
INRS recognizes the achievements and relevance of its student community’s research, the excellence of its faculty, and the remarkable contributions of leading scientists whose backgrounds and careers are inspiring role models for the next generation. INRS is joined by international, Canadian and provincial organizations. 

Prizes awarded to members of the INRS community 

Since 2020

International Awards

Many members of the INRS community stand out on the international scene. They have been honored by prestigious organizations for their outstanding contributions to the advancement of knowledge and their impact in their respective fields. 

Discover their names and the distinctions they have received. These awards highlight the dynamism, innovation and influence of our institution around the world. 


Doctorat honoris causa 


American Ceramic Society 

American Physical Society 

Association américaine pour l’avancement des sciences

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Materials Research Society  


Royal Society of Chemistry

International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Prix Spirit of Abdus Salam  

International Engineering and Technology Institute, Prix scientifique annuel  

Marconi Society, Prix Jeune chercheur Paul Baran 

  • Piotr Roztocki(2020) (doctorant, Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications) 

Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Médaille Brimacombe 

Noah Hershkowitz Early Career Award   

Société de Photonique de l’Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Conférencier éminent  

Urban Affairs Association  

Canadiens Awards 

Numerous members of the INRS community distinguished at national level They have been recognized by leading Canadian organizations for their outstanding contributions to science, innovation and social development. 

Explore their backgrounds and the distinctions they have received, which have earned INRS recognition for excellence across Canada



Prix Urgel-Archambault   


Canadian Association of Physicists, Brockhouse Medal   


Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships 


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada  

Brockhouse Canada Prize  

Synergy Award for Innovation 


Electrochemical Society, W. Lash Miller Award 

Governor General’s, Academic Gold Medal 


The Engineering Institute of Canada,  Julian C. Smith Medal


Chemical Institute of Canada, Clara Benson Award    


Canadian Anthropology Society, Weaver-Tremblay Award   


Chemical Institute of Canada, Keith Laidler Award    


Canadian Society of Microbiologists, Armand Frappier Award 

  • Fares Saïd (2024) (Ph.D, Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie)  


Royal Society of Canada  

Rutherford Memorial Medal in Chemistry  

The College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists  

RSC Fellow 


Society of Toxicology of Canada, V.E. Henderson Award 

Prix québécois

Many prestigious Quebec organizations recognize the excellence of members of our community. These distinctions highlight their exceptional contributions to research, innovation and the advancement of Quebec society. 

Discover the people who make our establishment shine across Quebec, helping to make INRS a scientific leader in the province. 


Association pour le développement de la recherche et de l’innovation au Québec (ADRIQ), Innovation  Award 

Prix Innovation issue de la recherche publique  

Prix Regroupements sectoriels de recherche industrielle  


Association pour la santé publique du Québec, Prix Distinction santé durable, catégorie recherche  

  • Maryse Bouchard (2024)  


Fonds de recherche du Québec – Prix Relève étoile   

Nature et technologies –Louis-Berlinguet Award   

  • Yingming Lai (2021) (master’s student, Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications) 
  • Jingdan Liu (2021) (Postdoctoral fellow, Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications)  
  • Reza Safaei Mohammadabadi (2021) (Postdoctoral fellow, Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications)  (Link in French)
  • Mengyang Fan (2020) (Doctoral student, Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications)   
  • Qingzhe Zhang (2020) (Doctoral student, Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications)   

Société et culture –  Paul-Gérin-Lajoie   

Santé – Prix Jacques-Genest  


Fonds de recherche du Québec – Publication en français  

Société et culture, Prix Louise-Dandurand    


Ordre des chimistes du Québec, Member of Société honorifique des Compagnons de Lavoisier  

Ordre national du Québec   


Prima Québec, Prix de reconnaissance   

  • Robin Helsten (2021) (Research agent, Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications)   


Prix du Québec   

Prix Marie-Victorin   

(2021) Relève scientifique   

Université du Québec, Prix d’excellence  

Prix en recherche et création, volet Leadership