Immune system disturbances
We teach the next generation of researchers to develop scientific, social, and technological innovations.
We find solutions through interdisciplinary research and industry or public and community partnerships.
We play an active role in Québec's economic, social, and cultural development.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), infectious diseases affect more than 300 million people a year and are responsible for about 17 million deaths a year. Infectious diseases are the third leading cause of death in developed countries.
An increasing number of infectious strains are becoming resistant to antiviral drugs and antibiotics. The re-emergence of infectious diseases that were thought to be under control, such as tuberculosis, is another challenge in the fight against these diseases.
A better understanding of the immune system and how infectious agents interact with it will help identify new ways to prevent and control these diseases. Our research teams are also working to reduce the emergence of new infectious diseases related to human and animal activities.
Host–pathogen interactions
To improve our understanding of host–pathogen interactions, we must characterize these interactions at the molecular level (protein–protein interactions, structure–function relationships, virulence factors) and at the cellular level (trafficking, transcriptional and functional regulation).
Immune response functions and regulation
The immune system plays an important role in distinguishing between the self and the non-self in organ transplants, for example. Our research teams are therefore studying regulatory mechanisms such as tolerance, immunosurveillance, and inflammatory and antimicrobial responses, as well as pathologies associated with the disruption of these functions
Infectious diseases and health
Food-borne diseases, animal health, and zoonotic risks associated with agricultural animals are a public health problem. Developing technology to detect, diagnose, and eliminate contaminants responsible for these infectious diseases is also part of our research.
Immune system disturbances
Virology and hepatology
Molecular virology
Regulation of organ transplant rejection
Study of Host-Pathogen Interactions
Microbiology and immunology
Chemistry of carbohydrates and natural products
Immunology, inflammation and nanotoxicology
Hematopoiesis and stem cells
Microbial biochemistry
Infectious Diseases and RNA Biology
Hepatitis C
Sciences, applied to food
Immunology, virology and cancer
Neurodegenerative diseases
Cancer epidemiology
Microbiology, biochemistry and RNA
Virus-host interactions
Epidemiology, Inflammatory and autoimmune diseases
Study of Host-Pathogen Interactions
Cancer and metastases
Immunology of infectious diseases
Immunology and Virology
Genomic bacteriology and evolution