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Hydrodynamique côtière et fluviale , Génie côtier , Hydraulique

418 654-3115


Centre Eau Terre Environnement

490, rue de la Couronne
Québec (Québec)  G1K 9A9

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Intérêts de recherche

Le professeur Stolle s’intéresse particulièrement à la résilience des communautés côtières et riveraines face aux inondations et à l’érosion. Les environnements côtiers et fluviaux remplissent une série de fonctions importantes, notamment la protection contre les inondations, la stabilisation du littoral et les valeurs récréative, environnementale et économique. Avec les changements climatiques et l’intensification de l’urbanisation, ces environnements sont de plus en plus menacés.

Le thème principal de son programme de recherche est la compréhension des contraintes agissant sur les environnements côtiers et fluviaux et la manière dont ces environnements  fonctionnent à la suite d’interventions humaines visant à protéger les communautés locales.

Actuellement, ses principaux axes de recherche sont :

  • Axe 1 : Protection contre les inondations et l’érosion offerte par les environnements naturels
  • Axe 2 : Conception d’infrastructures résilientes face aux inondations et aux événements liés aux changements climatiques
  • Axe 3 : Mouvement et transport d’objets solides lors d’inondations


Futurs étudiants

J’invite les étudiant(e)s intéressé(e)s par mes recherches et désireux de poursuivre des études de 2e et 3e cycles à me contacter. Vous pouvez aussi consulter le répertoire des offres de projets de maîtrise et de doctorat à l’INRS.

Son équipe

Sara Abair


Ganga Madhavi Caldera


Amirhosein Hasanabadi


Mario Roberto Hurtado Herrera


Ludivine Lafosse


Maëlys Le Mouël


Acacia Marallen Markov


Olorunfemi Adeyemi Omonigbehin


Hatim Ben Said


Nicolas Canham


Rayen Naghmouchi


Amine Tahri


Formation universitaire

  • Ph. D. Génie civil – génie côtier, Université d’Ottawa
  • M. Applied Science Génie cotier, Université d’Ottawa
  • B. Eng. Génie environnemental, University of Guelph



Avant de se joindre au Centre Eau Terre Environnement de l’INRS en janvier 2020, Jacob Stolle était auxiliaire d’enseignement aux cycles supérieurs à l’Université d’Ottawa où il a également été chargé de cours en mécanique des fluides.

Diplômé et stagiaire postdoctoral

Deschamps, Jaril (M. Sc. 2025)

Inagaki, Naoto (Stage postdoctoral 2023)



La gestion et l’ingénierie dans l’environnement côtier (ETE431)


Markov, Acacia, Muller, Margo, Nistor, Ioan, Baker, Scott, Stolle, Jacob, Murphy, Enda et Cornett, Andrew (2025). Wave interactions with Spartina alterniflora on a living dyke model: New insights into the use of scaled surrogate meadows. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 151 (3).
DOI : 10.1061/JWPED5.WWENG-2182

Ruffini, Gioele, Briganti, Riccardo, Stolle, Jacob et De Girolamo, Paolo (2025). Numerical analysis and prediction of the effect of debris initial configurations on their dispersion during extreme-hydrodynamic events. Coastal Engineering, 198 (mai) : art. 104702.
DOI : 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2025.104702

Henteleff, Ross, Stolle, Jacob, Markov, Acacia, Nistor, Ioan et Sriram, Venkatachalam (2024). The performance of flexible fluid-structure interaction module for saltmarsh vegetation under flow and wave action. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 51 (8) : 886-897.
DOI : 10.1139/cjce-2023-0193

Idowu, Temitope, Chapman, Emily, Gangadharan, Manoj K., Stolle, Jacob et Puleo, Jack A. (2024). Nearshore migration of munitions and canonical objects under large-scale laboratory forcing. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12 (11) : art. 2103.
DOI : 10.3390/jmse12112103

Schendel, Alexander, Schimmels, Stefan, Welzel, Mario, April-LeQuéré, Philippe, Mohammadian, Abdolmajid, Krautwald, Clemens, Stolle, Jacob, Nistor, Ioan et Goseberg, Nils (2024). Spatiotemporal scouring processes around a square column on a sloped beach induced by tsunami bores. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 150 (3) : art. 04024005.
DOI : 10.1061/JWPED5.WWENG-2052

April-LeQuéré, Philippe, Nistor, Ioan, Mohammadian, Abdolmajid, Schimmels, Stefan, Schendel, Alexander, Goseberg, Nils, Welzel, Mario, Krautwald, Clemens et Stolle, Jacob (2022). Hydrodynamics and associated scour around a free-standing structure due to turbulent bores. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 148 (5) .
DOI : 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000717

von Häfen, Hajo, Krautwald, Clemens, Stolle, Jacob, Bung, Daniel B. et Goseberg, Nils (2022). Overland flow of broken solitary waves over a two-dimensional coastal plane. Coastal Engineering, 175 (Août) : Art. 104125.
DOI : 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2022.104125

Xiong, Yan, Liang, Qiuhua, Zheng, Jinhai, Stolle, Jacob, Nistor, Ioan et Wang, Gang (2022). A fully coupled hydrodynamic-DEM model for simulating debris dynamics and impact forces. Ocean Engineering, 255 (Juillet) : Art. 111468.
DOI : 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.111468

Ishii, Hidenori, Takabatake, Tomoyuki, Esteban, Miguel, Stolle, Jacob et Shibayama, Tomoya (2021). Experimental and numerical investigation on tsunami run-up flow around coastal buildings. Coastal Engineering Journal, 63 (4) : 485-503.
DOI : 10.1080/21664250.2021.1949920

Krautwald, Clemens, Stolle, Jacob, Robertson, Ian, Achiari, Hendra, Mikami, Takahito, Nakamura, Ryota, Takabatake, Tomoyuki, Nishida, Yuta, Shibayama, Tomoya, Esteban, Miguel, Goseberg, Nils et Nistor, Ioan (2021). Engineering lessons from September 28, 2018 Indonesian tsunami: Scouring mechanisms and effects on infrastructure. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 147 (2) : Art. 04020056.
DOI : 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000620

Ruffini, Gioele, Briganti, Riccardo, De Girolamo, Paolo, Stolle, Jacob, Ghiassi, Bahman et Castellino, Myrta (2021). Numerical Modelling of Flow-Debris Interaction during Extreme Hydrodynamic Events with DualSPHysics-CHRONO. Applied Sciences, 11 (8) : Art. 3618.
DOI : 10.3390/app11083618

Takabatake, Tomoyuki, Stolle, Jacob, Hiraishi, Koji, Kihara, Naoto, Nojima, Kazuya, Shigihara, Yoshinori, Arikawa, Taro et Nistor, Ioan (2021). Inter-model comparison for tsunami debris simulation. Journal of Disaster Research, 16 (7) : 1030-1044.
DOI : 10.20965/jdr.2021.p1030

von Haefen, Hajo, Stolle, Jacob, Nistor, Ioan et Goseberg, Nils (2021). Side-by-side entrainment and displacement of cuboids due to a tsunami-like wave. Coastal Engineering, 164 (Mars) : Art. 103819.
DOI : 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2020.103819

Aranguiz, Rafael; Esteban, Miguel; Takagi, Hiroshi; Mikami, Takahito; Takabatake, Tomoyuki; Gomez, Matias; Gonzalez, Juan; Shibayama, Tomoya; Okuwaki, Ryo; Yagih, Yuji; Shinnizu, Kousuke; Achiari, Hendra; Stolle, Jacob; Robertson, Ian; Ohira, Koichiro; Nakamura, Ryota; Nishida, Yuta; Krautwald, Clemens; Goseberg, Nils et Nistor, Ioan (2020). The 2018 Sulawesi tsunami in Palu city as a result of several landslides and coseismic tsunamis. Coastal Eng. J., 62 (4) : 445-459.
DOI : 10.1080/21664250.2020.1780719

Hamano, Go; Ishii, Hidenori; Limura, Kotaro; Takabatake, Tomoyuki; Stolle, Jacob; Esteban, Miguel et Shibayama, Tomoya (2020). Evaluation of force exerted by tetrapods displaced by tsunami on caisson breakwater return wall. Coastal Eng. J., 62 (2) : 170-181.
DOI : 10.1080/21664250.2020.1723194

Korte, Sophia; Gieschen, Rebekka; Stolle, Jacob et Goseberg, Nils (2020). Physical modelling of Arctic coastlines – Progress and limitations. Water, 12 (8) : Art. 2254.

Stolle, Jacob; Nistor, Ioan; Goseberg, Nils et Petriu, Emil (2020). Development of a probabilistic framework for debris transport and hazard assessment in tsunami-like flow conditions. J. Waterw. Port C. Ocean Eng., 146 (5) : Art. 04020026.
DOI : 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000584

Ghodoosipour, B, J Stolle, I Nistor, A Mohammadian, N Goseberg (2019). Experimental study on extreme hydrodynamic loading on pipelines part 1: Flow hydrodynamics.Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 7 (8) : 251.

Ghodoosipour, B, J Stolle, I Nistor, A Mohammadian, N Goseberg (2019). Experimental study on extreme hydrodynamic loading on pipelines part 2: Induced force analysis. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 7 (8) : 262.

Stolle, J, B Ghodoosipour, C Derschum, I Nistor, E Petriu, N Goseberg (2019). Swing gate generated dam-break waves. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 57 (5): 675-687.

Stolle, J, C Krautwald, I Robertson, H Achiari, T Mikami, R Nakamura, T Takabatake, Y Nishida, T Shibayama, M Esteban, I Nistor, N Goseberg (2019). Engineering lessons from the 28 September 2018 Indonesian tsunami: debris loading. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 47 (999): 1-12.

Stolle, J, I Nistor, N Goseberg, E Petriu (2019). Multiple debris impact loads in extreme hydrodynamic conditions. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 146 (2) : 04019038.

Stolle, J, I Nistor, N Goseberg, E Petriu (2019). Probabilistic analysis of debris Ttransport in tsunami-like events. Coastal Structures, 2019: 496-505.

Stolle, J, N Goseberg, I Nistor, E Petriu (2019). Debris impact forces on flexible structures in extreme hydrodynamic conditions. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 84: 391-407.

Stolle, J, T Takabatake, G Hamano, H Ishii, K Iimura, T Shibayama, I Nistor, N Goseberg, E Petriu (2019). Debris transport over a sloped surface in tsunami-like flow conditions. Coastal Engineering Journal, 61 (2) : 241-255.

Takabatake, T, P St-Germain, I Nistor, J Stolle, T Shibayama (2019). Numerical modelling of coastal inundation from Cascadia Subduction Zone tsunamis and implications for coastal communities on western Vancouver Island, Canada, Natural Hazards, 1-25.

von Häfen, H, N Goseberg, J Stolle, I Nistor (2019). Gate-opening criteria for generating dam-break waves. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 145 (3) : 04019002.

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