Recherche étudiant·es ou stagiaires
Nanomatériaux pour la conversion et le stockage d'énergie
- Professeur titulaire
- Membre du comité paritaire d’implantation de l’Unité mixte de recherche INRS-UQTR sur les matériaux et les technologies pour la transition énergétique
Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications
1650, boul. Lionel-Boulet
Varennes (Québec) J3X 1P7
Intérêts de recherche
Le domaine de recherche du professeur Daniel Guay est axé sur le développement de nouveaux matériaux pour les secteurs de l’énergie et de l’environnement. Le professeur Guay s’intéresse aux nanomatériaux et aux matériaux métastables produits par broyage mécanique et par ablation laser pulsé. Il est plus particulièrement intéressé par les phénomènes qui surviennent à la surface de ces matériaux et qui gouvernent leur réactivité aux interfaces solide-liquide et solide-gas. Ces champs d’intérêts sont l’électrocatalyse appliquée, que ce soit dans le domaine des piles à combustibles ou de l’électrolyse, et le stockage de l’hydrogène. Le professeur Guay possède une solide expertise dans le domaine de la caractérisation des matériaux et il est à l’origine de plusieurs développements expérimentaux permettant de réaliser la caractérisation in situ des matériaux d’électrodes.
Projets d’études ou stages offerts
Formation universitaire
- Doctorat, énergie, INRS-Énergie et Matériaux, Varennes, Canada
- Le professeur Daniel Guay est professeur au Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications de l’INRS depuis 1991
- Hydro-Québec
- Centre pour l’Innovation dans le domaine des piles à combustible (Conseil National de Recherche du Canada)
- Université McGill
- Université McMaster
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
- Université de Milan
- Dupont
- AngstromPower
- EkaNobell
Dernière mise à jour le 10 octobre 2018
213. F. Deganello, D. Nii Oko, M. L. Testa, V. La Parola, M.L. Tummino, C. Soares, M. Rivera, G. Jose, G. Orozco Gamboa, D. Guay and A. C. Tavares (2018), « Perovskite-type catalysts prepared by nanocasting: effect of metal silicates on the electrocatalytic activity towards oxygen evolution and reduction reactions », ACS Applied Energy Materials, accepted.
212. Nicolas Sacré, Matteo Duca, Sébastien Garbarino, Régis Imbeault, Andrew Wang, Azza Hadj Youssef, Jules Galipaud, Gregor Hufnagel, Andreas Ruediger, Lionel Roué, and Daniel (2018), « Tuning Pt-Ir interactions for NH3 electrocatalysis », ACS Catalysis, 8 (2508-2518).
211. Matteo Duca, Nicolas Sacré, Andrew Wang, Sébastien Garbarino, Daniel Guay (2018), “Enhanced electrocatalytic nitrate reduction by preferentially-oriented (100) PtRh and PtIr alloys: the hidden treasures of the “miscibility gap”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 221 (86-96).
210. Brian Tam, Sébastien Garbarino, Daniel Guay (2018), “NH3 Oxidation on well defined surfaces and proxies of the same”, Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry – Surface Science and Electrochemistry, accepted.
209. S. Garbarino, R. Imbeault, N. Sacré, D. Guay (2018), « Hydrazine electro-oxidation at epitaxial IrxPt1-x alloys », Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry – Surface Science and Electrochemistry, accepted.
208. M. Fan, T. Lei, C. Ma, J Jung, D. Guay *, J. Qiao (2017), « Aqueous-phase Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 Based on SnO2-CuO Nanocomposites with Improved Catalytic Activity and Selectivity », Catal. Today, accepted.
207. M. Fan, G. Botton, S. Garbarino, A. Tavares, and D. Guay (2017), ²Selective electroreduction of CO2 to formate on 3D [100] Pb dendrites with nanometer-sized needle-like tips², J. Materials Chemistry A, 5, 20747-20756.
206. Nadege Nzone Fomena, Sébastien Garbarino, Erwan Bertin, Gianluigi Botton, Daniel Guay (2017), ²Pt nanostructures with different Rh surface entities: Impact on NH3 electro-oxidation², Journal of Catalysis, 354, 270–277.
205. Yuyu Liu, Mengyang Fan, Xia Zhang, Qi Zhang, Daniel Guay, Jinli Qiao, (2017), ²Design and engineering of urchin-like nanostructured SnO2 catalysts via controlled facial hydrothermal synthesis for efficient electro-reduction of CO2², Electrochimica Acta, 248, 123–132.
204. Anaïs Ferris, Benjamin Reig, Asma Eddarir, Jean-Francois Pinson, Sébastien Garbarino, Daniel Guay, David Pech, (2017), « Atypical properties of FIB-patterned RuOx nano-supercapacitors », ACS Energy Letters, 2, 1734–1739.
203. Matteo Duca, Jonathan Kightley, Sébastien Garbarino, Daniel Guay (2017), “The art of decoration: Rh-modified Pt thin films with preferential (100) orientation as electrocatalysts for nitrate reduction and dimethyl ether oxidation”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 121, 15233−15247.
202. C. Roy, J. Galipaud, L. Fréchette-Viens, S. Garbarino, Jinli Qiao, D. Guay (2017), ²CO2 electroreduction at AuxCu1-x obtained by pulsed laser deposition in O2 atmosphere², Electrochim. Acta, 246, 115-122.
201. Nicolas Sacré, Gregor Hufnagel, Jules Galipaud, Erwan Bertin, Matteo Duca, Hassan Ali El Sayed, , Lionel Roué, Andréas Ruediger, Sébastien Garbarino and Daniel Guay (2017), « Pt Thin Films with Nanometer-Sized Terraces of (100) Orientation « , J. Phys.Chem. C,121, 12188−12198.
200. Erwan Bertin, Sébastien Garbarino, Claudie Roy, Sona Kazemi and Daniel Guay, (2017), « Selective electroreduction of CO2 to formate on Bi and oxide-derived Bi films », Journal of CO2 Utilization, 19, 276-283.
199. Nadege Nzone Fomena, Sébastien Garbarino, Julie Gaudet, Gianluigi Botton, Lionel Roué, Daniel Guay (2017), “Nanostructured Pt surfaces with Ir submonolayers for NH3 electro-oxidation”, ChemElectroChem, 4, 1327–1333.
198. Jacques Tosques, Bruno Honrado Guerreiro, Manuel H. Martin, Lionel Roué, Daniel Guay (2017), « Hydrogen solubility of bcc PdCu and PdCuAg alloys prepared by mechanical alloying », J. Alloys Compounds, 698, 725-730.
197. Teresa Simao, Pacale Chevallier, Jean lagueux, Marie-France Côté, Christoph Rehbock, Stephan Barcikowski, Marc-André Fortin, Daniel Guay (2016), ²Laser-synthesized ligand-free Au nanoparticles for contrast agent applications in computed tomography and Magnetic resonance imaging², Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 4, 6413-6427.
196. Teresa Simao, Daniel Chevrier, Andreas Korinek, Gregory Goupil, Jacob Jurij, Mathieu Bugnet, Sébastien Garbarino, Gianluigi Botton, Peng Zhang, Stephan Barcikowski, Marc-André Fortin, Daniel Guay (2016), ²Gold-Manganese Core-Shell Nanoparticles produced by Pulsed Laser Ablation in water², J. Phys. Chem. C, 120, 22635-22645.
195. Erwan Bertin, Sébastien Garbarino, Daniel Guay (2016), ²Interdigitated microelectrodes for oxygen removal in N2H4 sensors², Electrochem. Communications, 71, 56-60.
194. Bruno Honrado Guerreiro, Manuel. H. Martin, Lionel Roué, Daniel Guay (2016), « Hydrogen permeability of PdCuAu membranes prepared from mechanically alloyed powders », J. Membrane Sci., 509, 68-82.
193. Bruno Honrado Guerreiro, Manuel. H. Martin, Lionel Roué, Daniel Guay (2016), « Hydrogen solubility of magnetron co-sputtered fcc and bcc PdCuAu thin films », J. Phys. Chem C, 120, 5297-5307.
192. David A. Finkelstein, Régis Imbeault, Lionel Roué, Daniel Guay (2016), « Trends in catalysis and catalyst cost effectiveness for N2H4 fuel cells and sensors: a rotating disk electrode (RDE) study », J. Phys. Chem. C, 120, 4717-4738.
191. Claudie Roy, Jude Deschamps, Manuel H. Martin, Erwan Bertin, David Reyter, Sébastien Garbarino, Lionel Roué, Daniel Guay (2016), « Identification of Cu surface active sites for a complete conversion of nitrate to nitrite species at nanostructured catalysts », Applied Catalysis B : Environmental, 187, 399-407.
190. Jules Galipaud, Manuel H. Martin, Lionel Roué, Daniel Guay (2015), « Pulsed laser deposition of PdCuAu alloys for hydrogen absorption study », J. Phys. Chem. C », 119, 26451−26458.
189. E. Gavrilova, G. Goupil, B. Davis, D. Guay, L. Roué (2015), ²On the key role of Cu on the corrosion of Cu-Ni-Fe based anodes for Al electrolysis in low-temperatire KF-AlF3 electrolyte², Corrosion Science, 101, 105-113.
188. Erwan Bertin, Claudie Roy, Sébastien Garbarino, Daniel Guay (2015), « Formic acid oxidation on Sb-covered Pt films with a preferential (100) orientation », J. Power Sources, 299, 315-323.
187. Anaïs Ferris, Sébastien Garbarino, Aurélien Étiemble, Daniel Guay, David Pech (2015), « 3D RuO2 micro-supercapaictors with remarkable areal energy », Advanced Materials, 27, 6625–6629.
186. David A. Finkelstein, Erwan Bertin, Sébastien Garbarino, Daniel Guay (2015), « In-situ poison removal technique for long-term NH3 electro-oxidation at Pt(100) preferentially-oriented thin films, and the possible role of NOads as a poisoning intermediate in NH3 oxidation at Pt-based catalysts », J. Phys. Chem. C, 119, 9860-9878.
185. Jules Galipaud, Claudie Roy, Manuel H. Martin, Sébastien Garbarino and Daniel Guay (2015), « Pulsed Laser deposition of PtNi (100) alloyed surfaces: A unique tool for Electrocatalytic Studies », ChemElectroChem, 2, 1187-1198.
184. Daniel Nii Oko, Sébastien Garbarino, Jianming Zhang, Mohamed Chaker, Dongling Ma, Daniel Guay, Ana C. Tavares (2015), « Ascorbic acid and dopamine electro-oxidation on Au and AuPt nanoparticles prepared by pulsed laser ablation in water », Electrochimica Acta, 159, 174–183.
183. G. Goupil, E. Gavrilova, D. Poirier, E. Irissou, B. Davis, D. Guay, L. Roué (2015), « Cold-sprayed Cu-Ni-Fe anode for Al production », Corrosion Science, 90, 259-265.
182. Erwan Bertin, Alexandre Fleury, Claudie Roy, Manuel H. Martin, Sébastien Garbarino, Daniel Guay (2015), « Decoration of porous and preferentially (100) oriented Pt electrodes and their application for formic acid oxidation: the case of Bi, Sb and Pd », Electrochim Acta, 162, 237-244.
181. Ty Mai Dinh, Amine Achour, Sorin Vizireanu, Gheorghe Dinescu, Leona Nistor, Kevin Armstrong, Daniel Guay, David Pech (2014), « Hydrous RuO2 / carbon nanowalls hierarchical structures for all-solid state ultrahigh-energy-density micro-supercondensator », Nano Energy, 10, 288-294.
180. Jacques Tosques, Manuel H. Martin, Lionel Roué, Daniel Guay (2014), « Hydrogen solubility in PdCuAg ternary alloy thin films prepared by electrodeposition », Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 39, 15810-15818.
179. Romain Dugas, Ana C. Tavares, Daniel Guay (2014), « Transmission line model of mixed ionic and electronic conductor: the case of hydrous ruthenium oxide », J. Solid State Electrochemistry, 18, 2913–2920.
178. Régis Imbeault, David Finkelstein, David Reyter, Lionel Roué, Daniel Guay (2014), » Kinetically stable PtxIr100-x alloy thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition: Oxidation of NH3 and poisoning resistance », Electrochimica Acta, 142, 289-298.
177. Erwan Bertin, Sébastien Garbarino, Daniel Guay (2014), « Formic acid oxidation on Bi covered Pt electrodeposited thin films: influence of the underlying structure », Electrochim. Acta, 134, 486-495.
176. Ty Mai Dinh, David Pech, Kevin Armstrong, Daniel Guay (2014), « High-Resolution On-Chip Supercapacitors with Ultrahigh scan rate ability », Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2, 7170-7174.
175. Antonio Pereira, Marco Blouin, Anne Pillonnet and Daniel Guay(2014), « Structure and valence properties of ceria films synthesised by laser ablation under reducing atmosphere », Materials Research Express, 1, 015704, 14 pages.
174. Bruno Honrado Guerreiro, Manuel H. Martin, Lionel Roué, Daniel Guay (2014), « Hydrogen solubility in PdCuAu ternary ally thin films prepared by electrodeposition”, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 39, 3487-3497.
173. Jianming Zhang, Guozhu Chen, Daniel Guay, Mohamed Chaker, Dongling Ma (2014), « Synergistic catalysis of PtAu alloy nanoparticles for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol”, Nanoscale, 6, 2125-2130.
172. Daniel Nii Oko, Jianming Zhang, Sébastien Garbarino, M. Chaker, D. Ma, Ana C. Tavares, Daniel Guay (2014), “Formic acid electro-oxidation at PtAu alloyed nanoparticles synthesized by pulsed laser ablation in liquids”, J. Power Sources, 248, 273-282.
171. Gregory Goupil, Sébastien Helle, Boyd Davis, Daniel Guay, Lionel Roué (2013), « Anodic behavior of mechanically alloyed Cu-Ni-Fe and Cu-Ni-Fe-O electrodes for aluminum electrolysis in low-temperature KF-AlF3 electrolyte », Electrochim. Acta, 112, 176-182.
170. Gregory Goupil, Guillaume Bonnefont, Hassane Idrissi, Daniel Guay, Lionel Roué (2013), « Consolidation of mechanically alloyed Cu-Ni-Fe material by spark plasma sintering and evaluation as inert anode for aluminum electrolysis », J. Alloys Compd., 580, 256-261.
169. Romain Dugas, Daniel Guay, Ana C. Tavares (2013), « Simultaneous measurements of the diffusion of formic acid and water through a Nafion membrane », Fuel Cells, 13, 1024–1031.
168. Sébastien Helle, Boyd. Davis, Daniel Guay, Lionel Roué (2013), « Ball-Milled (Cu-Ni-Fe + Fe2O3) composite as inert anode for aluminum electrolysis », J. Electrochem. Soc., 160, E55-E59.
167. Jules Galipaud, Manuel H. Martin, Lionel Roué, Daniel Guay (2013), « Measurement of hydrogen solubility in Pd100-xCux thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition: an electrochemical in situ XRD analysis », J. Phys. Chem. C, 117, 2688-2698.
166. David Pech, Magali Brunet, Ty Mai Dinh, Kevin Armstrong, Julie Gaudet, Daniel Guay (2013), « Influence of the configuration in planar interdigital electrochemical micro-capacitors », J. Power Sources, 230, 230-235.
165. C. Roy, E. Bertin, M.H. Martin, S. Garbarino, D. Guay (2013), « Hydrazine oxidation at porous and preferentially oriented {100} Pt thin films », Electrocatalysis, 4, 76–84.
164. M. H. Martin, J. Galipaud, A. Tranchot, L. Roué, D. Guay (2013), « Measurements of hydrogen solubility in CuxPd100-x thin films », Electrochimica Acta, 90, 615-622.
163. E. Bertin, Sébastien Garbarino, Daniel Guay, José Solla-Gullón, Francisco J. Vidal-Iglesias and Juan M. Feliu (2013), « Electrodeposited platinum thin films with preferential (100) orientation: characterisation and electrocatalytic properties for ammonia and formic acid electro-oxidation », J. Power Sources, 225, 323-329.
162. A. Ponrouch, S. Garbarino, E. Bertin, D. Guay (2013), « Ultra high capacitance values of Pt@RuO2 core-shell nanotubular electrodes for microsupercapacitor applications », J. Power Sources, 221, 228-231.
161. Lynda Meddar, Sébastien Garbarino,Mohsen Danaie, Gianluigi A. Botton, Daniel Guay (2012), « Structural and morphology of Pt3Sc alloy thin film prepared pulsed laser deposition », Thin Solid Films, 524, 127-132.
160. Romain Dugas, Ana C. Tavares, Daniel Guay (2012), « 3D-percolating model of hydrous ruthenium oxide dispersed in an inert polymer matrix: an impedance spectroscopy study », J. Electrochem. Soc., 159, F507-F513.
159. E. Bertin, C. Roy, S. Garbarino, D. Guay, J. Solla-Gullón, F. J. Vidal-Iglesias, J. M. Feliu (2012), « Effect of the nature of (100) surface sites on the electroactivity of macroscopic Pt electrode for the electrooxidation of ammonia », Electrochem. Commun., 22, 197-199.
158. L. Meddar, B. Magnien, M. Clisson, L. Roué, D. Guay (2012), « Effect of Al addition on the microstructure and low temperature oxidation behavior of pre-formed MoSi2″, Journal of Materials Science,47, 6792-6800.
157. L. Athouël, P. Arcidiacono, C. Ramirez-Castro, O. Crosnier, C. Hamel, Y. Dandeville, P. Guillemet, Y. Scudeller, D. Guay, D. Bélanger, T. Brousse (2012), » Investigation of cavity microelectrode technique for electrochemical study with manganese dioxides », Electrochim. Acta, 86, 268-276.
156. Jianming Zhang, Daniel Nii Oko, Sébastien Garbarino, Régis Imbeault, Mohamed Chaker, Ana Tavares, Daniel Guay and Dongling Ma (2012), » Preparation of PtAu Alloy Colloids by Laser Ablation on a Single Target in Aqueous Solution and their Structural and Electrochemical Characterization », J. Phys. Chem. C, 116, 13413-13420.
155. A. Ponrouch, S. Garbarino, E. Bertin, C. Andrei, G. A. Botton, D. Guay, (2012), « Highly porous and preferentially-oriented {100} platinum nanowires and thin film », Advanced Functional materials,22, 4172-4182.
154. R. Imbeault,D. Reyter, S. Garbarino, L. Roué, D. Guay (2012), « Metastable AuxRh100-x thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition for the electrooxidation of methanol », J. Phys. Chem. C, 116, 5262-5269.
153. E. Bertin, S. Garbarino, A. Ponrouch, D. Guay (2012), « Synthesis and characterization of PtCo nanowires for the electro-oxidation of methanol », J. Power Sources, 206, 20-28.
152. S. Helle, M. Tresse, B. Davis, D. Guay, L. Roué (2012), « Mechanically alloyed Cu-Ni-Fe-O based materials as inert anodes for low-temperature aluminum electrolysis », J. Electrochem. Soc., 159, E62-E68.
151. C. Hamel, T. Brousse, D. Bélanger, D. Guay (2012), « Effect of ball-milling on the physical and electrochemical properties of PbO2 and PbO2/BaSO4 nanocomposite », J. Electrochem. Soc.,159, A60-A67.
150. M. L. Tremblay, D. Guay, A. Lasia (2012), « Dynamic impedance studies of ethanol oxidation at polycrystalline Pt », Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 44, 333-337.
149. S. Helle, B. Brodu, B. Davis, D. Guay, L. Roué (2011), » Influence of the iron content in Cu-Ni based inert anodes on their corrosion resistance for aluminium electrolysis », Corrosion Science, 53, 3248-3253.
148. P. Perret, Z. Khani, T. Brousse, D. Bélanger, D. Guay (2011), « Carbon/PbO2 asymmetric supercapacitor based on methanesulfonic acid electrolyte », Electrochimica Acta, 56, 8122-8128.
147. M. Allemand, M. H. Martin, D. Reyter, L. Roué, D. Guay, C. Andrei, G. Botton (2011), « Synthesis of Cu-Pd alloys by co-electrodeposition », Electrochemica Acta, 56, 7397-7403.
146. S. Rousselot, D. Guay, L. Roué (2011), « Comparative study on the structure and electrochemical hydriding properties of MgTi, Mg0.5Ni0.5Ti and MgTi0.5Ni0.5 alloys prepared by high energy ball milling », J. Power Sources, 196, 1561-1568.
145. C. Hamel, S. Garbarino, E. Irissou, M. P. Bichat, D. Guay (2010), « Structural and electrochemical properties of nanocrystalline PtRu alloys prepared by crossed-beam pulsed laser deposition », J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, 18931-18939.
144. S. Helle, B. Davis, D. Guay, L. Roué (2010), « Electrolytic production of aluminum using mechanically alloyed Cu-Al-Ni-Fe based materials as inert anodes », J. Electrochem. Soc., 157, E173-E179.
143. S. Helle, M. Pedron, B. Assouli, B. Davis, D. Guay, L. Roué (2010), “Structure and high-temperature oxidation behavior of Cu-Ni-Fe alloys prepared by high energy ball milling. Application as inert anodes for aluminum electrolysis”, Corrosion Science, 52, 3348-3355.
142. D. Riabinina, E. Irissou, B. Le Drogoff, M. Chaker, D. Guay (2010), “Influence of pressure on the Pt nanoparticle growth modes during pulsed laser ablation”, J. Appl. Phys., 108, 034322.
141. C. Hamel, S. Garbarino, É. Irissou, F. Laplante, M. Chaker, D. Guay (2010), “Influence of the velocity of Pt ablated species on the structural and electrocatalytic properties of Pt thin films”, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 35, 8486-8493.
140. R. Imbeault, A. Pereira, S. Garbarino, D. Guay (2010), “Oxygen reduction kinetics on PtxNi100-x thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition ”, J. Electrochem. Soc., 157, B1051-B1058.
139. S. Rousselot, D. Guay, L. Roué (2010), “Synthesis of fcc Mg-Ti-H alloys by high energy ball milling: structure and electrochemical hydrogen storage properties”, J. Power Sources, 195, 4370-4374.
138. E. Irissou, F. Laplante, S. Garbarino, M. Chaker, D. Guay (2010) « Structural and electrochemical characterization of metastable PtAu bulk and surface alloy prepared by crossed beam pulsed laser deposition », J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, 2192-2199.
137. A. Ponrouch, S. Garbarino, S. Pronovost, P. L. Taberna, P. Simon, D. Guay (2010), »Electrodeposition of arrays of Ru, Pt and PtRu alloy 1D metallic nanostructures », J. Electrochem. Soc., 157, K59-K65.
136. M. L. Tremblay, M. H. Martin, C. Lebouin, A. Lasia, D. Guay (2010), « Determination of the real surface area of powdered materials in cavity microelectrode by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy « , Electrochimica Acta, 55, 6283-6291.
135. S. Garbarino, A. Pereira, C. Hamel, É. Irissou, M. Chaker, D. Guay (2010), “Effect of size on the stability of Pt nanoparticles deposited on gold substrates”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, 2980-2988.
134. S. Rousselot, A. Gazeau, D. Guay, L. Roué (2010), “Influence of Pd on the structure and electrochemical hydrogen storage properties of Mg50Ti50 alloy prepared by ball milling”, Electrochimica Acta, 55, 611-619.
133. S. Rousselot, M. P. Bichat, D. Guay, L. Roué (2009), “Structural and Electrochemical Hydriding Characteristics of Mg-Ti Based Alloys Prepared by High Energy Ball Milling”, J. Electrochem. Soc., 156, A967-A973.
132. S. Garbarino, A. Ponrouch, S. Pronovost, J. Gaudet, D. Guay (2009), “Synthesis and characterization of preferentially oriented (100) Pt nanowires”, Electrochem. Commun., 11, 1924-1927.
131. S. Matsumura, A.R. Hlil, M. A. K. Al-Souz, J. Gaudet, D. Guay, A. S. Hay (2009), « Ionomers for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells with sulfonation of novel dendritic multiblock copolymer(ether-sulfones) « , J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 47, 5461-5473.
130. D. Pech, T. Brousse, D. Bélanger, D. Guay (2009), “EQCM Study of Electrodeposited PbO2: Investigation of the gel formation and discharge mechanisms”, Electrochim. Acta, 54, 7382-7388.
129. S. Garbarino, A. Ponrouch, S. Pronovost, D. Guay (2009), “Enhanced activity of PtRu nanotubes for methanol electrooxidation”, Electrochem. Commun., 11, 1449-1452.
128. Y. Qi, Y. Gao, S. Tian, A. R. Hlil, J. Gaudet, D. Guay, A. S. Hay (2009), “Synthesis and properties of novel benzimidazole-containing sulfonated polyethersulfones for fuel cell applications”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A : Polymer Chemistry, 47,1920-1929.
127. M. E. Bonneau, M. Blouin, C. Chabanier, L. Roué, R. Schulz, D. Guay (2009), « Hydrogen absorption in nanocrystalline cubic Ti-based compounds « , J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 1196-1203.
126. R. Lin, P. L. Taberna, J. Chmiola, D. Guay, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon (2009), « Microelectrode study of pore size, ion size and solvent effects on the charge/discharge behaviour of microporous carbons for electrical double layer capacitors », J. Electrochem. Soc., 156, A7-A12.
125. P. Perret, T. Brousse, D. Bélanger, D. Guay (2009), « Electrochemical template synthesis of ordered lead dioxide nanowires », J. Electrochem. Soc., A645-A651.
124. A. Ponrouch, S. Garbarino, D. Guay (2009), “Effect of the nanostructure on the CO poisoning rate of platinum”, Electrochem. Commun., 11, 834-837.
123. D. Pech, D. Guay, T. Brousse, D. Bélanger, (2008), » Concept for Charge Storage in Electrochemical Capacitors with Functionalized Carbon Electrodes », Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, 11, A202-A205.
122. S. Matsumura, A.R. Hlil, N. Du, C. Lepiller, J. Gaudet, D. Guay, Z. Shi, S. Holdcroft, A. S. Hay, (2008), « Ionomers for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells with Sulfonic Acid Groups on the End-groups: Novel Branched Poly (ether-ketone)s with 3,6-Ditrityl-9H-carbazole End-groups », J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 46, 3860-3868.
121. P. Bommersbach, M. Mohamedi, D. Guay, (2008), « Physico-Chemical and Electrochemical properties of Platinum-Tin Nanoparticles Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Ablation for Ethanol Oxidation », J. Phys. Chem. C, 112, 14672-14681.
120. M.C. Denis, M. Lefèvre, D. Guay, J.P. Dodelet (2008), “Pt-Ru catalysts prepared by high energy ball-milling for PEMFC and DMFC: Influence of the synthesis conditions”, Electrochimica Acta, 53, 5142-5154.
119. A. Pereira, D. Grojo, Ph. Delaporte, M. Chaker, D. Guay, M. Sentis (2008), “Laser-fabricated porous alumina membranes (LF-PAM) for the preparation of metal nanodot arrays”, Small, 4, 572-576, DOI: 10.1002/smll.200700256.
118. C. Lepiller, V. Gauthier, J. Gaudet, A. Pereira, M. Lefebvre, D. Guay, A. Hitchcock (2008), “Ionic conductivity of Nafion® – RuO2.xH2O composite membranes”, J. Electrochem. Soc., 155, B70 – B78.
117. S. Matsumura, A. R. Hill, A. S. Hay, C. Lepiller, J. Gaudet, D. Guay, K. Shi, S. Holdcroft (2008), “Ionomers for proton exchange membrane fuel cells with sulfonic acid groups on the end-groups: (II) Novel branched poly(ether-ketone)s”, Macromolecules, 41, 281-284.
116. S. Matsumura, A. R. Hill, A. S. Hay, C. Lepiller, J. Gaudet, D. Guay (2008), “Ionomers for proton exchange membrane fuel cells with sulfonic acid groups on the end-groups: (I) Novel linear aromatic poly(sulfide-ketone)s”, Macromolecules, 41, 277-280.
115. S. Rousselot, M. P. Bichat, D. Guay, L. Roué (2007), “Structure and electrochemical behaviour of metastable Mg50Ti50 alloy prepared by ball milling”, J. Power Sources, J. Power Sources, 175, 621-624, doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2007.09.022.
114. P. Bommersbach, D. Guay, M. Mohamedi (2007), “Electrooxidation of Ethanol at Sputter-Deposited Platinum-Tin Catalysts”, J. Electrochem. Soc., 154, B876-B882.
113. M. Blouin, M. L. Tremblay, A. Bercier, L. Roué, D. Guay, R. Schulz, L. M. D. Cranswick, I P. Swainson (2007), “Eeffect of boron on the structural and electrochemical properties of nanocrystalline Ti2RuFeBx electrodes”, Electrochim. Acta, 52, 4497-4505, doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2006.12.046
112. A. Pereira, F. Laplante, M. Chaker, D Guay (2007), “Functionally modified macroporous membrane prepared by using pulsed laser deposition”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 17, 443-450, doi: 10.1002/adfm.200600866.
111. E. Irissou, A. N. Ryabinin, M. Chaker, D. Guay (2006), “Influence of an inert background gas on bi-metallic cross-beam pulsed laser deposition”, J. Appl. Phys., 99, 034904, 1-14.
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109. D. Rochefort, D. Guay (2005), “Modification to the composition of nanocrystalline RuO2 through reactive milling under O2”, J. Alloys and Compounds, 400, 257-264.
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106. J. Gaudet, A. Tavares, S. Trasatti, D. Guay (2005), “Physicochemical characterization of mixed RuO2-SnO2 solid solutions”, Chemistry of Materials, 17, 1570-1579.
105. E. Irissou, M. C. Denis, M. Chaker, D. Guay (2005), “Gold oxide thin films prepared by reactive pulsed laser deposition”, Thin Solid Films, 472, 49-57.
104. A. N. Ryabinin, E. Irissou, M. Chaker, D. Guay (2004), “Simulation of the expansion of laser-produced metallic plasma in anninert gas” in Aerodynamics, Edited by R. N. Miroshin, St Petersburg : VVM., pp.126-138.
103. J. P. Tessier, J. Huot, R. Schulz, D. Guay (2004), “Hydrogen production and crystal structure of ball-milled MgH2 – Ca and MgH2 – CaH2 mixtures”, J. of Alloys and Compounds, 376, 180-185.
102. E. Irissou, B. LeDrogoff, M. Chaker, M. Trudeau, D, Guay (2004), “Nanostructured gold thin films prepared by pulser laser deposition”, J. Mater. Res., 19, 950-958.
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100. C. Chabanier, D. Guay (2004), “Activation and hydrogen absorption in RuO2 and IrO2”, J. Electroanal. Chem., 570, 13-27.
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98. N. Cunningham, J. P. Dodelet, D. Guay, G. G. Ross, A. R. Hlil, A. S. Hay (2004), “RBS and XRD analysis of carbon-coated stainless steel plates”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 183, 216-223.
97. D. Rochefort, P. Dabo, D. Guay, P. M. A. Sherwood (2003), “XPS investigations of thermally prepared RuO2 electrodes in reductive conditions”, Electrochimica Acta, 48, 4245-52.
96. E. Irissou, B. Le Drogoff, M. Chaker, D. Guay (2003), “Influence of the expansion dynamics of laser-produced gold plasmas on thin film structure grown in various atmospheres”, J. Appl. Phys., 94, 4796-4802.
95. N. Cunningham, E. Irissou, M. Lefevre, M. C. Denis, D. Guay, J. P. Dodelet (2003), “PEM fuel cell anode with very low PT loadings using pulsed laser deposition”, Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, 6, A125-A128.
94. E. Naudin, P. Dabo, D. Guay, D. Bélanger (2002), “X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of the electrochemically n-doped state of a conducting polymer”, Synthetic Metals, 132, 71-79.
93. E. Irissou, M. Blouin, L. Roué, J. Huot, R. Schulz, D. Guay (2002), “Plasma-sprayed nanocrystalline Ti-Ru-Fe-O coatings for the electrocatalysis of hydrogen evolution reaction”, J. Alloys and Compounds, 345, 228-237.
92. O. Elkedim, H. S. Cao, D. Guay (2002), “Preparation and corrosion behavior of nanocrystalline iron gradient materials produced by powder processing”, J. Mater. Process. Tech., 121, 383-389.
91. C. Chabanier, E. Irissou, D. Guay, J. F. Pelletier, M. Sutton, L. B. Lurio (2002), “Hydrogen absorption in thermally prepared RuO2 electrode”, Solid State and Electrochemical Letters, 5, E40-E42.
90. E. Irissou, B. LeDrogoff, M. Chaker, D. Guay (2002), “Correlation between plasma expansion dynamics and gold thin film structure during pulsed laser deposition”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 80, 1716-1718.
89. N. Cunningham, D. Guay, J. P. Dodelet, A. R. Hill, A. S. Hay (2002), “New materials and procedures to protect metallic PEM fuel cell bipolar plates”, J. Electrochem. Soc., 149, A905-A911.
88. S. Bouaricha, J. Huot, D. Guay, R. Schulz (2002), “Reacticity during cycling of nanocrystalline Mg-based hydrogen storage compounds”, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 27, 909-913.
87. P. Soudan, J. Gaudet, D. Guay, D. Belanger, R. Schulz (2002), “Electrochemical properties of ruthenium-based nanocrystalline materials as electrodes for supercapacitors”, Chem. Mat., 14, 1210-1215.
86. S. Bouaricha, J. P. Dodelet, D. Guay, J. Huot, R. Schulz (2001), “Study of the activation process of Mg-based hydrogen storage material modified by graphite and other carbonaceous compounds”, J. Mater. Res., 16, 2893-2905.
85. S. Bouaricha, J. P. Dodelet, D. Guay, J. Huot, R. Schulz (2001), “Activation characteristics of graphite modified hydrogen absorbing materials”, J. Alloys and Compounds, 325, 245-251.
84. P. Gouerec, M.C. Denis, D. Guay, J.P. Dodelet, R. Schulz (2000), “High energy ball-milled Pt-Mo catalysts for polymer electrolyte fuel cells and their tolerance to CO ”, J. Electrochem. Soc., 147, 3989-3996.
83. B. Baradie, J. P. Dodelet, D. Guay (2000), “Hybrid Nafion-inorganic membrane with potential applications for polymer electrolyte fuel cells”, J. Electroanal. Chem., 489, 101-105.
82. M.C. Denis, P. Gouerec, D. Guay, J.P. Dodelet, G. Lalande, R. Schulz (2000), “Improvement of the high-energy ball-milling preparation procedure of CO tolerant Pt and Ru containing catalysts for polymer electrolyte fuel cells”,
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81. S. Bouaricha, J.P. Dodelet, D. Guay, J. Huot, S. Boily, R. Schulz (2000), “Effect of carbon-containing compounds on the hydriding behavior of nanocrystalline Mg2Ni”, J. Alloys and Compounds, 307, 226-233.
80. G. Lalande, M.C. Denis, P. Gouerec, D. Guay, J.P. Dodelet, R. Schulz (2000), “Pt-based nanocomposites produced by high energy ball-milling as electrocatalysts in polymer electrolyte fuel cells”, J. New Mater. Electrochem. Syst., 3, 185-192.
79. J.J. Sunol, M.E. Bonneau, L. Roué, D. Guay, R. Schulz (2000), “XPS surface study of nanocrystalline Ti-Ru-Fe materials”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 158, 252-262.
78. L. Roué, D. Guay, R. Schulz (2000), “Hydrogen electrosorption in nanocrystalline Ti-based alloys”, J. Electroanal. Chem., 480, 64-73.
77. L. Roué, M.E. Bonneau, D. Guay, M. Blouin, R. Schulz (2000), “Effect of oxygen and titanium contents on the stability of nanocrystalline Ti-Ru-Fe-O used as cathode materials for chlorate electrolysis”, J. Appl. Electrochem., 30, 491-498.