proceedings p 388-92007 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, Maryland, May 6-11, Paper
- S.+, Durand C+, Oh J*, Chaker M (2007/05), “Relationship between lattice parameter and dielectric tunability in polycrystalline Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin films”, E-MRS 2007, Strasbourg, France, May 28-June 1, Abstract
- Riabinina D+, Durand C+, Chaker M, Rosei F (2007/01), “Photoluminescent Si and Ge nanoparticles by reactive PLD”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 59 (2007) 189–192, Eighth International Conference on Laser Ablation, Banff, September 11–16, 2005, Paper
- Hamel C, Chaker M, Guay D (2006/11), “Pulsed laser deposition of Pt-Ru nanoparticles for electrocatalysis in Fuel Cells”, 210th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Cancun Mexico, October 29 – November 3, Abstract
- Chaker M (2006/10), “Advanced micro- and nanofabrication techniques at INRS”, Navair Review, Stowe, Vermont, Octobre 2006, Abstract, Invited
- Chaker M (2006/12), “Les nanotechnologies: définition et exemples d’applications dans le domaine de la santé”, IIREB workshop, Décembre 11-13 2006, Paris, Paper, Invited
- Vidal F, Rifai K, Moore F, Chaker M, Laville S, Sabsabi M (2006/09), “Modeling the expansion of laser-produced plasmas in ambient gas: Evidences of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability”, LIBS 2006, Montreal, September 5-8, Abstract
- Razzari L, Harnagea C, Ndione PF*, Ferrera M, Helsten R, Chaker M, Pignolet A, Morandotti R (2006/05), “Self-poling effect in Calcium Barium Niobate thin films”, Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO 2006), San Jose, California, May 4-9, Abstract
- Ndione PF*, Gaidi M, Durand C+, Chaker M, Morandotti R (2006/05), “Electro-optical waveguides based CaxBa1-xNb2O6 thin films”, International Conference on Application of photonic technology, Photonics North 2006, June 4-6, Abstract
- Laou P, Kruzelecky R, Wong B, Zou J, Mohammad N, Jamroz W, Soltani M+, Chaker M, Haddad E, Paradis S (2006/05), “Hadamard spectrometer for passive LWIR standoff surveillance”, International Conference on Application of photonic technology, Photonics North 2006, June 4-6, Abstract
- Helsten R, Park YW, Ndione PF*, Kaidi M+, Chaker M, Azana J, Morandotti R (2006/05), “Electro-optical characterization of novel electro-optic thin films”, International Conference on Application of photonic technology, Photonics North 2006, June 4-6, Abstract
- Pereira A+, Chaker M, Guay D, Grojo D, Delaporte P, Sentis M (2006/05), “Versatile approach for the fabrication of metallis nanodots arrays: template-based photonic method”, European Materials Research Society 2006 Sping Meeting, Nice, France, May 29 – June 2, Abstract
- Guay D, Laplante F, Irissou E*, Chaker M (2006/05), “Electrocatalytic properties of metastable Pt-Au alloy nanoparticles”, 209th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Denver, Colorado, USA, May 7-12, Abstract
- Laville S, Vidal F, Chaker M, Sabsabi M (2006), “Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: investigation of Pb resonant excitation and decay paths”, International Conference on Application of photonic technology, Photonics North 2006, Proc. SPIE, vol. 6343, 634321-1-8, Paper
- Stafford L, Margot J, Chaker M (2006), “Insights into the influence of ion bombardment during ion-assisted chemical etching in reactive plasmas”, Proceedings of the 6th Int. Conf. on Reactive Plasmas (ICRP-6) and 23th Symp on Plasma Processing (SPP-23), pp 473-474, Paper
- Gaidi M+, Ferrera M, Cusimano F, Helsten R, Park Y, Azana J, Morandotti R, Cusumano P, Chaker M (2006), “Optical and electro-optical properties of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin film deposited by pulsed laser deposition for active low loss waveguide applications”, MRS Spring Meeting, Abstract
- Xu F, Li L, Wu K, Delprat S*, Chaker M (2006), “Application of FDFD algorithm combined with shift-and-invert Arnoldi technique in bilateral interdigital coplanar waveguide slow wave structure”, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (IEEE Cat. No. 06CH37734C), p 1025-1028, Paper
- Stafford L, Margot J, Delprat S*, Pearton SJ (2006), “Influence of redeposition on the plasma etching dynamics”, 53rd American Vacuum Society Int. Symp., Abstract
- Saussac J*, Quintal-Leonard A*, Margot J, Chaker M (2006), “Development of a Dry Etching Profile Simulator in a High-Density, Low-Pressure Plasma”, 53rd American Vacuum Society Int. Symp., Abstract
- Riabinina D*, Durand C+, Rosei F, Chaker M (2006), “Photoluminescent Si nanocrystals by reactive PLD”, Trends in Nanotechnology (TNT 2006), Abstract
- Kruzelecky RV, Wong B, Zou J, Jamroz W, Soltani M*, Chaker M (2006), “Advanced Miniature IR Spectral Processor for the Infrared Spectral Monitoring of Spacecraft Vital Life- Support Systems and Remote Astronaut Health Diagnostics”, Proceedings of SAE (2006), Paper No. 2006-01-2178, Paper
- Ndione PF, Kaidi M+, Durand C+, Chaker M, Morandotti R (2006), “RBS, ERDA and XPS study of Ca0.28Ba0.72Nb2O6 epitaxial thin films prepared by PLD for electro-optical applications”, 53rd American Vacuum Society Int. Symp., Abstract
- Soltani M*, Chaker M, Haddad E, Kruzelecky RV, Margot J (2006), “Micro-optical switch device based on semiconductor-to-metallic phase transition characteristics of W-doped VO2 smart coatings”, 53rd American Vacuum Society Int. Symp., Abstract
- Kruzelecky RV, Wong B, Zou J, Jamroz W, Soltani M*, Chaker M (2006), “Multi-function Tuneable Emittance Smart Coatings for Thermal Control in Harsh Space Environment”, Proceedings of SAE (2006), Paper No. 2006-01-2263, Paper
- Kruzelecky RV, Haddad E, Wong B, Jamroz W, Soltani M*, Chaker M, Nikanpour D, Jiang XX (2006), “Multifunction Smart Coatings for Space Applications”, Space Technology Proceedings, Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment, Vol 6, 277, Paper
- Jiang XX, Nikanpour D, Soltani M*, Chaker M, Kruzelecky RV, Haddad E (2006), “The Study of the Effects of Atomic Oxygen Erosion on theMicrostructure and Property of VO2 Thermochromic Coating Using CSA’S Space Simulation Apparatus », Space Technology Proceedings, Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment, Vol. 6, 341, Paper
- Ndione PF*, Gaidi M+, Durand C+, Morandotti R, Chaker M (2005) “Epitaxial CBN growth for fast electro-optic tunable devices”, Proceedings of SPIE, v. 5970, Photonic applications in devices and communication systems, 597011-1-10, Paper
- Fourmaux S, Lecherbourg L, Kieffer JC, Martin F, Pepin H, Chaker M, Magnan S, Côté CY (2005), “Study of a soft x-ray (1-5 nm) laser plasma source for femtosecond time resolved XAS”, Proceedings of SPIE, v 5920, Ultrafast X-Ray Detectors, High-Speed Imaging, and Applications, 592004-1-9, Paper
- Stafford L*, Langlois O, Gaidi M+, Margot J, Chaker M (2005), “Etching characteristics of SrTiO3 films in halogenated high-density plasmas”, 52nd American Vacuum Society Int. Symp., Abstract
- Oh J*, Durand C+, Delprat S+, Chaker M (2005/12), “W-doping effects on Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin films for radiofrequency applications”, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, November 27 – December 2, Abstract
- Riabinina D*, Durand C+, Chaker M, Rosei F (2005/12), “Synthesis of photoluminescent silicon and germanium nanoparticles by laser ablation”, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, November 27 – December 2, Abstract
- Riabinina D*, Rosei F, Chaker M (2005/09), “Novel approach for synthesis of photoluminescent silicon and germanium nanoparticles by laser ablation”, 8th International conference on laser ablation COLA05, Banff, September 11-16, Abstract
- Quintal-Léonard A*,Queney D, Stafford L*, Margot J, Giroux K, Poirier JS*, Meunier F, Chaker M (2005) “Radial structure of a chlorine-argon high-density plasma submitted to a static magnetic field”, CD-Proceeding of the 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), Paper
- Soltani M*, Chaker M, Jiang XX, Nikanpour D, Margot J (2005), “Thermochromic La1xSrxMnO3 (x=0.1, 0.175, and 0.3) smart coatings grown by reactive pulsed laser deposition”, 52nd American Vacuum Society Int. Symp., Abstract
- Soltani M*, Stafford L*, Chaker M, Margot J (2005), “Growth, characterization and processing of VO2 thin films for micro-switching devices”, Micro and Nanosystems materials and devices Symposium, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 872, 377-82, Paper
- Soltani M*, Chaker M, Haddad E, Kruzelecky RV (2005), “Fabrication of 1´2 optical switch devices based on semiconductor-to-metallic phase transition characteristics of VO2 smart coatings”, Proc. SPIE v. 5855, 880-883, Paper
- Kruzelecky RV, Wong B, Zou J, Jamroz W, Soltani M*, Chaker M, Zheng W, Ngo-Phong L (2005), “Advanced integrated optic and MNT technologies for the infrared spectral monitoring of spacecraft vital life-support systems and remote astronaut health diagnostics”, 35th International Conference on Environmental Control Systems, Rome, Italy, Proc. of SAE paper # 2005-01, 2878, Paper
- Langlois O*, Stafford L*, Margot J, Gaidi M+, Chaker M (2005), “Influence of the positive ion composition on the ion-assisted chemical etch rate of SrTiO3 thin films in Ar/SF6 plasmas”, 52nd American Vacuum Society Int. Symp.Int. Symp., Abstract
- Kruzelecky RV, Haddad E, Jamroz W, Soltani M +, Chaker M, Colangelo G (2005), “Thin-film Smart Radiator Tiles with Dynamically Tuneable Thermal Emittance”, Proceedings of SAE (2005), Paper No. 2005-01-2906, Paper
- Marsan E, Gauthier J, Chaker M, Wu K (2005), “Tunable microwave device: status and perspective”, 3rd International IEEE-NEWCAS Conference (IEEE Cat. No. 05EX1015), p 279-82, Paper
- Irissou E*, Laplante F, Chaker M, Guay D (2004/12), “Metastable Pt-Au binary alloy nanoparticles for electrocatalysis in Fuel Cells”, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, November 29 – December 3, Abstract
- Riabinina D*, Rosei F, Chaker M (2004/12), “Ge nanostructures deposited by PLD”, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, November 29 – December 3, Abstract
- Riabinina D*, Rosei F, Chaker M (2004/09), “Ge on Si nanostructures deposited by PLD”, Trends in Nanotechnology TNT 2004, Segovia, Spain, September 13-17, Abstract
- Guay D, Irissou E*, Cunningham N, Pipe-Rondeau M*, Denis MC, Dodelet JP, Chaker M (2004/04), “Metastable binary alloy nanoparticles for electrocatalysis in Fuel Cells”, Sping Symposium of the Canadian Section of the Electrochemical Society, Kingston, Ontario, April 30, Abstract
- Riabinina D*, Rosei F, Chaker M (2004/03), “Temperature interdiffusion in the Ge/Si Nanostructures deposited by PLD”, APS March meeting, Montreal, March 22-26, Abstract
- Irissou E*, Chaker M, Guay D (2004/03), “Novel nanostructured alloys prepared by crossed-beam pulsed laser deposition”, APS March meeting, Montreal, March 22-26, Abstract
- Dolbec R, Irissou E*, Chaker M, Guay D, Rosei F, El Khakani MA (2004/03), “Growth dynamics of Pt nanoparticles deposited on HOPG substrates by pulsed laser deposition”, APS March meeting, Montreal, March 22-26, Abstract
- Gaidi M+, Stafford L*, Chaker M, Margot J, Kulishov M (2004), “Growth and patterning of strontium-titanate-oxide thin films for optical devices applications”, New Materials for Microphotonics, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 817 pp. 219-224, Paper
- Jiang XX, Soltani M+, Haddad E, Kruzelecky RV, Nikanpour D, Chaker M (2004), “The Determination of the Effects of Atomic Oxygen Exposure on the performances of Thermochromic Coating Using CSA’s Space Simulation Apparatus”, 7th Int. Conf. on “Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment”, Proc. on CD only, 6 pages, Paper
- Kruzelecky RV, Haddad E, Jamroz W, Soltani M+, Chaker M, Nikanpour D, Jiang XX (2004), “Multi-function Smart Coatings for Space Applications”, 7th Int. Conf. on “Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment”, Proc. on CD only, 13 pages, Paper
- Vidal F, Barthélemy O*, Margot J, Sabsabi M, Chaker M, Johnston TW, Laville S, Le Drogoff B (2004/09), “Laser-induced plasmas: space- and time-resolved characterization and influence of the laser wavelength. Experiments and modeling”, 3rd International Conference on Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy and Applications LIBS 2004, Malaga, Spain, September 2004, Abstract
- Barthélemy O*, Margot J, Sabsabi M, Chaker M, Johnston TW, Laville S, Le Drogoff B, Vidal F (2004/09), “Time- and space-resolved characterization of an aluminium laser-induced plasma in ambient air at atmospheric pressure”, 3rd International Conference on Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy and Applications LIBS 2004, Malaga, Spain, September 2004, Abstract
- Poirier JS*, Stafford L*, Margot J, Vidal F, Giroux K, Quintal-Léonard A*, Chaker M (2004), “Modeling of a chlorine surface-wave high-density plasma submitted to a static magnetic field”, E-Proceeding of the 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP), on-line only: hal.ccsd.cnrs.fr/docs/ 00/00/23/16/PDF/icpp2004-Luc-JM.pdf, Paper
- Stafford L, Margot J, Chaker M, Pearton SJ (2004), “Insights into the ion energy dependence of ion-assisted chemical etch rates in high-density plasmas”, 51st American Vacuum Society Int. Symp., Abstract
- Girard G, Zhou S, Bigaouette N, Brunette I, Chaker M, germain L, Lavertu PL, Martin F, Olivié G, Ozaki T, Parent M, Vidal F, Kieffer JC (2004), “Investigation of ultrashort pulse laser ablation of the cornea and hydrogels for eye microsurgery” Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 5578, Part 1, p 239-250, Paper
- Dolbec R, Irissou E*, Rosei F, Guay D, Chaker M, El Khakani MA (2003/12), “Early stages of Platinum nanoparticles growth by means of pulsed laser deposition technique”, Materials research Society, Fall meeting, Boston, USA, December 1-5, Abstract
- Le Drogoff B*, Chaker M, Sabsabi M, Margot J, Vidal F, Johnston TW, Laville S*, Barthélemy O*(2003/10), “From ultrashort to long pulse regime: role of the laser pulse duration in Laser-Induced Plasma Spectroscopy”, 30th Annual Meeting of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopical Societies FACSS 2003, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, October 2003, Abstract
- Irissou E*, Chaker M, Guay D (2003/10), “Nanostructured alloys prepared by crossed-beam PLD in a controlled inert background gas”, 7th International Conference on Laser Ablation COLA 2003, Hersonissos, Greece, October 5-10, Abstract
- Soltani M+, Chaker M, Haddad E, Kruzelecky RV, Nikanpour D (2003/08), “Optical switching of vanadium dioxide thin films deposited by reactive pulsed laser deposition”, 11th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference, Ottawa, August 18-22, Abstract
- Stafford L*, Gaidi M+, Langlois O*, Margot J, Chaker M (2003/06), “SrTiO3 thin films for optical devices applications: correlation between the microstructural properties and the sputter-etching characteristics of the film”, Upstate New York Chapter of the American Vacuum (UNY-VAC), Montreal, June 2003, Abstract
- Sabsabi M, Le Drogoff B*, Chaker M, Margot J, Vidal F, Laville S*, Johnston TW, Barthélemy O* (2003/06), “Influence of the laser pulse duration on the laser-induced plasma produced from aluminium alloy samples in ambient air”,ICASS 2003 (49th International Conference on Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy), Ottawa, June 2003, Abstract
- Stafford L*, Gaidi M+, Chaker M, Langlois O*, Margot J, Kulishov M (2003), “Influence of the microstructure on the sputter-etching characteristics of pulsed-laser-deposited thin films”, 50th American Vacuum Society Int. Symp., Abstract
- Haddad E, Kruzelecky RV, Jamroz W, Soltani M+, Chaker M, Nikanpour D, Jiang XX (2003), “Dynamically-Variable Thin Film smart Radiator”, 6th Cansmart Meeting, International Workshop on Smart Materials and Structures, Abstract
- Kruzelecky R, Haddad E, Jamroz W, Soltani M+, Chaker M, Nikanpour D (2003), “Passive Dynamically Variable Thin Film Smart Radiator Device”, ICES International Conference on Environmental Systems, paper 03ICES-242 (CD Proceeding), Paper
- Laville S*, Le Drogoff B*, Vidal F, Chaker M, Johnston TW, Margot J, Sabsabi M, Barthélemy O*(2003), « Time evolution of laser-induced plasma properties for various pulse durations and laser fluences », International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC-16), Proceedings p. 377, Paper
- Stafford L*, Vidal F, Margot J, Chaker M (2003), “Modeling of a low-pressure chlorine plasma sustained by electromagnetic surface waves” International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC-16), Proceedings CD, 6 pages, Paper
- Haddad E, Kruzelecky RV, Jamroz W, Soltani M+, Chaker M, Nikanpour D, Jiang XX (2003), “Dynamically-Variable Thin Film smart Radiator Device”, 4th Round Table on, Micro/Nano Technologies for Space, ESA ESTEC Netherlands, May 20-22, 2003, Abstract
- Dolbec R, Irissou E*, Rosei F, Guay D, Chaker M, El Khahani MA (2003), “Platinum nanoparticles growth by means of pulsed laser ablation”, Quantum Dots, Nanoparticles, and Nanowires, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 789 pp. 279-284, Paper
- Soltani M, Chaker M, Jiang XX, Nikanpour D,“Spacecraft Smart Thermal Radiator based on thermochromic Coatings Deposited on Aluminum Panel” – US61/736827, United States, 2013
- A. Hendaoui, M. Chaker, E. Haddad, “Passively variable emittance device and method for making the same” – US61/728028, United States, Filing Date: 2012‑11‑19
- M. Soltani, M. Chaker,“System and method for generating a negative capacitance”‑ US2012/0286743A1, United States, Filing Date: 2011-05-13
- M. Soltani, M. Chaker,“System and method for generating a negative capacitance” ‑ CA2776715, Canada, Filing Date: 2011-05-13
Articles d’intérêt général
- Margot J., Chaker M., “La gravure par plasma: défis et perspectives”, La Physique au Canada, 68.4, 201
- Chaker M, Rosei F (2012/3), « Materials research in Africa: Rising from the Falls », Nature Materials, 11, 187-188
- Chaker, M. “Les nanotechnologies”, Québec Science, Octobre 2005
Parutions médiatiques
- Martine Veillette « L’infiniment petit pour aller infiniment vite », La Seigneurie, April 28 2011, available online : http://www.hebdosregionaux.ca/monteregie/2011/04/28/linfiniment-petit-pour-aller-infiniment-vite-2
- Anne-Marie Simard« Mohamed Chaker et la nanofabrication : Le plus petit crayon du monde », April 4 2011, Webmagazine « Planète INRS » available online : http://www.planeteinrs.ca/webzine/le-plus-petit-crayon-du- monde
- Amélie Daoust-Boisvert « Colloque dans le cadre des Entretiens Jacques-Cartier — Nanotechnologies et société : Le début d’un temps nouveau », September 27 2011, Planète INRS : http://www.planete.inrs.ca/webzine/nanotechnologies-societe-debut-temps-nouveau
- Atelier Veille technologique, Entretien Mohamed Chaker, available online: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xa3ax9_entretiens-mohamed-chaker_tech
- A. Perreault-Labelle « Intelligence de la matière », Découvrir, January/February 2005, p.25
- Radio Ville-Marie, 91.3FM (Montréal), « Les nanos au Québec », April 2012
- Interview in program « Le Réveil » at La Première Chaîne de Radio-Canada, Nouvelle-Écosse et Terre-Neuve, September 30 2011 : http://www.radio-canada.ca/audio-video/pop.shtml#urlMedia=http://www.radio- canada.ca/Medianet/2011/CBAFH/LereveilNouvelleEcosseetTN201109300815.asx
- Interview in program « Point du jour », at la Première Chaîne de Radio-Canada, September 30 2011 : http://www.radio-canada.ca/audio-video/pop.shtml#urlMedia=http://www.radio- canada.ca/Medianet/2011/CBKF/Pointdujour201109300642.asx
- Interview for Le Journal de 22h Radio-Canada « Sur les risques des nanotechnologies », January11 2010