Matériaux nanostructurés , Micro et nanofabrication de structures pour la photonique , Physique appliquée , Science des matériaux
Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications
1650, boul. Lionel-Boulet
Varennes, Québec J3X 1S2
Intérêts de recherche
- Nanophotonique III-V
- Croissance des nanostructures quantiques épitaxiales III-V
- Nanophotonique quantique
- Croissance des matériaux oxydés et à changement de phase
- Nanoélectronique
Journals Articles
- SM Sadaf and H. Tang. Mapping the Growth of p-type GaN Layer Under Ga-rich and N-rich Conditions at Low to High Temperatures by Plasma Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters , 117, 254104 (2020).
- SM Sadaf and H. Tang. On Apparent Absence of “Green Gap” in InGaN / Al (Ga) N Quantum Disks and Wells Light Emitting Diodes grown on Si and Sapphire Applied Physics Express , under review (2020).
- R. Cheriton *, SM Sadaf * , L. Robichaud, JJ Krich, Z. Mi and K. Hinzer ((* contributed equally) Two-Photon Photocurrent in InGaN / GaN Nanowire Intermediate Band Solar Cells. Communications Materials, (Nature publishing group ). in press , (2020).
- Y.-H. Ra, RT Rashid, X Liu, SM Sadaf, K. Mashooq and Z. Mi. An electrically pumped surface-emitting semiconductor green laser . Science Advances 6 (1) eaav7523 (2020).
- Tang, SM Sadaf , X. Wu, and W. Jiang. Highly efficient p-type doping of GaN under nitrogen-rich and low-temperature conditions by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. AIP Advances 9 (5), 055008 (2019).
- X. Hai, RT Rashid, SM Sadaf , Z. Mi, and S. Zhao. Effect of low hole mobility on the efficiency droop of AlGaN nanowire deep ultraviolet light emitting diodes. Applied Physics Letters, 114, 101104 (2019).
- SM Sadaf, Y.-H Ra, S. Zhao, T. Szkopek and Z. Mi. Structural and electrical characterization of monolithic core – double shell n-GaN / Al / p-AlGaN nanowire heterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Nanoscale 11 (9), 3888-3895 (2019).
- SM Sadaf *, S. Zhao *, Y. Wu, Y.-H Ra and Z. Mi (* contributed equally) An AlGaN Core-Shell Tunnel Junction Nanowire Light Emitting Diode Operating in the ultraviolet C-band . Nano Letters 17 (2), 1212-1218 (2017).
- A. Chowdhury, SM Sadaf, Q. Shi, YC Chen, H. Guo, Z. Mi. Optically Active Dilute-Antimonide III-Nitride Nanostructures for Optoelectronic Devices. accepted Applied Physics Letters 111 (6), 061101 (2017).
- S. Zhao *, SM Sadaf *, S. Vanka, Y. Wang, R. Rashid and Z. Mi. (* contributed equally). Sub-milliwatt AlGaN Nanowire Deep Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes on Silicon Operating around 240 nm . Applied Physics Letters 109, 201106 (2016).
- SM Sadaf, Y.-H, Ra, T. Szkopek, Z. Mi. Monolithically Integrated Metal / Semiconductor Tunnel Junction Nanowire Light Emitting Diodes. Nano Letters 16 (2), 1076-1080 (2016).
- S. Zhao, S. Yu, SM Sadaf, Y. Wu, D. Laleyen, R. Rashid, GA Botton and Z. Mi. Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of Al-rich AlGaN Nanowires for Deep Ultraviolet Optoelectronics . APL Materials. 4, 8, 086115-2. (2016).
- SM Sadaf, Y.-H. Ra, HPT Nguyen, M. Djavid, Z. Mi. Alternating-Current InGaN / GaN Tunnel Junction Nanowire White-Light-Emitting Diodes. Nano Letters 15 (10), 6696-6701 (2015).
- YH Ra, R. Wang, SY Woo, M. Djavid, SM Sadaf, J. Lee, GA Botton and Z. Mi. Full-Color Single Nanowire Projection Displays. Nano Letters 16 (7), 4608-4615 (2016).
- AT Connie, S. Zhao, S. M. Sadaf , I. Shih, Z. Mi, X. Du, J. Lin, H. Jiang. Optical and electrical properties of Mg-doped AlN nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters 106 (21), 213105 (2015).
- S. Zhao, AT Connie, MHT Dastjerdi, XH Kong, Q. Wang, M. Djavid, SM Sadaf, XD Liu, I. Shih, H. Guo, Z. Mi. Aluminum nitride nanowire light emitting diodes: Breaking the fundamental bottleneck of deep ultraviolet light sources . Scientific Reports 5, 8332 (2015).
- H.T. P. Nguyen, M. Djavid, SY Woo, X. Liu, A. T Connie, SM Sadaf, Q. Wang, GA Botton, I. Shih & Z. Mi. Engineering the Carrier Dynamics of InGaN Nanowire White Light-Emitting Diodes by Distributed p-AlGaN Electron Blocking Layers . Scientific Reports 5, 7744 (2015).
- A. T. Connie, H. P.T. Nguyen, S. M. Sadaf, I. Shih & Z. Mi. Engineering the color rendering index of phosphor-free InGaN/(Al)GaN nanowire white light emitting diodes grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. B, Microelectronics and nanometer structures: processing, measurement, and phenomena: an official journal of the American Vacuum Society. 32 (2), 02C113. (2014).
- Z. Mi, H. P. T. Nguyen, M. Djavid, S. Zhang, A. T. Connie, S. M. Sadaf, Q. Wang, S. Zhao, and I. Shih (Invited) High Power Phosphor-Free InGaN/GaN/AlGaN Core-Shell Nanowire White Light Emitting Diodes on Si Substrates. ECS Transactions, The Electrochemical Society. 61 (5) 9-15 (2014)
- Q. Wang, A T Connie, H P T Nguyen, M G Kibria, S Zhao, M. Sadaf, I Shih & Z Mi. Highly efficient, spectrally pure 340 nm ultraviolet emission from AlxGa1-xN nanowire based light emitting diodes. Nanotechnology 24 (34), 345201 (2013).
- X. Liu, S. M. Sadaf, S. Park, S. Kim, E. Cha, D. Lee, G. Jung & H. Hwang. Complementary Resistive Switching in Niobium Oxide-Based Resistive Memory Devices. IEEE Electron Device Letters 34 (2), 235-237 (2013).
- M. Son, X. Liu, S. M. Sadaf, D. Lee, S. Park, W. Lee, S. Kim, J. Park, J. Shin, S. Jung, M.-Ho Ham & H. Hwang. Self-Selective Characteristics of Nanoscale VOx Devices for High-Density ReRAM Applications. IEEE Electron Device Letters 33 (5), 718-720 (2012).
- S. M. Sadaf, X. Liu, M. Son, S. Park, S. H. Choudhury, E. Cha, M. Siddik, J. Shin, H. Hwang. Highly uniform and reliable resistance switching properties in bilayer WOx/NbOx RRAM devices. Physica Status Solidi (a) 209 (6), 1179-1183 (2012).
- S. M. Sadaf, E.M. Bourim, X. Liu, S. H. Choudhury, D-W. Kim & H. Hwang. Ferroelectricity-induced resistive switching in Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3/Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Nb-doped SrTiO3 epitaxialheterostructure. Applied Physics Letters 100 (11), 113505 (2012).
- X. Liu, S. M. Sadaf, S. Kim, K. P. Biju, X. Cao, M. Son, S. H. Choudhury, G.-Y. Jung & H. Hwang. Improvement of Resistive Switching Uniformity by Introducing a Thin NbOx Interface Layer. ECS Solid State Letters 1 (5), Q35-Q38 (2011).
- X. Liu, K. P. Biju, J. Park, S. Park, J.Shin, I. Kim, S. M. Sadaf, & H. Hwang. Low-Power and Controllable Memory Window in Pt/Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia/W Resistive Random-Access Memory Devices. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12 (4), 3252-3255 (2012).
- X. Liu, S. M. Sadaf, M. Son, J. Park, J. Shin, W. Lee, K. Seo, D. Lee & H. Hwang. Co-occurrence of threshold switching and memory switching in Pt/NbOx/Pt Cells for Cross Point Memory Applications. IEEE Electron Device Letters 33(2), 236-238 (2012).
- X. Liu, S. M. Sadaf, M. Son, J. Shin, J. Park, J. Lee, S. Park, H. Hwang. Diode-less bilayer oxide (WOx –NbOx) device for cross-point resistive memory applications. Nanotechnology 22 (47), 475702 (2011).
- S. Park, S. Jung, M. Siddik, M. Jo, J. Lee, J. Park, W. Lee, S. Kim, S. M. Sadaf, X. Liu & H. Hwang. Memristive switching behavior in Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 by incorporating an oxygen- deficient layer. Physica Status Solidi (RRL) – Rapid Research Letters 5 (10-11), 409-411 (2011).
- J. Woo, S. Jung, M. Siddik, E. Cha, S. M. Sadaf & H. Hwang. Effect of interfacial oxide layer on the switching uniformity of Ge2Sb2Te5-based resistive -change memory devices. Applied Physics Letters 99 (16), 162109 (2011).
- M. Siddik, K. P. Biju, X. Liu, J. Lee, I. Kim, S. Kim, W. Lee, S. Jung, D. Lee, S. M. Sadaf & H. Hwang. Characterization of Resistive Switching States in W/Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 for a Submicron (phi 250 nm) Via-Hole Structure. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 50 (10R), 105802 (2011).
- S. Park, S. Kim, S. Park, J. Shin, S. M. Sadaf, H. Hwang. Parallel memristive filaments model applicable to bipolar and filamentary resistive switching. Applied Physics Letters 99 (11), 113518 (2011).
- X. Liu, K.P. Biju, S. Park, I. Kim, M. Siddik, S. M. Sadaf, H. Hwang. Improved Resistive Switching Properties in Pt/Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Y2O3-Stabilized ZrO2/W via- Hole Structures. Current Applied Physics 11(2 SUPPL.):e58-e61.
- X. Liu, I. Kim, M. Siddik, S. M. Sadaf, K.P. Biju, S. Park & H. Hwang. Resistive Switching Mechanism of a Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3-based Memory Device and Assessment of Its Suitability for Nano-scale Applications. Journal of Korean Physical Society 59 (21), 497-500 (2011).
- Y. Ahn, S.H.Choudhury, D. Lee, S. M. Sadaf, M Siddik, M Jo, S Park & H. Hwang. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 50, 071503 (2011).
Conference Presentations
- H. Tang and S.M. Sadaf. Nitrogen-Rich Condition for High Efficiency P-Type Doping of GaN by Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy. 14th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors 2019 (ICNS 2019), Seattle, USA.
- S. M. Sadaf and H.Tang. On Apparent Absence of Green Gap in InGaN/Al(Ga)N Quantum Wells/Dots Grown by Plasma-Assisted MBE. International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2018 (IWN 2018), Kanazawa, Japan.
- H. Tang. and S.M. Sadaf. Distinction and Characteristics of Growth regimes for P-type GaN in Plasma-Assisted MBE. International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2018 (IWN 2018). Kanazawa, Japan.
- S. M. Sadaf & H. Tang. Growth and Characterizations of Self-Organized InGaN/Al(Ga)N dots-in-nanowire on Si by Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy. 10th International Conference on Quantum Dots, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2018.
- S. M. Sadaf, S. Zhao, I. Shih & Z. Mi. Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of n-GaN/Al/p-Al(Ga)N Tunnel Junction Nanowire Heterostrucuture. International Symposium on Semiconductor Light- Emitting Diodes (ISSLED), Banff, Canada, 2017.
- Z. Mi, S. Zhao, S.M. Sadaf, X. Liu, B. Le & N. Tran. Deep Ultraviolet Tunnel Junction Nanowire LEDs and Electrically Pumped Lasers. 12th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS 2017), Strasbourg, France, 2017.
- S. Zhao, S.M. Sadaf and Z.Mi. AlGaN Nanowire Tunnel Junction LEDs in the UV-C Band. 12th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors, Strasbourg, France, 2017.
- S. Zhao, S.M. Sadaf, X. Liu and Z.Mi. AlGaN nanowire deep ultraviolet optoelectronics. IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series.
- F. A. Chowdhury, Q. Shi, S.M. Sadaf, H. Guo, Z. Mi. Bandgap tuning of optically active dilute-antimonide GaSbN nanowire heterostructures for visible optoelectronics. North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy (NAMBE). 2017, Texas, USA.
- Z. Mi, S. Zhao , X. Liu & S.M. Sadaf. AlGaN Nanowire Deep Ultraviolet Optoelectronics. North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy (NAMBE) 2017, Texas, USA.
- S. M. Sadaf, Y.-H.Ra, S.Zhao and Z.Mi. Monolithically Integrated GaN/Al/GaN Tunnel Junction Nanowire Visible and Deep UV Light Emitting Diodes Electronic Materials Conference, Newark, Delware. USA, 2016.
- S. Zhao, S. M. Sadaf, X. Liu and Z. Mi. Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of AlGaN Nanowires for 240 nm Emitting UV LEDs and Lasers. North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy (NAMBE) 2016, New York, USA.
- S. M. Sadaf, Y.-H.Ra, H.P.T.Nguyen and Z. Mi. Alternating current operated InGaN/GaN tunnel junction nanowire phosphor-free white-light emitting diodes. MRS, Fall Meeting, Boston, USA. December, 2015
- S. M. Sadaf, S. Zhao, Y. Wu, Y.-H. Ra, X. Liu, and Z. Mi. Tunnel Junction Enhanced High Power Deep Ultraviolet Nanowire Light-Emitting Diodes. North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy (NAMBE) 2016, New York, USA.
- S. M. Sadaf, Y.-H.Ra, H.P.T.Nguyen, M. Djavid and Z.Mi. InGaN/GaN Tunnel Junction Dot-in-a-wire Light Emitting Diodes MRS Spring Meeting, Sanfrancisco, USA, April, 2015.
- S. M. Sadaf,H. Nguyen, A. Connie. I. Shih, Z. Mi. Polarization doped core-shell InGaN-GaN dot-in-a wire white light emitting diodes. Electronic Materials Conference, Indiana, USA, June,2013.
- A. T. Connie, H.P.T. Nguyen, S. M. Sadaf, I. Shih, and Z. Mi. Engineering the Color Rendering Index of Phosphor-free InGaN/(Al)GaN Nanowire White Light Emitting Diodes Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy. 30th NAMBE Conference, Banff, Alberta, October 5-11, 2013.
- Z. Mi, H. Nguyen, M. Djavid, S. Zhang, A. Connie, S. M. Sadaf, Q. Wang, S. Zhao, and I. Shih. High Power Phosphor-Free InGaN/GaN/AlGaN Core-Shell Nanowire White Light Emitting Diodes on Si. 225thECS Meeting (May 11-16, 2014).
- S. M. Sadaf, X. Liu, S. H. Choudhury, J. Shin, J. Woo, M. Siddik and H. Hwang. Highly Uniform and Reliable Switching Properties in NbOx Based RRAM Devices. International Conference on Solid State Device and Materials, SSDM, 2011, pp 1019- 1020. Nagoya, Japan.
- S. M. Sadaf, El Mostafa Bourim, Xinjun Liu, S. H. Choudhury and H. Hwang. Ferroelectricity Induced Resistance Switching in PZT/PCMO/Nb:STO Epitaxial Heterostucture. 19th Korea Conference on Semicondutor, 2012, Seoul, S. Korea.
- S. M. Sadaf, and H. Hwang. Increasing Interfacial Fixed Charge at Al2O3/Si Using High Pressure Oxygen Annealing for Solar Cell Application. Sakeb Hasan Choudhury19th Korea Conference on Semiconductor, 2012
- J. Woo, S. Jung, S. M. Sadaf, E. Cha and H. Hwang. Effect of Interfacial Oxide on Switching Uniformity of GST based Resistive Switching Memory Device. International Conference on Solid Devices and Materials. SSDM, 2011, pp997-998, Nagoya, Japan.
- X. Liu, S. M. Sadaf, M. Son, J. Park, J. Shin, S. Park, H. Hwang. Insulator-Metal-Transition Oxides for Cross-point ReRAM Applications. Non-volatile memory technology symposium, (NVMTS) 2011,China.
- M. Siddik, K.P. Biju,Xinjun Liu, J. Lee, I. Kim, J. Park, S. M. Sadaf, S. Jung, D. Lee, K. Seo and H. Hwang. Characterization of Resistive Switching in W/PCMO in Sub-Micron via hole structure.” 18th Korean Conference on Semiconductor, 2011.
- X. Liu, K. P. Biju, S.Park, S. Jung, S. Kim, J. Lee, W. Lee, J. Park, J. Shin, I. Kim, M. Siddik, K. Seo, S. M. Sadaf, and H. Hwang. Resistive Switching Mechanism of PCMO based Memory Device and Assessing Their suitability for Nano-scale Integration. 18th Korean Conference on Semiconductor, 2011.
- X. Liu, KPBiju, S. Park, J. Shin, SM Sadaf, and H. Hwang . Low Power and Controllable Memory Window in Pt / Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 / Yttria-stabilized Zirconia / W RRAM devices. International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment, ENGE, 2010 , JeJu Island, S. Korea.
Z.Mi, SM Sadaf , Y.-H. Ra and T. Szkopek. METAL BASED NANOWIRE TUNNEL JUNCTIONS . US Patent 10,312,082.