Toxicologie de la reproduction , Toxicité de substances environnementales et médicales sur le développement des cellules germinales mâles , Toxicologie , Toxicologie environnementale
- Professeure agrégée
Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie
531, boul. des Prairies
Laval (Québec) H7V 1B7
Intérêts de recherche
Son équipe
Rhizlane ElOmri
Ghida Baalbaki
Antoine Gillet
Victoria Lim
Stagiaire d’été
Kevin Popa
Stagiaire d’été
Fabien Joao
Agent de recherche
Fonctions et biographie
La professeure Géraldine Delbès est diplômée de l’Université Diderot-Paris 7 où elle a obtenu une licence (B. Sc.) et une maîtrise en biologie cellulaire et physiologie. Elle a obtenu son diplôme d’étude approfondie (M. Sc.) en physiologie de la reproduction à l’Université Paris 6 en 2001, et son doctorat en reproduction et développement à l’Université de Paris sud-11 en 2005.
Après cinq années de stage postdoctoral à l’Université McGill au département de pharmacologie, elle a été l’associée de recherche du Dr. Peter Chan au département d’urologie au CUSM. Elle est professeure au Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie de l’INRS en toxicologie environnementale depuis septembre 2012.
La professeure Delbès est récipiendaire du prix 2016 de transfert des connaissances et du prix 2021 de reconnaissance en Équité Diversité et Inclusion du Réseau Québécois en Reproduction. Elle est la présidente sortante de la Société de toxicologie du Canada.
Subventions de recherche en cours
2022 – 2027: CRSNG – Discovery Grant, Deciphering the role of sex steroids in male germline development and epigenetic reprogramming.
2022 Collaborative grant CRDSI. Régulation d’expression de gènes par le récepteur aux oestrogènes alpha (ESR1) dans le testicule néonatal de souris.
Co PI : G. Delbes, J.J. Tremblay
2022-2025: IRSST. Inégalités sociale dans l’exposition aux perturbateurs endocriniens liées aux travailleuses en soins personnels,
PI : I. Plante; Co-appliquants: G. Delbes, C. Vaillancourt, J.Saint-Charles; K. Patten; M.Philibert
2021-2023: FRQ-Auace. Cartographie de l’Exposition aux Perturbateurs Endocriniens dans l’Air Extérieur Urbain.
PI: S. Bayen (McGill U); Co-appliquants : G. Delbes and P. Apparicio (INRS)
2021-2023- Fond INRS. Périnatalité et transition à la parentalité en période de pandémie de la COVID-19: du social au moléculaire
PI: G. Delbes et L. Charton; Co-appliquants : C. Vaillancourt; J.C. Gregoire; L. Chatel-Chaix; N. Zhu
2018 – 2022: FRQ-NT équipe, Targeted DNA methylation analysis of the male germline: screening for environmental influence.
PI: G. Delbes; Co-appliquants : G. Boissonneault (U. Sherbrooke), C. Robert (U. Laval)
2016 – 2022: CIHR team grant, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: Towards Responsible Replacements.
PI: B. Hales (McGill); Principal applicants: B. Robaire, C. Goodyer, J. Chevrier, M.S. Bornman, S. Maguire, T. Barton-Maclaren; Co-appliquants: G. Delbes, C. Kubwabo, E. Atlas, J. Ellis, J. McPartland, M. Wade, R. Gagnon, S. Bayen, V. Yargeau.
2018 – 2023: CIHR project, Gestational exposure to chemicals related to hydraulic fracturing in Northeastern British Columbia, and their endocrine disrupting potential.
PI: Marc André Verner (UdM); Co-appliquants: G. Delbes, A Muirhead; C. Vaillancourt; E. Caron-Beaudoin; J. Chevrier; K. Frohlich; M. Bouchard; M. Bouchard; P. Ayotte; R. Copes; S. Haddad; T. Sanderson.
Chaires, groupes et réseaux
- Présidente sortante de la Society of Toxicology of Canada
- Centre intersectoriel d’analyse des perturbateurs endocriniens (CIAPE, directrice axe reproduction);
- Centre de recherche en reproduction, développement et santé intergénérationnelle (CRDSI, Membre du comité de direction);
- Réseau Québécois en Reproduction (RQR, Présidente du comité d’équité diversité inclusion);
- Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR, Membre du comité diversité et ”Women in Reproductive Science”);
- Membre de la American Society of Andrology; du RISUQ, Canadian Fertility & Andrology Society, EMGS et du DOHaD Canada
G. Delbes (2022) How are chemicals impacting our reproductive health? Science journal for kids and teens.
G. Delbes (2022) Défis et enjeux pour les femmes non-hétérosexuelles œuvrant en STIM, Manifeste à propos des femmes en STIM : 50 textes positifs et percutants, Production de l’Association de la francophonie à propos des femmes en sciences, technologies, ingénierie et mathématiques, Edition JML 2022.
Lecante LL, Gaye B., Delbes G. Impact of in utero rat exposure to 17alpha-ethinylestradiol or genistein on testicular development and germ cell gene expression. Frontiers in Toxicology, section Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology. 2022. In press
Marlatt VL, Bayen S, Castaneda-Cortès D, Delbès G, Grigorova P, Langlois VS, Martyniuk CJ, Metcalfe CD, Parent L, Rwigemera A, Thomson P, Van Der Kraak G. Impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals on reproduction in wildlife and humans. Environ Res. 2022 May 15;208:112584. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112584.
G Delbes, MM Blázquez, JI Fernandino, P Grigorova, BF Hales, C Metcalfe, L Navarro-Martín, L Parent, B Robaire, A Rwigemera, G Van Der Kraak, M Wade, VL Marlatt. 2021. Effects of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals on Gonad Development: Mechanistic insights from fish and mammals. Environmental Research. 2022 Mar;204(Pt B):112040. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112040.
B Robaire, G Delbes, JA Head, VL Marlatt, CJ Martyniuk, S Reynaud, VLTrudeau, JA Mennigen. 2021. A cross-species comparative approach to assessing multi- and transgenerational effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Environmental Research. 2022 Mar;204(Pt B):112063. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112063.
A Rwigemera, R El Omri-Charai, LL Lecante, G Delbes. 2021. Dynamics in the expression of epigenetic modifiers and histone modifications in perinatal rat germ cells during de novo DNA methylation. Biol Reprod. Feb 11;104(2):361-373.
Beaud H, Albert O, Robaire B, Rousseau MC, Chan PTK, Delbes G.(2019)
Sperm DNA integrity in adult survivors of paediatric leukemia and lymphoma: A pilot study on the impact of age and type of treatment. PLoS One. 2019 Dec 19;14(12):e0226262
Beaud H, Tremblay AR, Chan PTK, Delbes G.(2019)
Sperm DNA Damage in Cancer Patients. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2019;1166:189-203.
Lusignan MF, Li X, Herrero B, Delbes G, Chan PTK. (2018)
Effects of different cryopreservation methods on DNA integrity and sperm chromatin quality in men. Andrology. 2018 Nov;6(6):829-835
Tremblay, A., Delbes, G. (2018)
In vitro study of doxorubicin-induced oxidative stress in spermatogonia and immature Sertoli cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2018 Jun 1;348:32-42
Tremblay, A., Beaud, H., Delbes, G. (2017)
Transgenerational impact of chemotherapy: would the father exposure affect the health of future progeny? Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2017 Nov;45(11):609-618
RwigemerA, A., Joao, F., Delbes, G. (2017)
Fetal testis organ culture reproduces the dynamics of epigenetic reprogramming in rat gonocytes Epigenetics Chromatin. 2017 Apr 11;10:19.
Beaud, H., Van Pelt, A., Delbes, G. (2017)
Doxorubicin and vincristine affect undifferentiated rat spermatogonia. Reproduction. 2017 Jun;153(6):725-735
Chemek, M., Mimouna, S.B., Boughammoura, S., Delbès, G., Messaoudi, I. (2016)
Protective role of zinc against the toxicity induced by exposure to cadmium during gestation and lactation on testis development. Reproductive Toxicology, 63, 151-160
Lassonde, G., Nasuhoglu, D., Pan, J. F., Gaye, B., Yargeau, V. & Delbès, G. (2015)
Ozone treatment prevents the toxicity of an environmental mixture of estrogens on rat fetal testicular development, Reproductive Toxicology, 58, 85-92
Habert, R., Muczynski, V., Grisin, T., Moison, D., Messiaen, S., Frydman, R., Benachi, A., Delbès, G., Lambrot, R., Lehraiki, A., N’tumba-Byn, T., Guerquin, M. J., Levacher, C., Rouiller-Fabre, V. & Livera, G. (2014)
Concerns about the widespread use of rodent models for human risk assessments of endocrine disruptors, Reproduction, 147, 4, R119-29
Herrero, M. B., Delbès, G., Chung, J. T., Son, W. Y., Holzer, H., Buckett, W. & Chan, P. (2013) Case report: the use of annexin V coupled with magnetic activated cell sorting in cryopreserved spermatozoa from a male cancer survivor: healthy twin newborns after two previous ICSI failures, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 30, 11, 1415-9
Delbes, G., Herrero, M. B., Troeung, E. T. & Chan, P. T. (2013)
The use of complimentary assays to evaluate the enrichment of human sperm quality in asthenoteratozoospermic and teratozoospermic samples processed with Annexin-V magnetic activated cell sorting, Andrology, 1, 5, 698-706
Larcher, S., Delbès, G., Robaire, B. & Yargeau, V. (2012)
Degradation of 17alpha-ethinylestradiol by ozonation–identification of the by-products and assessment of their estrogenicity and toxicity, Environment International, 39, 1, 66-72
Delbès, G., Yanagiya, A., Sonenberg, N. & Robaire, B. (2012)
PABP interacting protein 2A (PAIP2A) regulates specific key proteins during spermiogenesis in the mouse, Biology of Reproduction, 86, 3, 95
Delbès, G., Chan, D., Hales, B. F., Trasler, J. M. & Robaire, B. (2012)
Selective induction of glutathione S-transferases in round spermatids from the Brown-Norway rat by the chemotherapeutic regimen for testicular cancer,
Reproductive Toxicology, 36C, 24-32
Chan, D., Delbès, G., Landry, M., Robaire, B. & Trasler, J. M. (2012)
Epigenetic alterations in sperm DNA associated with testicular cancer treatment,
Toxicological Sciences, 125, 2, 532-43
Yanagiya, A., Delbès, G., Svitkin, Y. V., Robaire, B. & Sonenberg, N. (2010)
The poly(A)-binding protein partner Paip2a controls translation during late spermiogenesis in mice, Journal of Clinical Investigation, 120, 9, 3389-400
Delbès, G., Vaisheva, F., Luu, T., Marcon, L., Hales, B. F. & Robaire, B. (2010)
Reversibility of the effects of the chemotherapeutic regimen for non-Hodgkin lymphoma, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone, on the male rat reproductive system and progeny outcome, Reproductive Toxicology, 29, 3, 332-8
Delbès, G. & Sherins, R. J. (2010)
Is there a Decline in Sperm Counts in Men? In: Robaire, B. & Chan, P. (Eds.) Handbook of Andrology. 2nd Ed ed., The American Society of Andrology.
Delbès, G., Hales, B. F. & Robaire, B. (2010)
Toxicants and human sperm chromatin integrity, Molecular Human Reproduction, 16, 1, 14-22
Delbès, G., Chan, D., Pakarinen, P., Trasler, J. M., Hales, B. F. & Robaire, B. (2009)
Impact of the chemotherapy cocktail used to treat testicular cancer on the gene expression profile of germ cells from male Brown-Norway rats, Biology of Reproduction, 80, 2, 320-7
Vaisheva, F., Delbès, G., Hales, B. F. & Robaire, B. (2007)
Effects of the chemotherapeutic agents for non-Hodgkin lymphoma, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (CHOP), on the male rat reproductive system and progeny outcome, Journal of Andrology, 28, 4, 578-87
Delbès, G., Hales, B. F. & Robaire, B. (2007)
Effects of the chemotherapy cocktail used to treat testicular cancer on sperm chromatin integrity, Journal of Andrology, 28, 2, 241-9; discussion 250-1
Delbès, G., Duquenne, C., Szenker, J., Taccoen, J., Habert, R. & Levacher, C. (2007) Developmental changes in testicular sensitivity to estrogens throughout fetal and neonatal life, Toxicological Sciences, 99, 1, 234-43
Livera, G., Delbès, G., Pairault, C., Rouiller-Fabre, V. & Habert, R. (2006)
Organotypic culture, a powerful model for studying rat and mouse fetal testis development, Cell and Tissue Research, 324, 3, 507-21
Habert, R., Delbès, G., Duquenne, C., Livera, G. & Levacher, C. (2006)
[Effects of estrogens on the development of the testis during fetal and neonatal life], Gynecologie, Obstetrique et Fertilite, 34, 10, 970-7
Delbès, G., Levacher, C. & Habert, R. (2006)
Estrogen effects on fetal and neonatal testicular development, Reproduction, 132, 4, 527-38
Delbès, G., Levacher, C., Duquenne, C., Racine, C., Pakarinen, P. & Habert, R. (2005) Endogenous estrogens inhibit mouse fetal Leydig cell development via estrogen receptor alpha, Endocrinology, 146, 5, 2454-61
Delbès, G., Levacher, C., Duquenne, C. & Habert, R. (2005)
[Is fetal testis in danger?], Médecine sciences : M/S, 21, 12, 1083-8
Delbès, G., Levacher, C., Pairault, C., Racine, C., Duquenne, C., Krust, A. & Habert, R. (2004) Estrogen receptor beta-mediated inhibition of male germ cell line development in mice by endogenous estrogens during perinatal life, Endocrinology, 145, 7, 3395-403
Rouiller-Fabre, V., Levacher, C., Pairault, C., Racine, C., Moreau, E., Olaso, R., Livera, G., Migrenne, S., Delbès, G. & Habert, R. (2003) Development of the foetal and neonatal testis, Andrologia, 35, 1, 79-83